The Peerless Emperor

Chapter 956: Badly injured

Before long, Lin Qian's figure disappeared from everyone's eyes, leaving a pool of flesh and blood on the ground, making people shudder.

Although the Xiacheng district of Ziliang City is wider and has more people, most of them are living places in the body refining state and the gas refining state.

Lin Qian's soul martial artist rarely appears in this place.

"Huh? Where's the little soul beast who stole the pills?"

"It's gone, did anyone notice it just now?"

At this moment, Lin Qian wandered on the street, continuing to appreciate the scenery of this bright city.

Immediately afterwards, he found that something was wrong. People on the road would often secretly look at himself.

No, to be precise, look behind yourself.

Lin Qian quickly turned around and realized that his leg had been hit by something. He looked down and found that it was the golden retriever puppy.

The two hind legs of this golden retriever puppy were still **** by the metal rope, just like this jumping and following behind him.

The speed is not fast or slow, if Lin Qian had just walked away, this golden retriever puppy would have long been lost.

Lin Qian squatted halfway, with his fingers close together, there was a vague flash of red gold thunder, and with a light stroke, the strong metal rope was cut.

"Let's play." Lin Qian reached out and touched the head of the golden retriever puppy, then got up and turned to continue walking.

The Golden Retriever puppy got up and kicked its two small hind legs, seeming to stretch its muscles and bones, bite it hard, crushed the jade bottle in its mouth, spit out the jade bottle fragments, and swallowed the ten pills.

After swallowing the pill, the Golden Retriever puppy looked at Lin Qian's back, wagging his tail, and quickly followed.

"Huh?" A golden retriever puppy appeared next to him, Lin Qian couldn't help but stop, and the other party stopped too, looking up at him, his tail swaying constantly.

"Why, you want to follow me?" Looking at the golden retriever puppy, Lin Qian couldn't help laughing, squatting down and scratching its chin.

The Golden Retriever puppy squinted his eyes, with a look of enjoyment, and screamed excitedly.


The next moment, a touch of golden light suddenly appeared on the eyebrows of this golden retriever puppy, rushed into Lin Qian's eyebrows, and disappeared.

This sudden change made Lin Qian's expression stunned, and some failed to react, what was going on.

Suddenly, Lin Qian realized that this golden retriever puppy recognized him as his master.

But this feeling of recognizing it as the master was not like the soul deed of the soul beast, which made Lin Qian a little weird.

His own soul is tyrannical, and he has the blessing of the Chinese Empire's national destiny. According to reason, how could this golden retriever puppy recognize him as the master without his consent?

"Wait!" This weirdness also made Lin Qian discover something wrong. This golden retriever puppy had followed him before, but he hadn't noticed it.

Lin Qian is not what he used to be, and the strength of his soul has increased rapidly, even Wei Ziliang is no longer as strong as his soul.

But the golden retriever puppy was following behind him, and he didn't even notice it. It was the gaze of a passerby that made him notice.

This does not make sense!

"In this case, follow me." Looking at the golden retriever puppy in front of him, Lin Qian stretched out his hand to hug him and rubbed his head. "Meeting is also fate, so I have to give you a name."

Seeing the appearance of this puppy, Lin Qian naturally thought of a name in his mind.

"Just call you Golden Retriever."


At night, Wei Wushuang was lying on the sofa, looking at the content on the soul camera, only to find a golden figure rushing onto the sofa, hurriedly got up and looked over there, and suddenly found a canine soul beast.

"Go out and buy a soul beast as a pet?" Wei Wushuang sat up straight, staring at the golden retriever rolling on the sofa, looking at Lin Qian who walked in with a strange expression, "Why, there is still such an interest. ?"

"I happened to meet something, so I picked it up." Looking at the golden retriever spinning around, like a curious baby, Lin Qian's face was full of smiles.

In fact, it feels good to have a pet.

Then Lin Qian returned to his house and gave the golden retriever a good bath, but during the cleaning process, he found an amazing scene.

Earlier, the golden retriever was completely covered by hair, and it was impossible to tell. When Lin Qian was washing the other party, he was shocked to find that there were scars under the hair.

Numerous wounds, large or small, spread all over the golden retriever's body.

But this wound was very peculiar. The skin and flesh underneath could be seen, and even some wounds were deeply visible with bones, but there was no blood flowing out.

Even some minor wounds, Lin Qian could feel the medicinal power acting on them.

The wound was covered by an invisible force, which seemed to temporarily act as an invisible skin, protecting the wound.

This situation is unheard of by Lin Qian.

"It turns out that you are seriously injured, so it's no wonder that you are going to steal the pill." At this time, Lin Qian suddenly realized that this little thing, how to steal the pill at Mingchuntang, turned out to be taking the pill to heal the injury. .

It can be seen that this golden retriever is extremely smart.

Hearing what Lin Qian said, the Golden Retriever also kept nodding his head, his tail wagging constantly, he was obviously able to understand his words and it was human.

After washing, the water on the golden retriever was evaporated, and Lin Qian called out a doctor from the medical department and asked him to treat the golden retriever.

However, after the doctor carefully observed it, he confessed to Lin Qian with a look of embarrassment: "Your Majesty, the minister is incompetent, there is no way to heal this imperial beast."

"No way?" Lin Qian was a little surprised, and shouted, the doctor hurriedly bowed to condemn him.

At this time, the golden retriever approached Lin Qian, bit his trouser leg, and shook his head constantly, so that Lin Qian would not blame him.

Naturally, Lin Qian wouldn't. It's just an accident. This doctor has the strength to open up the realm, and he is powerless to heal this little golden retriever?

After a while, Lin Qian made a decision, and a figure appeared before him again.

This person has gray hair, but his body is extremely strong, his waist straightened, his face is incompatible with the crane's hair, and he is extremely young.

He is Huasheng, commanding the existence of the medical department, and using the puppet to appear in the world.

"I have seen your Majesty." Hua Sheng bowed down to Lin Qian, saluting respectfully.

"No need to be polite, quickly diagnose it, what's the situation."


Hua Sheng got up, and then came to Jin Mao's side, and it seemed to know that this person was treating his wounds for himself, he was motionless and extremely well-behaved.

"This injury should be caused by it from the mother's womb, and it was brought out." After looking at it, Hua Sheng instantly saw the cause. There are so many wounds. At first, it's only the bones and internal organs shattered. It is a miracle to survive."

"Your Majesty don't look at it being alive and kicking at this time. In fact, it is seriously injured and dying. It only relies on a small amount of medicinal power and barely hangs a little bit."

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