The Peerless Emperor

Chapter 973: Dangerous place

I am different from them, not affected by the power of the relic?

Lin Qian had such doubts in his mind, but he dared not confirm, and notified the Ministry of Natural Engineering to check his current physical condition.

After a while, Lin Qian received an answer from the Ministry of Heavenly Engineering. In his body, there was only the abnormal state of the Dantian Wuhun, and there were no other questions.

At the same time, the Ministry of Heavenly Engineering made a speculation about the situation of the martial soul in his body.


Ting Ye Jian and the sword in the cloud, these two spirits were changing suddenly, changing in a certain direction.

Whether this kind of change is good or bad, the Ministry of Engineering is not daring to draw conclusions easily now. I can't see it at the moment. Zhuge Ming is also at a loss. After all, he has not experienced this situation.

But if you observe carefully, you can still find that this kind of martial arts change is evolving in a better direction.

Now that the Ministry of Natural Engineering has determined that this is not harmful to itself, this is enough.

In the environment of this broken continent, the void cloud boat that Lin Qian was riding in was affected by the power of the relics, and it would take at least half a year to sail before reaching the gate of the relics where the group of heroes began.

Inside the transformed Void Yunzhou cabin, only the rooms of Wei Wushuang and Lin Qian were equipped with soul cameras.

At this moment, there are visitors in Lin Qian's room.

They are not others, they are the followers of Wei Wushuang.

In the Sea Vortex Star Region, the ancestors of several big clans, the strongest capable fighters around his master.

At this moment, Lin Qian was sitting in the hall in his room, and the capable officers under these masters stood honestly in front of him.

Wei Wushuang is the master, they are followers. In terms of status, they are far inferior to Lin Qian. In a sense, the latter is their half master.

In addition to Wei Wushuang's subsequent orders, Lin Qian's orders were equivalent to his orders.

"Thanks to the benefactor for the gift!" The sturdy man first gave Lin Qian his hand and was grateful.

This person has lines on the eyebrows, and has a vague golden glow. Needless to say, he is naturally the ancestor of the Saint Rune tribe, named Sheng Shangde.

With the help of Lin Qian's Huaxia Empire, the Saint Rune tribe in the Sea Swirl Star Territory has gradually sublimated, and the adult Saint Rune tribe has been able to integrate the Saint Rune into one at all times.

And control the methods of continuously cultivating Saint Rune, integrating into it, and enhancing one's own strength.

Standing on the other side, the ancestors of the Mujie clan made wooden cuts, and also followed suit.

The ancestors of the Explosive Flame Clan, Thunder Clan, War Blade Clan, and Strange Soul Clan are all like this. They received Lin Qian's help, and their realm of strength has been improved, and the whole has also changed.

Their future, which had already stopped, now has unlimited possibilities.

For Lin Qian, they are extremely grateful.

And they also know that the descendants who have merged into the other's empire are living very well, much better than in the past.

Knowing this situation, they are also relieved.

In the process of chatting with them, Lin Qian also learned that entering into the ruins held by the Heroes Association, it is impossible to use the Heavenly Cave Horcrux to summon followers.

As for going in early?

Just kidding, taking advantage of the weakening of the power of the relic, sending so many people in is already the limit, the number of places is precious, how can there be a place for the entourage to follow in.

Inside the ruins, the cave-sky Horcrux cannot be used, not because of the acquiescence of the rules made by oneself, but the power in the ruins.

The power of the ruins in the ruins will make the space extremely stable. The mountains and forests are very strong, and the existence of the palm star realm has the power to burst an impenetrable star, and the first-class planet to be devastated.

But inside the ruins, the ordinary star-handling soul warriors could only interrupt a few spirit trees. This is also the magical place of this ruin.

It is precisely because of the power of the relics that have space limitations that after entering it, let alone the Holocaust Horcrux, any Horcrux used in storage cannot be used.

Therefore, what you get in the ruins can only be carried with you.

If you find a treasure that is easy to carry, it's okay, if you find something that is extremely troublesome, it will be a headache.

Every time a group of heroes, the geniuses who enter the center, those heavenly materials and earth treasures that can be used on the spot, are mostly used directly on the spot to enhance the realm of strength.

As for the classics, Horcruxes, etc., they were brought out, and they were regarded as the evaluation of the results of this competition.

Entering the ruins, regardless of life or death, how many emperors will be damaged inside.

Therefore, every time a group of heroes can come out alive is a victory.

It's even the second contest if you get a comparison.

That's why Lin Qian was asked whether he should not participate in this group of heroes, life or death is unpredictable.

Entering the ruins, the stronger the overall strength of the children of a power, the greater the chance of survival.

Lin Qian's realm is considered to be a palm star realm, but when viewed from the outside, it is only an open realm.

In the eyes of ordinary people, it is simply an oil bottle. If there are such people in the team, it will greatly reduce the chance of survival.

However, the four generations of the Wei family still made it clear that Lin Qian would follow them, not to act without authorization, they would reunite centered on him.

They didn't know how terrifying Lin Qian's combat power was.

The little brother that Wei Xiaogang was defeated was just a soul martial artist who had just entered the palm of the star realm. He hadn't mastered the stars yet, and his combat power was probably at this level in their eyes.

As for the horrible aura just now, Wei Wushuang also explained that Lin Qian has a strange heritage, that is the aura of the heritage.

Although this is nonsense, it is said from Wei Wushuang, these four generations of Wei family are extremely believers.

In their eyes, Wei Wushuang was the object of their admiration, and his prestige in the Wei family was also flourishing.

Among the three generations of the Wei family, Wei Wushuang is second to none, and other children of the same generation are also the first to look forward to him.

Just as Wei Ziliang was the pillar of the entire Wei family, Wei Yuqi or Wei Wushuang was also the pillar of their generation of Wei family children.

Guidance in practice, assistance in dangerous situations, etc.


When the dull sound sounded, Lin Qian knew that the Void Cloud Boat had arrived on the square continent in the center of the ruins, in front of the big gate.

Leaving the cabin, coming to the deck, looking far away, looking endless, empty.

The situation at the gate of this ruin gave Lin Qian only one feeling, empty and wide.

The portal is even larger, and you can't see the top two sides at all. In front of it, the transformed void cloud boat is like a grain of gravel, insignificant.

The Elite Club will be held behind this portal. On the other side, it is a world where life and death depend on blessings and misfortunes, which is extremely dangerous.

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