The Peerless Emperor

Chapter 974: insult

In front of the portal ruins where the Heroes entered, there were already some void cloud boats docked, quietly suspended in mid-air, motionless.

These void cloud boats are also forces from the 36th realm of Nandou. They ride the cloud boat and hover at the door.

The void cloud boats docking in front of the ruins portal are all shrouded in formations, hazy, and can't really see the inner situation.

After the Wei Family's Void Cloud Boat docked, the other Void Cloud Boats did not move.

Now, it's not the time when the group heroes will start, and there is no communication between them.

But Lin Qian could clearly see that the other void cloud boats were not very far away from each other, and seemed to be deliberately approaching.

Even after the Wei Family's Void Cloud Boat came here, their Void Cloud Boat moved its position to keep a certain distance from them.

All of this, the four generations of the Wei family's children are watching, and they are very unwilling to look in their eyes.

Lin Qian was by the side, seeing clearly.

The Wei family was at odds with Ming Chuntang, and with the news of Wei Ziliang's injury, it is only natural that Nandou 36 circles alienated the Wei family.

I'm afraid that in their eyes, the removal of the Wei family from the 36th Realm of Nandou will be a certainty.

Along with the emergence of the void cloud boats, other cloud boats naturally moved closer, and some people even flew out of them and came to other cloud boats, obviously communicating with each other.

Even some people fly out directly, invite each other out loud, stand in the air with each other, and talk about matters with a smile.

Others took out their seats from the storage space, lifted them up with their spirits, and enjoyed the wine.

For a while, in front of the ruins portal, it was so lively, but Lin Qian and the others were deserted and deserted, and no one approached.

"The people from Mingchuntang are here." At this time, Wei Xiangyang, the fourth-generation son of the Wei family, stared at a flying cloud boat fleet and whispered.

Everyone knows that Ming Chuntang has a bad relationship with their Wei family, and the entire 36th realm of Nandou knows clearly.

"They are coming to our side, they are about to collide!" At this moment, Wei Xiangjin also stared at the side and shouted, pointing to the fleet.

The Void Yunzhou fleet of Mingchuntang was coming fiercely, but Wei Zhong could only control the Yunzhou to avoid it.

The void cloud boat of Mingchuntang passed by.

"Wei family, do you hide it fast?" When the void cloud boat of Mingchuntang missed the side of Weijiayunzhou, the formation on the cloud boat faded, and the geniuses dispatched by Mingchuntang this time emerged.

One of them looked frantically, sneered and sneered.

"Huh, it's just a group of clowns. It was a waste of our Ming Chuntang past to help them refine the pill to heal Wei Lao Wu's injury." A female disciple on the other side also pouted, very disdainful.

At this point, everyone in the Wei family's face was cold, and Wei Wushuang also had a dark face: "Jiang Xincai, take care of your Mingchuntang juniors, don't be too arrogant."

Wei Ziliang, the fifth elder of the Wei family ranks the fifth.

If someone who exists on the same level as Wei Ziliang, such as the two hall masters of Mingchuntang, call him Wei Laowu, that's nothing.

But this is only a junior of Mingchuntang, but speaking like this is an insult.

On the cloud boat, Jiang Xincai, a middle-aged man, said, "Junior is young, he doesn't hesitate to speak, don't blame it."

This attitude is basically what you look like.

Wei Wushuang clenched his fists and clenched his teeth.

"Hey, that person's appearance is that of Lin Qian, he actually came to participate in the elite group?" The Ming Chuntang disciple who clamored at first pointed to Lin Qian, as if he had discovered something new and strange.

The female disciple also said, "Wei Wushuang, a new star in the Wei family, has accepted an apprentice. I heard that it is just to open up a realm, so he has the courage to come to the group?"

"Hey, the surname is Lin, this is not the place where the children come. Go back and eat milk for a few years and then come back. Don't lose your life in vain." The male disciple yelled wildly again, making a mockery.

Next to him, another disciple said amusedly: "People of the Wei family, take care of your little child named Lin, don't enter the ruins at that time, scared to pee in his pants, weakened his legs and couldn't walk. "

"Now I'm talking about what I'm doing. I waited to enter the ruins and used actions to greet the people of the Wei family." Jiang Xincai, who was obviously outstanding in the Mingchuntang, spoke indifferently and looked at Wei Wushuang provocatively. Wushuang, how beautiful your Wei family was in our generation back then, but unfortunately now the Wei family...tsk."

Wei Wushuang's face was gloomy, and the four generations of Wei's children also had a gloomy face and a heavy heart.

What the other party said was obviously a naked threat, go in and greet?

Every time a group of heroes, the fall of genius is a very common thing, just like Wei Wushuang's generation of Wei family children, thirty-four people also fell to death in the previous heroes.

"After entering the ruins, you people in Mingchuntang, it is best to pray not to meet me!" Lin Qian walked to the front of the four generations of the Wei family, staring at the people across from Mingchuntang, with a smile on his face. It looks harmless to humans and animals.

"Otherwise, I promise that you people in Mingchuntang will not have their heads on their necks safe and sound."

It was obviously full of smiles, but Lin Qian's tone was murderous, and he was very relaxed.

It seems that it is not difficult to kill the people of Mingchuntang.

"Hahaha, what did I hear? It's funny that a pioneering guy made us pray not to meet him."

"Have you made a mistake, your Wei family really brought this mad fellow into the ruins?"

"You are not afraid, this person will kill you?"

The disciples of Mingchuntang all laughed out loud.

Wei Wushuang's reputation in the 36th Realm of Nandou is also very resounding, and he has never accepted an apprentice in his life.

The admission of apprentices this time was naturally attracting attention, and Lin Qian's existence was no secret.

Even its realm is clear to outsiders.

In the Wei family, there are people who are sniffing by other forces, which is not unusual.

In the midst of ridicule, Mingchuntang's Void Yunzhou Fleet also moved away from Wei's Yunzhou and approached the others.

At the door of this ruin, the Wei family's cloud boat was lonely suspended in the air.

"Apprentice, are you sure there is no problem?" Wei Wushuang asked as he watched the opponent's Void Yunzhou go away, his tone also abrupt.

"Don't worry, what are they in the eyes of the disciples?" Lin Qian looked proudly while speaking.

It has been a long time since no one provokes himself so much, and this makes Lin Qian feel a little excited.

Lin Qian could see clearly that now the Wei family is completely alienated by the forces of the 36th World of Nandou, and even some of the past allies have alienated the Wei family.

The world is cold!

The Wei family, now belonging to the Chinese Empire, how could Lin Qian let these guys insult the Wei family?

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