The Peerless Emperor

Chapter 975: Plan before entering

Soon after, Wei Wushuang had already left the Void Yunzhou, holding a Horcrux in his hand, and headed towards the ruins portal.

In that Horcrux, Wei Ziliang's power was sealed, and the function of this power was to open the portal to the relic and block the power of the relic.

The closed door of the ruins is due to the power of the ruins. If you want to open the ruins, you need to use the power of the strongest group of people in the 36th Realm of Nandou to isolate the ruins and let the door open.

Only after the portal is opened, they can enter it unharmed.

After Wei Wushuang left, there were only Lin Qian and the four generations of Wei family children on the Void Cloud Boat. Wei Zhongcai was still in the center of the Void Cloud Boat, and the Saint Mark tribe and others under Wei Wu’s hands were guarding the Quartet. Just in case there will be any accidents.

In this matter, Lin Qian looked ahead and looked at the direction of the ruins portal.

The Void Cloud Boat is still a certain distance away from the portal, but Wei Wushuang and the other leaders of the Void Cloud Boat are very close to the door of the ruins portal.

Just like Jiang Xincai, holding Horcruxes in his hands, obviously, the power of the Hallmaster of Mingchun Hall is sealed in them.

Only their existence at this level can open this relic with strength.

Lin Qian and other genius children who participated in the Heroes' Meeting can only stay in his own Void Cloud Boat, and cannot get close to the leader of the various forces.

When they used the Horcrux to open the portal of the ruins, the aftermath of the terrifying power contained in it, when they approached, would make them have life worry.

At the level of Lin Qian and the others, Wei Ziliang's aura from other existential powers would make them unbearable. For safety, they could only wait silently in the cloud boat.

I saw Wei Wushuang and the others, raising their soul qi in their hands high, and in an instant, there were many phantoms emerging in the midair, looking at the ruins portal ahead.

Except for the Wei Family and Ming Chun Tang, which are human races, most of the other huge phantoms are alien races.

These huge phantoms represent the powerful and powerful group of people in the 36th realm of Nandou, and Wei Ziliang is one of them.

There are only six huge phantoms in total, and they are obviously the power-in-powered people from the six overlords of the 36th realm of Nandou, the pinnacle powerhouse.

The giant of the phantom, the eyes are like two stars, as if a **** descended from the world, and the mighty aura crushed the four directions, making the power of the relic a little loose and isolated.

In addition, behind these six huge phantoms, there are countless small figures, they are all from the top forces of the 36th World of Nandou.

Compared with the six huge phantoms, these phantoms are obviously much smaller and insignificant.

But they themselves shouldn't be underestimated, after all, not everyone can be like Wei Ziliang and their level.

The deities of these phantoms are also giants of one party, and as the pinnacle powerhouse of the top forces, they are also terrifying, stunned the entire universe, and have a great reputation.

After the phantom appeared, it seemed as if there was a will, the six big phantoms of Nandou Thirty-Six Realm, the six great powers, took the lead, pointing far ahead, and pointed to the portal of the ruins.

For example, Wei Ziliang, with a raging flame emerging from the sky, with a touch of pale golden color, burning and repelling the rich relic power.

On the other side, the phantom shadow of a hall master of Mingchuntang, in front of which is lush and lush, there are patches of medicinal fields, with a greenish green breath that instantly diffuses, even in the midair, there is a strong fragrance of medicine.

The other four overlord forces also showed their magical powers.

The phantoms of the small ones are also extraordinary, and they all show their power.

The all-out attack by the overlord of the 36th realm of Nandou and the peak power of the top forces instantly created a barrier, spread out, pasted along the seam in the center of the portal, and rose straight up.

Suddenly a light appeared in the cracks in the door of the relic portal that was influenced by many forces in the 36th World of Nandou, and it slowly opened with a creaking sound.

However, this huge relic portal only opened a gap, and the door had slowly stopped.

The power of many pinnacle powers in the 36th Realm of Nandou can only achieve this point, affecting the gap in the door of this portal and opening such a gap.

According to the past situation of the Elite Club, the opening time of this door can last for a hundred years, and the time for the Elite Club to be held is one hundred years.

If the 100-year period is over, and if they are not driven out in time, they will be completely trapped to death.

Unless, wait until the next group of heroes will open before it is possible to leave.

But this time is different. The ruins have changed. Based on their joint observations, they believe that the ruins have shown signs of complete collapse.

This time, I’m afraid it will be the last time.

Therefore, the various forces are very serious about this gathering of heroes. The geniuses sent here are among the best and the pinnacle.

Above the Void Cloud Boat, Lin Qian could clearly see that the four generations of the Wei family's son saw that the ruins portal slowly opened a gap, and his mood changed obviously.

There is excitement, but also anxiety and fear.

It's normal to be excited, and the Qunying Association itself is a grand gathering for the genius children of many forces in the 36th World of Nandou.

Uneasy and fear have something to do with the dangers in and among them, and it has something to do with the Wei family's current situation, and other forces are eyeing them.

"I'm going to enter the ruins soon. After entering, don't act recklessly?" Seeing the ruins portal slowly open, Wei Changming turned around, looked at these younger brothers and sisters, and exclaimed.

Especially when he looked at Lin Qian, his expression was very serious: "Enter, look for a safe place, and rest for a while. When we come to meet you, it is too dangerous to be alone."

Lin Qian was silent for a moment, then suddenly asked with a smile: "Speaking of which, Ming Chuntang's words are not correct. It is not a good thing to take me with you, it can only drag you down."

Regarding Lin Qian's words, Wei Changming waved his hand: "You are not afraid of Ming Chuntang's provocation, this is enough. Entering the ruins, you are your own person, take care of your own person, what's wrong?"

"It's just what you said at the beginning is indeed too arrogant. Before we come to you, be careful and don't run into Ming Chuntang people." On the other side, Wei Xihua also advised Lin Qian to be careful.

Lin Qian looked at the four-generation children of the Wei family in front of him, was silent, and nodded to himself: "Since you have this heart, you can take care of you when you are in the ruins."

The four generations of the Wei family didn't know what kind of fortune their actions brought them.

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