The Peerless Emperor

Chapter 976: Arrived at the ruins

"This ruin is really amazing." Wei Wushuang raised his head and looked forward, the ruins portal that had been opened, with emotion.

In the thirty-sixth realm of Nandou, each of the six overlord forces had a pinnacle powerhouse to take action, plus those top powerhouse powerhouses to take action, it was just a crack open.

Although it is only a phantom, and only the power is stored in the Horcrux, it is also an extremely powerful force.

But at this time, Lin Qian also secretly looked at the people around him, and he found that the other person's expression was indeed different, as if he was thinking about something.

In this regard, Wei Wushuang secretly laughed.

"My good disciple, the things in my hands are really interesting." Wei Wushuang thought silently in his heart when he returned to the Void Yunzhou.

The reason that the people of the various forces showed off their faces before was obviously because they saw that the power in Wei Ziliang's storage of the Horcrux was the same strength compared to the past, but it seemed a little weak.

Even the phantom is slightly bleak.

This is the main reason. What kind of person Wei Ziliang is. In the past, the power of the phantom would be improved every time the heroes meet, but this time it did not. This is a problem in itself.

In the eyes of everyone in the 36th Realm of Nandou, Wei Ziliang had not made any progress, it was the biggest regression.

Adding to the fact that the phantom looks even bleaker, it is obvious that Wei Ziliang's situation is much worse than in the past.

Wei Wushuang even saw that Jiang Xincai's eyes were already a little bit happy, hard to restrain.

But in his heart, Wei Wushuang sneered again. He clearly remembered his grandfather's explanation when he asked his apprentice Lin Qian what effect he had before taking the potion.

"The name of the potion is called'Guess you guess'. After taking it, Grandpa Wei can attack your spirit energy, disguise it as you want, and can only use it once. Even if you disguise as an attack in the body refining state, There is no problem."

Later, when Wei Ziliang stored his spirit energy, he used the power of this potion.

Obviously, compared with the last group of heroes, the combat power has increased by at least ten times, but from outsiders, it is standing still, and even regressing.

"It's really amazing that I didn't even notice it." Wei Wushuang himself had to accept this disguise of spirit energy.

Obviously the effect on the power of the ruins was so strong, but no one noticed it.

"In this way, their minds about doing things should be more determined." After returning to the Void Cloud Boat, Wei Wushuang thought to himself.

After Wei Ziliang's injury recovered and his strength improved, he was not afraid that these people would do anything against the Wei family, but that they would not do it.

That's why they dug so many holes with Lin Qian's help.

The Yanhuang Hall has spread throughout the Wei family, and even the Qunying Association has completely begun. After these talents enter the ruins, they will begin to penetrate the entire Nandou 36 realm, and compete with Mingchuntang.

According to Lin Qian's plan, Yanhuangtang used the support of the Wei family to **** Mingchuntang's business for a hundred years, and the other party would definitely be intolerable.

At that time, when the Qun Ying meeting is over, if Ming Chun Tang really wants to do it, it will definitely touch Wei Wushuang.

Wei Wushuang, even though Hongchen failed to train his heart, as long as he cultivated for a period of time, he would not only return to the peak, but also reach a higher level.

If you want to annex the Wei family, the safest way is to deal with Wei Wushuang first, capture the future hope of the Wei family, and threaten Wei Ziliang, then you will get twice the result with half the effort.

"I really hope you will do this, huh." Wei Wushuang, who returned to the Void Yunzhou, looked at the third grandfather Wei Zhongcai who was walking on the deck, sneered in his heart, thinking to himself.

Afterwards, Wei Wushuang looked at Lin Qian and the other four generations of the Wei family: "Now, the portal to the ruins has been opened. Within a hundred years, you have to experience it, find wealth, and strive for glory for the Wei family."

"Before we go in, I have one thing to explain." When mentioning this place, Wei Wushuang suddenly looked serious, looking at these four generations of Wei family children.

These four generations of children are also looking solemnly at the objects of their worship.

"I really have encountered difficulties. Ask Lin Qian, life and death crisis, ask Lin Qian, before again, try to protect him, when he is the weakest among you, do you understand?" This passage is the soul of Wei Wushuang Shi Chuanyin, "Don't be surprised, look at Lin Qian's eyes, don't have any surprises, just the same, remember!"

A kind of four-generation child of the Wei family, with a huge shock in his heart, he originally wanted to look at Lin Qian, but because of the words behind him, he had to hold back.

In their hearts, they have been replaced by a terrible shock, wondering why Wei Wushuang said that.

His apprentice Lin Qian, how they looked at it was only a Soul Martial Artist of the Opening Realm, why did they have such an order.

Hearing what his master said, Lin Qian smiled helplessly.

It is not so much that Wei Wushuang is talking to them, but in Lin Qian's view, this is basically talking to himself.

The Master clearly meant that he should take care of the four generations of the Wei family.

In response, Lin Qian also nodded secretly.

Seeing Lin Qian nodding, Wei Wushuang was relieved.

"Let's go!" Then, Wei Wushuang personally led Lin Qian and the others, flew towards the front of the ruins.

At this moment, in front of the relic portal, there is already a huge barrier shrouded in front of the portal. In that space, there is only an extremely thin relic power.

At the top, this force is wrapped along the crack of the door.

The power of the strong from the various forces in the 36th realm of Nandou can only wrap one side along the crack of the door, and the entire portal is too huge to be controlled by them.

When I came to the so-called crack in the door, it was an extremely wide entrance.

Comparing the entire relic portal, of course, it only opened a small gap, just like a hair on a human body.

But after they got closer, Lin Qian and the others clearly saw that the gap in the door of the ruins portal was as wide as a star.

Even after approaching the crack of the door, Lin Qian and the others couldn't see anyone else.

It's not that they went in, but the so-called door gap is too wide, and they are too far on the other side to see.

The four-generation children of the Wei family raised their heads nervously and looked forward. With an uneasy mood, they raised their legs and plunged into the gap of the door.

Lin Qian followed suit and walked in.

There is no turning around, no dizziness, as if walking from one end of the door to the other, walking in the white light of the door, and in front of it is a lush forest of spirit trees.

Sunlight sprinkled from above, fell on the ground along the cracks of dense branches and leaves, presenting complex light spots.

Lin Qian is already in the dense forest.

The aura is strong, and he takes a deep breath, all of which are full of comfort, and there are beast roars in the distance, with great momentum.

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