The Peerless Emperor

Chapter 988: No

Indeed, because Lin Qian could not use martial spirits and did not control the stars, Wei Xiangjin did not use martial arts for arms, nor did he use the power to control the increase of stars.

But he is the eighth-level of the star realm, and dealing with this kind of pioneering spirit martial artist, it is reasonable to catch it easily, and it is easy.

After the fight, Lin Qian hit him easily.

Wei Xiangjin estimated that if he was armed with elementary weapons and used the power of mastering the stars, he would not lose so miserably and so quickly.

But in the end, it will still be defeated.

It's just that Lin Qian didn't use Yuan Qi to arm himself, he didn't control the stars!

"As expected to be Uncle Wushuang's apprentice, it's amazing. It seems that we were short-sighted in the past." On the other side, Wei Changming handed over to Lin Qian in a respectful tone.

Immediately afterwards, the four generations of Wei family's children, Wei Xinyu from the sideline of the ruins, and He Wencai, the strongest affiliated force, all bowed their hands to Lin Qian respectfully.

This is a crime, respect, and recognition of Lin Qian's status.

Now that they are a group of people, it is natural that Lin Qian is the head of the horse.

At this time, they finally understood why before entering the ruins, Wei Wushuang would tell them to obey the orders of the other party. With such a realm of strength, who did not obey him and obey?

"Wow!" At this moment, the Golden Retriever suddenly ran over from one direction, still holding a leaf with green leaves in his mouth.

"Jade Lingye?" He Wencai was excited when he saw the little crystal clear green leaf on the branch that Jin Mao was holding in his mouth.

Although he was a member of the Wei family's affiliated forces, his vision was very vicious, and he was capable of appraising treasures. No one of the Wei family children present could compare to him.

Therefore, on the way, he harvested the most good things.

Therefore, after seeing the branches and leaves dangling from Golden Retriever's mouth, no one else could see what it was, only this Wen Wen.

"The high-ranking elixir of the heavenly rank is invaluable. It is not easy to find it. It is hidden in the ordinary branches and leaves of the spirit tree." He Wencai looked at the branches and leaves held by the golden hair, and his tone was trembling, "Heaven and earth aura, sometimes Tides are formed, and the condensed spiritual energy turns into spiritual fluid."

"If the branches and leaves of the spirit wood are moisturized by the spirit fluid three times in a row, they will turn into jade spirit leaves. If they are taken by Master Wei Shen, the injury will not be healed, at least it will be better and firmer."

The **** of the Wei family is naturally Wei Ziliang, and his injury affects the hearts of all Wei family members.

After hearing He Wencai's mention, this jade spirit leaf turned out to be good for Wei Ziliang's injury, and everyone was very excited.

"Brother Lin, I have an unrelenting request." Wei Changming trembled and hurriedly bowed his hand at him.

Lin Qian naturally knew what the other party was thinking about. After entering the ruins, logically, they could take the elixir and other things without taking it out.

Only those other good things need to be taken out for evaluation.

The golden hair belongs to Lin Qian. Everyone knows that if Lin Qian takes this jade spirit leaf, they have nothing to say, but this thing is of great benefit to Wei Ziliang.

"This thing will be handed over to Elder Wei, don't worry." With that, Lin Qian got the jade spirit leaf from Jin Mao's mouth, and it was included in the fantasy star, and it was handed over to the Medical Department for safekeeping to enrich the types of imperial elixir.

Wei Ziliang's injury has recovered, so naturally it is not useful, but this cannot be said, and we can only deal with these people.

Seeing Lin Qian said this, they were relieved, and the former would not lie to them.

However, the Jade Spirit Leaf in Lin Qian's hand disappeared out of thin air, which also confirmed one thing. The Heavenly Hole Horcrux in his storage could indeed be used.

"Speaking of which, this spirit beast is really amazing, and it was able to find such an amazing elixir." Wei Sulan squatted down, looking at the golden retriever, reaching out to touch it.

For such cute and well-behaved things, women naturally have little resistance.

However, the Golden Retriever turned his head, posed proudly, and ran behind Lin Qian, preventing Wei Sulan from touching herself.

Wei Sulan smiled awkwardly, and stood up.

"What are your plans now, leave this place directly and enter the next area?" Lin Qian asked aloud when he glanced at the eleven people in front of him.

The ruins are divided into several large areas, one of which is the garden of the ruins’ large mansion, the next area in front, the suburban manor outside the mansion, etc.

This huge mansion, like a city but not a city, is extremely vast.

The mansion and the area in the garden are very much like the outskirts of the manor outside the city.

Someone in the body guessed that the life of the owner of this mansion in the past, after leaving the mansion, passing through the suburbs, entered this garden to hunt soul beasts.

The suburbs outside the mansion should be the people under the rule of the mansion owner, and they are responsible for serving the family of the mansion owner.

"Uncle Wushuang mentioned that if we enter the ruins, it is best to obey you, then I will do it and follow you." After a moment of indulgence, Wei Changming spoke and turned to the others, "Do you think How?"

"I listen to you, brother, and I also listen to Brother Lin." His cousin Wei Guichang also echoed.

"I have a life-saving grace anyway, so I will naturally follow you." At the same time, Wei Yifan also followed.

Wei Xihua also followed closely: "After all, it is better for everyone to act together, I have no opinion."

After the brothers Wei Xiangyang and Wei Xiangjin looked at each other, they also decided together and followed Lin Qian.

Both of them said so, and Wei Hangyi naturally did the same.

As for Wei Xiaogang, Wei Sulan and Wei Xinyu, the three of them have experienced life and death together with Wei Yifan and Wei Xihua, so naturally they acted together and were willing to follow Lin Qian.

He Wencai, as a disciple of an affiliated force, of course, the right to speak is the weakest. These Wei family disciples have all made this decision. Where can he resist?

In this way, the eleven people decided to follow Lin Qian's side.

"It is an honor for you to be by your Majesty's side. I believe that in the near future, you will feel fortunate to have made such a decision." On the other side, Zhao Long snorted and said.

"Zhao Long!" Lin Qian whispered to Zhao Long's words, and then looked at the eleven people in front of him, "No wonder, he is this temperament, the words of loyalty to the emperor."

Although the eleven people began to feel a little uncomfortable, they soon calmed down. They looked at Lin Qian with envy. Everyone wants to have such a loyal and powerful subordinate.

"There seems to be a medicinal garden in this garden. Why don't we go there first." As soon as Lin Qian's voice fell, Wei Changming's expression changed and he hurriedly stopped.

"Brother Lin, no!"

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