The Peerless Emperor

Chapter 989: No hindrance

Hearing Lin Qian opening his mouth, it turned out to be going to the medicine garden in this garden, Wei Changming's expression suddenly changed, and he hurriedly stopped, for fear that the other party's head was hot and he really ran there.

"Why, that place is very dangerous?" Lin Qian was very curious when he heard Wei Changming speak to stop him, and asked aloud.

Wei Changming nodded and described: "This medicine garden is a disciple of Mingchuntang. Every time Qunying enters the ruins, they will definitely go to a place. Every time they enter the ruins, they will carry a special type of destruction. The secret treasure of the formation."

"After entering the ruins and coming to the drug garden, they will use such secret treasures to crack the formation to obtain the elixir in the drug garden. These elixir are to be brought back to Mingchuntang!"

"If we go to the pharmacy, we might meet the disciples of Mingchuntang directly. If we fight head-on, we don't have much chance of winning."

Although Wei Changming already knew that Lin Qian's own combat power was very strong, he did not distrust the opponent's strength.

It was that Lin Qian's spirit could not be used now, and he had not succeeded in mastering the formation. He had a head-on conflict with the people of Ming Chun Tang, and he was seeking death.

Lin Qian also told them that it wasn't that his martial soul could not be used all the time. After waiting for a period of time, the martial soul would recover, and by that time, the combat power would increase a lot.

After seeing Lin Qian's strength, they also believed that when Wuhun could be used again, its combat power might be more powerful than them, and there might be a chance to compete with those of the hegemony level.

After all, on their side, Lin Qian's subordinate Zhao Long is here.

But now, he obviously doesn't have this ability, as the so-called big man can bend and stretch.

"It's okay, the people from Mingchuntang have already left this garden. They are not there now, so don't worry about meeting them back now." After hearing Wei Changming's admonition, Lin Qian also laughed lightly.

He naturally understood that if he collides head-on with the people of Mingchuntang now, they will definitely suffer.

But how could Lin Qian be so stupid?

"There are no people from Mingchuntang in the Yaoyuan, so sure?" After hearing Lin Qian's words, Wei Changming's eyes were full of doubts, and he couldn't believe it.

How could Lin Qian be so sure that those Mingchuntang people did not exist?

Seeing Wei Changming's expression, Lin Qian didn't know what he was thinking, and suddenly there were two tokens in his hand.

These two tokens were not made of jade or metal, but wood. There was a faint green flashing light on them, and the brand had the three characters Mingchuntang, and the fluctuation of the formation was shrouded in this token.

After seeing these two tokens of Mingchuntang disciples, Wei Changming suddenly realized.

Yes, Wei Yifan said earlier that Zhao Long once killed two disciples of Mingchuntang, and their relics must have been taken away by him and fell into Lin Qian's hands.

Therefore, this token belonging to these two Mingchuntang disciples will of course fall into Lin Qian's hands.

The effect of this token is the same as the token in the hands of Lin Qian and their Wei family children. It can determine the position of each other.

Obviously, Lin Qian used this token to sense the location of the other party, thus confirming that they had left the medicine garden and left the garden area.

"But after taking out the token, won't they also notice our position?" Looking at the two tokens in Lin Qian's hand, Wei Xinyu suddenly asked with some worry.

"No, this token has been transformed, and they can perceive the position of Mingchuntang disciples, but they cannot perceive the position of these two tokens." As he said, Lin Qian still showed a narrow smile on his face. "Even, two such tokens were forged and Zhao Long was tied to the two soul beasts."

"In this way, the disciples of Mingchuntang will only perceive that Zhao Haicheng and Guo Hongli are still running around in this garden."

"In this case, they will no longer doubt it."

After everyone heard Lin Qian's explanation, they suddenly realized that they looked at Lin Qian and they were full of admiration. Thanks to him, he was able to think of such a way to do all this.

In fact, many disciples of various strengths will act separately after entering the ruins. Not every genius will be like the children of the Wei family, united as one. After entering the ruins, they will gather in the first time together.

At least, the disciples of Ming Chun Tang that Lin Qian perceives, even though they have already left the garden area, are divided into twos and threes, not converging together.

After all, those who participated in the elite group were all proud of the emperor, and if they got together, there would definitely be someone who gave orders, and no one would want anyone to stand on his head.

Now that it was confirmed that there were no disciples of Mingchuntang in the medicine garden, Lin Qian and the others were still hesitant. Naturally, they rushed towards the medicine garden without stopping.

Fortunately, the location of the medicine garden was not too far away from this place, and they had arrived before long.

The medicinal garden is actually a large plot of land in this garden, and many elixir are planted in it.

The whole pharmacy presents the appearance of a small courtyard, surrounded by white-tooth-colored walls.

Entering it, Lin Qian saw that the medicine fields were divided one by one, and the formation was circled on it, completely enveloped in the blockade.

"These formations are extremely tyrannical. There is no way to break our strength." Wei Changming said to Lin Qian next to him, "Even though these elixirs, the most tertiary ones are also Celestial Intermediate, and there are even sacred ones. The elixir of Taoism can only be seen, not touched."

"Unless it is like the disciples of Mingchuntang who bring a sharp weapon to break the formation. Unfortunately, they can only bring in one at a time, break the formation and count their breaths, and take advantage of this gap to pick two or three plants."

Lin Qian also understood the meaning of Wei Changming's words, even after letting him read it, he could leave.

Just not far in front of the medicine garden, it is also a direction to leave this garden.

In the eyes of Wei Changming and others, Lin Qian had a whim, came over and took a look, and had an eye addiction.

Not only Lin Qian, but they also watched with gusto. Everyone asked He Wencai to explain aloud, what grade and potency these elixirs are.

He Wencai also lived up to the expectations and spoke the words of the truth.

But the more he said, the crowd became more greedy, but when he felt the power of the formation, he could only sigh.

Because of this, this medicine garden was empty, and no one came, because everyone knew that it would be a waste of effort to come.

Looking at the formation barrier in front of him, Lin Qian also sighed: "I can only look at it, I can't touch it."

While feeling sigh, Lin Qian also reached out.

However, Lin Qian's hand passed directly through the formation barrier without any hindrance!

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