The Peerless Emperor

Chapter 995: Turnaround

"Who did it, who did it!" An angry roar echoed throughout the drug garden.

The angry roar contained the power of thunder and shook the surrounding area, so Lin Qian's investigating beast was directly shaken to death.

In the medicine garden, the other two pale blue Liujin tribes also looked around, speechless, not knowing what to say.

In the middle of the two, the purple-colored Liujin tribe rippled his body like a lake.

It looks very soft, but the metallic luster above his body can clearly reflect how strong his body is.

In the impression of these three Liujin tribes, the medicine garden itself is a huge wealth, although these wealth can be seen but not touched.

But now it's different!

Liu Maoyu trembled all over, and on the flowing metal body, purple thunder rose vaguely, crackling, and the dull sound was like nine days of anger.

At this moment, in his flowing palm, a rotten token was firmly grasped. Although this wooden sign was somewhat broken, the light of the formation on it had not dissipated.

Based on this alone, it can be seen that the token can still be used.

"At the beginning, when my father participated in a group of heroes, he once saw an ancient book inside the ruins. This medicine garden was specially managed by someone who was the servant of the owner of this mansion."

"This servant, with the magic of the formation, can completely control the formation of these medicine gardens."

Speaking of this, the Thundering Soul Qi from Liu Maoyu's body rushed into the token in his hand.

In an instant, the formation in the entire medicine garden suddenly fell apart, in an extremely unstable state.

Before long, the formation in this medicine garden had completely collapsed and dissipated.

In the medicine garden, these medicine fields that were originally planted with precious elixir and even Taoist elixir were easily exposed to him.

"It turns out that Big Brother gave up such a large amount of wealth just for this token, it turned out to be because of this!" A Liujin tribe who followed him suddenly realized, but his tone was very angry.

After they entered the ruins, they moved separately. The two of them and their eldest brother found a mansion with a weak formation. They immediately found other members of the same tribe to break the formation and defeat the town puppets. After that, divide the harvest.

At that time, the eldest brother Liu Mao Yu, don't want those Taoist skills, don't want those Taoist Horcruxes, give up the Taoist pills, only took away such a decadent token.

Later, Liu Maoyu deliberately took this token to open the storehouse of this mansion, but it was empty inside, causing people of the same tribe to laugh at it for a long time.

At that time, Liu Maoyu didn't have any attacks, because he could see that this was the order to open the medicine garden formation.

If you get this talisman and come to the medicinal garden, you will open the formation and get the precious elixir planted in it. Wouldn't the harvest be much better than those of the Taoist elixir and exercises.

After arriving at the pharmacy, what did Liu Maoyu see?

A barren land!

Originally, all the magic medicines in the medicine garden were gone, empty, and there were no plants.

Before coming, Liu Maoyu felt that the guys of the same family were now laughing at him as idiots, but it was actually himself who had the last laugh.

Now, Liu Maoyu felt that he had really become an idiot.

"Who the **** is it, let's get on board first!" An angry Liu Maoyu, with a flowing metal palm, wrapped the entire token, bursting into force, smashing the decadent token to pieces.

This time, I really lost my wife and broke down. I really became an idiot.

How could Liu Maoyu be able to endure it? The wealth that was about to be used turned out to be like this.

"Damn it." Liu Maoyu couldn't help snarling, excited.

Immediately afterwards, Liu Maoyu left the medicine garden directly and walked towards the dense forest of the garden.

He is now looking for some vigorous kills to vent his anger. If he doesn't vent his anger, he feels that his mood will collapse.

Anyone who originally thought the precious wealth will soon become his own bag, but in a blink of an eye, it disappears, and will be angry like this.

Even if this Liu Maoyu lived for thousands of years, he couldn't bear it anymore. The duck that reached its mouth just flew like this.

After a quarter of an hour, Liu Maoyu stopped suddenly, looked around, felt something was wrong: "Why didn't you see the soul beast?"

"Aren't there no soul beasts near the medicine garden? I'm afraid those soul beasts hid because they feared the aura from the formation in the medicine garden?" Another Liujin tribe said, guessing.

However, another person didn’t think so: “It’s true that something is wrong. Now we have left the scope of influence of the medicine garden. It stands to reason that there are not too few soul beasts in this garden. ."

Suddenly, Liu Maoyu rushed in one direction as if he realized something. The other two Liujin tribes naturally followed in a hurry.

Not long afterwards, Liu Maoyu's rushing figure stopped. It was at the foot of a mountain wall. Judging from the topography over there, there should be a nest in this place.

It's just that near this lair, there are traces of fighting, and the soul beasts that should have lived in this place have already disappeared.

"Some people are still living in this garden, I am afraid they are specifically looking for this soul beast to fight." Seeing this scene, Liu Maoyu instantly inferred.

"Most of the geniuses of the Heroes' Association will not waste too much time in the garden area, and rush into the interior directly, and even have to meet the soul beast, wasting time."

"The lair in this place is so obvious that it can be avoided directly, but there are traces of fighting here. It is obvious that someone deliberately seeks out soul beasts to fight."

"But it's also very strange. Where did the corpse of this soul beast go after it died? Could it be taken away?"

This makes Liu Maoyu a little bit confused. The corpse of the soul beast in this ruin is a burden to them. Is there anyone who is so stupid that he can't run around with the soul beast?

Next, Liu Maoyu followed the other two of his clan and ran around the neighborhood for seven or eight days, and found that there was no soul beast nearby, and they were all beheaded.

When they could find the soul beast, there would be ghosts. After leaving the medicine garden and harvesting a lot, Lin Qian and the four generations of the Wei family acted separately.

The children of the Wei family wanted to punish the soul beast. When Lin Qian was looking for the elixir, he also killed the soul beast he encountered.

Of course, none of the soul beasts near the medicine garden were gone.

"Someone stayed in the garden to hunt and kill the soul beast. There was no corpse, indicating that they could use the stored soul energy and store the soul beast's corpse. Otherwise, they would never waste time hunting the soul beast in the garden!" Liu Maoyu's liquid state The metal body fluctuated because of his excitement.

Because he saw a turning point, this is a new harvest!

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