The Peerless Emperor

Chapter 996: Slaughtered

Without the corpse, staying in the garden to hunt the soul beast, just thinking about it for a moment, Liu Maoyu was able to infer what the reason was.

It is precisely because after inferring that, there is thunder blooming on him again, and he is very excited.

This discovery is far greater than the wealth of the entire pharmacy.

"Yes, yes, yes, they must be able to use storage, I'm afraid they can use the Dongtian Horcrux." Liu Maoyu was so excited, his body rippling more severely, "Otherwise, why would they stay in the garden? It's not a waste of time to hunt the soul beast without taking the corpse. What is it?"

"None of the corpses of the soul beasts remained. It is the evidence that they can use the Heavenly Cave Horcrux to collect the corpses of the soul beast.

"As long as you find them, get the secret of using the Hole Horcrux, or get the Hole Horcrux that they can use, what does the receipt of the mere medicine garden count?"

In Liu Maoyu's tone, there was excitement.

There are so many good things inside this ruin, but there is no way to take these things out, and you can only watch them.

If he had obtained this method, he could completely take away a large amount of wealth that he could not take away. At that time, wouldn't he be rich.

As long as you don't say anything, the elders in the clan don't know, symbolically holding something in their hands.

The other gains are all included in the Holiness Horcrux, and he is afraid that he will fly to the sky, and the future in the clan will be limitless.

Anyway, after this gathering of heroes, I am afraid that this ruin will not be able to enter, and there is no need to worry about being spotted in the future.

Seeing the excited elder brother, another Liujin tribe, he was a little worried: "If this is the case, this group of people can use the Celestial Horcrux, doesn't it mean that they may have brought in elders or entourages beyond the Star Palm?"

"It's not that what Liu Hezhou said is unreasonable. It's very likely." Liu Gantian was worried and a little worried. "If this is the case, let's go and find this group of people. Wouldn't it be weird."

The worry of the two clan brothers is not unreasonable. After Liu Maoyu thought about this, he just wanted to understand it.

"Is the Hollow Horcrux in our body used in ordinary times?"

Hearing Liu Maoyu's reply, both of them shook their heads at the same time. The Heavenly Cave Horcruxes on their bodies were all temporarily refined at the beginning to cope with the ruins on the way.

After all, when entering the ruins, the Heavenly Cave Horcrux cannot be used, how could the original Heavenly Cave Horcrux be used?

"Then, their situation is the same." Liu Maoyu inferred, and first explained his two clan brothers, "Their Heavenly Cave Horcrux, it is estimated that after entering the ruins, it suddenly became usable."

"It is very likely that an abnormal change occurred in this garden. Maybe they took the elixir in the medicine garden."

"The formation of the medicine garden was not broken, and all the elixir was taken away. Something must have happened in it. I am afraid it was this accident that allowed them to take the elixir, and the Heavenly Cave Horcrux was changed."

After Liu Hezhou and Liu Gantian listened to Lin Qian's words, they nodded their heads with deep approval, feeling that this possibility was very high.

"If they knew that the Horcrux can be used before entering the ruins, they should prepare well before entering the ruins. Then, after they enter the ruins, they will immediately let the strong come out and enter the ruins directly."

"It is precisely because of this situation that happened temporarily with their Heavenly Cave Horcruxes, so they decided not to leave this garden first, and to make a fortune after hunting soul beasts. They can use the Heavenly Cave Horcrux and store their corpses, then The wealth of the garden should not be underestimated."

"The spirit beasts near the medicine garden were all killed by them, indicating that they did not choose those powerful spirit beasts, but that they refused to come. This shows that they are not only hunting and killing spirit beasts, but also these The soul beast is the object of tempering itself."

"Except for the weak things of the Wei family, no one of the hegemonic power needs to use the spirit beasts in the garden to experience themselves. Therefore, those who stay in this garden are probably the disciples of the Wei family or the top forces."

"They got the elixir of the medicine garden and took them. The Cave Sky Horcrux can be used, and they can use this garden spirit beast to hone themselves, and at the same time hunt and harvest wealth." At this point, Liu Maoyu coldly snorted, "It's really true. Good plan, it's a pity, this is not something you can have."

"Look, find them out, then the three of us will be the future three kings of the Liujin clan!"

Listening to Liu Maoyu's words, Liu Hezhou and Liu Sweet were also excited bodies.

The three of them immediately set off, rose in the air, and searched carefully.

Of course, the power in the ruins prevents the soul martial artist from flying above the ground three feet, unless it is jumping so high with the explosive power, or climbing so high with the help of things.

Even if they flew at low altitude, the speed of the three of them was extremely fast, and searching the entire garden was not a problem.

"Unfortunately, in this ruin, the soul consciousness can't be far away from the body for several feet!" Liu Maoyu, who flew low in the sky, looked full of pity, and was full of emotion.

It's just that when the three of them flew away, they didn't notice that there was a little squirrel on the spiritual wood in the distance, staring at them.

In the distance, the picture that appeared on the system frame in front of Lin Qian had disappeared, and he also rubbed his forehead.

"This person from the Liujin clan is really good enough. I can guess what happened." Then, Lin Qian also narrated Liu Maoyu's guess, and everyone sighed. Scream.

This kind of thing is not difficult to guess if you think about it.

It's just that Liu Maoyu would never think that this accident was all in Lin Qian's body, this existence that everyone despised and looked down upon.

"I'm afraid, we have to leave the garden. If we stay in the garden, it will only be a matter of time before the other party finds it." He Wencai suggested and looked at Lin Qian, "Right now, people of the Liujin tribe don't know. , We have found them. If we leave, they will definitely think that we don’t know, and they will stay in the garden."

"Indeed, after we leave, they won't know that we will stay in the garden." Wei Changming agreed with He Wencai's words.

Lin Qian pondered for a while, and looked up at the eleven people in front of him: "It's only three years. Has the harvest of hunting soul beasts met your expectations?"

Everyone looked startled, and was speechless for a while.

Just kidding, it was only three years after hunting, how can it be enough?

According to their assumptions, only 20 or 30 years of hunting would be enough to earn enough.

From the look of the other party, Lin Qian could see that the eleven people in front of him were naturally not satisfied with just hunting for three years.

"Since you are not satisfied, why bother to flee, just kill these three Liujin tribes?"

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