The Peerless Emperor

Chapter 997: A little troublesome

Lin Qian's tone was indifferent, as if mentioning the slaughter of these three Liujin tribes, but just saying that slaughtering three spirit beasts was so easy.

"Brother Lin, do something to the three of them?" Although Lin Qian's tone was indifferent, to Wei Changming, it was almost murderous.

The Liujin Clan has always been a famously difficult opponent in Nandou's 36 realms.

Lin Qian didn't retreat but instead advanced, but instead said that he was going to kill these three celebrities.

"This garden, you haven't killed enough soul beasts. I just collected a little bit of this elixir, spirit tree. Obviously, we still have to spend a lot of time in this garden." Lin Qian said, his expression cold. "If this is the case, just punish those who are disturbing from outside."

"Besides, Dongtian Horcrux, will you hand it over? If you don't, what will Liujin clan do, don't you understand?"

Lin Qian's words also plunged everyone into contemplation.

Obviously, the Liujin tribe is not a good man and a believer, and it will definitely kill them.

"There are only three of them. With so many of us working together, maybe we can't kill them yet?"

"Indeed, if we don't even have the courage to face these powerful men, our Wei family children would be too unpromising."

The people in front of Lin Qian all spoke up.

Seeing this, Lin Qian also smiled: "In this case, let's set off and prepare, and keep these three golden clan guys here forever."

These three gold-clan people are not so good.

As the geniuses carefully selected for this gathering of heroes, the three of them are among the Liujin clan, and they are also the emperor's favorites, especially Liu Maoyu.

Liu Maoyu, according to the situation mentioned by the master, the other party is not only the pinnacle of the ninth-level palm star realm, but also masters the star realm.

Among the star domains under his control, the fifth-rank stars possessed are still very powerful. It is counted as this relic, and the strength is at least ranked tenth to fifteenth.

After all, the situation of the various disciples, the intelligence is not absolutely accurate, so the ranking of strength must still have some fluctuations.

For example, Lin Qian's own combat power is not at the same level as his realm.

In addition, Liu Hezhou and Liu Gantian, both of them are the pinnacles of the ninth rank of the palm star realm, and the fifth-grade stars they control are also very terrifying.

Even, the two of them had been able to break through long ago, and for this time the heroes of the group, deliberately suppressed their own realm not to break through.

Therefore, the trio of the Liujin tribe has extraordinary strength and is not so easy to deal with.

It has been three days since the Liujin tribe entered the garden.

"Without even the slightest trace of them, would they still hide their whereabouts?" Liu Maoyu shouted annoyedly on the bank of a river, causing the river to wash his body.

The river flowed through his body, dripping water did not touch, but it took away the dust and dirt.

This kind of washing is a kind of enjoyment that Liu Maoyu likes very much.

In the river water, the embarrassing fish was also lurking, but was shocked by the breath of Liu Maoyu's body, and he dared not make any movements.

call out! call out!

Suddenly, in the dense forest in the distance, two arrows condensed with soul energy suddenly rushed towards the direction of Liu He Zhou and Liu Sweet.

The soul power contained in the arrow should not be underestimated.

However, Liu Hezhou and Liu Gantian didn't evade at all. The liquid metal condensed palm directly grabbed the arrow of soul energy and smashed it.

At this moment, suddenly there were several figures, and they rushed towards Liu Maoyu's side.

The attacks of these people, condensed together, contained great power, which surprised Liu Hezhou and Liu Gantian.

The soul qi in Liu Hezhou and Liu Gantian emerged, turning into a vortex of water to condense the whole body, resisting the sudden attack of the soul qi.

The power of the shock of the spirit energy forced the two of them back, and at the same time the spirit energy arrows continued to shoot out of the forest to cover everyone.

"Tsk, dare to take the initiative?" Liu Maoyu felt a little bit funny. The two clan brothers around him were forced away without any worries at all, but stayed there.


The sound of air bursting sounded, and Zhao Long, wearing silver armor, suddenly rushed out of the forest. The dragon spear in his hand was lifted and turned. The force of the spiral drove the spirit gas to condense the spear, turning into a whirlpool hurricane and hitting it. Liu Maoyu's body.

However, the soft and rippling body was full of sparks, and Liu Maoyu's face showed a sarcasm: "Why, is there only such a little power?"

When the voice fell, Liu Maoyu's arms suddenly looked like, turned into two giant hammers, and smashed towards Zhao Long.

Zhao Long's face changed slightly, and he hurriedly raised the Tailong Spear in his hand, with the bar in front of him.


The violent roar immediately resounded on the bank of the river, vigorously vibrating everywhere, and the gravel on the bank of the river splashed in all directions, hitting the surrounding spirit wood trunks, piercing holes.

At the same time, the fish walking under the river, aware of the great crisis, swam away from here to avoid being affected.

"A lot of strength!" Zhao Long's eyes condensed, and his body was blasted backwards, flying in the air, his body twisted, and after spinning three times, he turned his back and stabbed forward again.

This time the carbine also made Liu Maoyu unexpected. He didn't expect this person to have such a method of unloading his strength, but also to use his own strength to counterattack himself.

The accident was an accident. The giant hammer that Liu Maoyu's arms turned into turned into a garden shield, just like that.

The tip of the gun collided with the shield surface, sparks splattered, igniting the falling leaves in the sky where the spirit wood was shaken, turning into falling flames.

This collision and the force of repelling made Zhao Long volley fly a long way towards the rear, and Liu Maoyu did the same.

When Liu Maoyu was shocked and flew backwards, he turned around, but found that behind him, I don't know when, another white-robed human man was standing.

The man looked at himself, and suddenly two souls of red gold and white blue appeared on his body.

"Dual attribute soul energy?"

Liu Mao Yu was shocked, but the next moment he was even more astonished. The spirit aura of these two colors turned into golden color, exuding a noble aura.

The soul qi burns, condenses into substance, and turns into a gold-rimmed black robe with nine five-clawed golden dragons flying.

This person, looking at himself, making a fist with his right hand, blasted at him directly, upright and inevitable.

Flowing Maoyu in midair, turning around, the liquid right arm squirmed, turned into a giant hammer and smashed it.

With a punch and a hammer, there was a bang and a shock.

In an instant, the river surging and rolling up, the earth cracked, and the two figures were shaken and flew in opposite directions.

Liu Maoyu stabilized his figure and looked down at his right arm. Outsiders may look nothing, but he knew that his arm had been worn out.

When he looked up again, he looked at Lin Qian with a solemn mood: "This human race... is a bit troublesome."

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