The Peerless Emperor

Chapter 998: Who moves

He can feel it with just a punch, and the opponent's strength is not weak.

"Zhao Long, deal with the other two Liujin tribes, in case they have any accidents." Standing in place, Lin Qian ordered Zhao Long.

After the fight, Lin Qian also discovered that the strength of this Golden Clan was far more tyrannical than he had imagined. If he was clumsy, he would fall into the hands of the opponent.

"Your Majesty..." Hearing Lin Qian's order, Zhao Long's tone was full of worries. Obviously he was worried. If he was going to resource other Wei family children by himself, then the former could deal with this powerful Liujin tribe alone. Come over.

Lin Qian naturally heard the worry in Zhao Long's tone and waved his hand: "Don't worry, he doesn't have the ability to kill me yet."

"Yes, your Majesty be more careful." Zhao Long nodded, and finally followed Lin Qian's order to support the remaining four generations of Wei family.

At this moment, the Wei family children and others who fought against Liu Hezhou and Liu Gantian were surprised at first, and it did have a miraculous effect, but after the head-on fight, they were immediately suppressed and fell into the bottom.

The two members of the Golden Clan were also in this state and had been immersed for many years. How could they not be the opponents of the four generations of the Wei family.

The situation was controlled by them again after a few breaths after the fight.

The spirit energy emerges, the solid body, the opponent's attack, it is difficult to cause them harm.

Even after a lot of soul energy touched the whirlpool current, the strength was completely unloaded, and it flowed to the surrounding sky and earth, disappearing.

Even if the spirit energy attack is sharp, breaking through the water current of their spirit energy, and hitting their bodies, it will only cause sparks and it is difficult to cause any substantial damage.

Only Wei Changming's attack was able to cause certain damage to Liu He Zhou and Liu Sweet.

Because he is also the existence of the ninth-level peak of the palm star realm, the stars have been promoted and reached the fifth rank, except that the time is not as good as the opponent, he is after all a person of the same level as the opponent.

"Unfortunately, the strength is too weak." Among them, Liu Hezhou's flowing arms turned into chains, and he tied Wei Hang, who had been exposed for a while, with a cold tone, revealing a cruel murderous intent.

Just when the chain contracted and was about to use huge power to directly hang Wei Hang to life, a long spear suddenly rushed out from the side and clicked on the chain.

The overbearing and sharp meaning rushed into Liu Hezhou's body along the tip of the spear, and the whole body seemed to be disintegrated.

Perceiving the crisis, Liu Hezhou naturally hurriedly changed the condensed chain to its original palm shape and withdrew back.

But the shot just now has caused him a certain amount of trouble, and he has obviously suffered some trauma in his body.

Liu Hezhou, who retreated, looked at Zhao Long vigilantly. He didn't expect that there would be such a powerful soul martial artist beside the Wei family and others.

Wei Changming, who was fighting with Liu Gantian, was originally a clone, worried about whether his brothers and sisters could not deal with Liu Hezhou well.

But when Zhao Long appeared, Wei Changming immediately relaxed and tried his best to deal with the opponent in front of him.

With such a powerful helper as Zhao Long, you don't need to worry too much about the safety of your brothers and sisters.

"You go and deal with the other one, leave this to me." Zhao Long hurriedly shouted, with a Tailong spear in his hand, staring at the existence in front of him with a solemn tone.

Zhao Long said so, everyone did not hesitate, and rushed in the direction of Wei Changming, helping his brother prepare to deal with the sweetness in front of him.

The four generations of the Wei family worked together to deal with Liu Gantian and Zhao Long to deal with Liu Hezhou, with a clear division of labor and a great chance of winning.

Seeing the children of the Wei family, they all stood in front of me, as if they wanted to do something with themselves, so that Liu Gantian's pressure doubled.

If it were the past, he would not have so much pressure facing these Wei family children.

No one knows that there are no four generations under Wei Ziliang's line. Now the fourth generation of the Wei family's children is nothing to worry about. The strength is similar to the genius of the top power.

Compared with the genius disciples of these overlord-level forces, it is really far behind.

But judging from the initial fight, these Wei family's children are very different from the intelligence level, and the combat power is much stronger than he thought.

In this way, this group of people gathered together to shoot themselves, which is strong and weak, which wins and which loses, it is really not easy to say.

At this moment, Liu Maoyu, who was standing opposite Lin Qian, stared at the former carefully, and realized it after a long time. He was even more surprised in his heart: "Aren't you the trash apprentice of Emperor Zhen? From this point of view, rumors are impossible. Believe it."

"That person just now is amazing. He turned out to be your subordinate? It's a pity that you let him leave instead of helping you. You are too arrogant. You can't blame me when you die."

Lin Qian can know the situation of disciples of other forces from his master, so disciples of other forces can also know the situation of disciples of other forces through their elders.

Then, it is not strange that Liu Maoyu will know Lin Qian.

"This, you don't need to be nosy." Lin Qian moved his muscles and bones, preparing for the upcoming battle.

On the other side, Liu Maoyu is still chattering, obviously wanting to know why Lin Qian has such a tyrannical power: "The aura in you is clearly to open up the realm. How can you have such a powerful power? Understand."

"Could it be that there is something in your body that can conceal your realm, but in fact it is the ninth-level palm star realm?"

Liu Maoyu's liquid metal body kept shaking, and he was very curious about Lin Qian's body, as if he had to figure it out.

Regarding this, Lin Qian just remained silent, he didn't need to explain more to the other party.

"With all due respect, you'd better show your true strength next. Otherwise, don't say you win me..." Along with Liu Maoyu's detailed voice, a terrible breath instantly filled the air around him. The thunder electric snake appeared out of thin air, as if it had condensed into a power grid.

"I'm afraid I don't even have a chance to fight back."

The movement of Liu Maoyu's body's breath naturally attracted the attention of other people. They turned their heads and looked in that direction, wanting to see the changes clearly.

"Big Brother is really moving, that Human Race is miserable." Liu Hezhou laughed out loud, gloating.


At the same time, a more domineering coercion suddenly burst out of Lin Qian's body and crushed it towards the Quartet. Certain changes occurred in his body, shocking everyone.

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