The Peerless Emperor

Chapter 999: Frontal fight of the strong

In Lin Qian's body, the emperor's robes condensed into substance, the brilliance of the Horcrux that belongs to Lin Qian appeared.

Those layers of soul light showed Lin Qian's extraordinaryness, and the twelve layers of soul light shrouded his body, which was shocking.

"Twelve-layer soul light, are we hell?" The Wei family's children who had been fighting sweetly in front of them all screamed in surprise, inexplicably surprised.

As humans, how could they not know what the twelve layers of soul light actually represent.

On the other side, Liu Maoyu, Liu Hezhou, and Liu Gantian, three celebrities of the gold clan, looked at the changes that took place in Lin Qian, and they were also shocked and inexplicable, unable to speak.

The number of human soul light levels in a sense represents its foundation in the body refining state. Even if some soul martial artists have accumulated a lot of development, if they rise later, they still have to have more soul light levels in the same realm. In bad situation.

Cultivation techniques or treasures such as clone reconstruction are very important to the human race.

With these things, the clone can be re-trained to condense the best soul light levels, and then be accommodated in the deity to increase combat power.

After entering the big environment of the heavens and ten thousand realms, Lin Qian also knew that many human races used this method to increase the level of their soul light and make the original nine rounds of Nirvana more perfect again.

But the twelve-layer soul light was something they had never seen before. According to legend, only the original human ancestors could possess such a shocking spectacle.

Besides, they had never seen a human race with such a vision.

Now, appeared in front of them.

Moreover, they were also shocked to discover that Lin Qian’s breath of opening-up realm had already turned into a palm star realm at this moment, but it was slightly unstable, and it was still mixed with the aura of opening-up realm.

The breath situation of this realm is really unheard of, unseen, and it is confusing.

The condition of Lin Qian's body was shocking, and no one could figure out why.

Liu Maoyu didn't understand, so he looked at Lin Qian now, very solemnly.

According to the rumors, signs of human ancestors appeared on Lin Qian, a **** in the eyes of others.

The aura, like the Open Realm and the Palm Star Realm, was complicated and changeable. This was the first time he saw this situation.

Contacting the previous punch that the opponent collided with him, he already knew that the human man in front of him was not a so-called waste at all.

"Indeed, a human race like Emperor Zhen, how could the apprentice be the kind of waste that others thought." Liu Maoyu thought to himself, vaguely excited.

What an honor it is to be able to behead such a promising human race and the disciple of Emperor Zhen, when you return to the race, you will receive a huge reward.

Thinking of this, Liu Maoyu couldn't help getting excited and swaying.

"Come on, Lin Qian, let me kill you. I'm afraid it's a great achievement." Liu Maoyu spread his arms, his body ups and downs like the tide, "Unexpectedly, this time in the Wei family, I'm afraid that the most elusive is you. Killing you, Zhendi Wei Wushuang, I'm afraid it will be very sad."

"If so, it would be a great profit to go out and see this scene." Liu Maoyu yelled excitedly, his original creepy appearance gradually solidified, and it looked like a muscular body. Human race.

"I will smash you to pieces!"

Liu Maoyu said, his arms condensed into a substantive group of heads and shook arrogantly at Lin Qian.

Lin Qian stretched out his hand and beckoned at Liu Maoyu, the corner of his mouth curled up: "Come on!"

His behavior, like Liu Maoyu, was clearly a blatant provocation.

However, when Lin Qian stared at Liu Maoyu, he was whispering to himself, consuming his soul energy, and using various buff skills.

Gain skills, this situation cannot be too much now, otherwise, it will be a burden on the consumption of soul qi.

"Infinite power!"

"Quick as the wind!"

"Bronze head and iron bone!"

"Long and long!"

The four major gain skills have been secretly increased to Lin Qian's body, power, speed and defense have been increased, the last one is the enhancement of endurance, so that his spirit can support himself to complete the high-intensity fight, insisting enough Long.


At this moment, Liu Maoyu in front of him suddenly attacked and rushed towards Lin Qian.

The speed and fastness are surprising. Lin Qian only felt that the other party had already arrived in front of him.


Liu Maoyu punched directly on Lin Qian's chest.

Lin Qian's body, who was hit in the center, stagnated in the air, as if time had stopped, and his body was ejected toward the rear like a cannonball.

Boom! Boom! Boom!

Lin Qian, who was bombed out, hit the ground one after another, causing dust to rise.

"This power is a bit scary." Lin Qian, who fell to the ground, hurriedly stood up, clutching his chest and looked forward. In the past, it was the power of others that shocked him. At this time, it was finally round. To myself.

Reaching out to pinch the back of his neck, twisting his head left and right, Lin Qian stared at Liu Maoyu in front of him, smiled softly, his pupils gradually turned into a golden color, and at the same time, there was a faint purple, diffused.

Emperor pupil!

Liu Maoyu on the other side was also a little surprised when he saw Lin Qian stand up without incident.

The other party, it seems that he is not the real palm star realm, and he was able to resist such a blow without any harm.

"As expected of Emperor Zhen's apprentice, but what exactly is your strength?" Thinking in his mind, Liu Maoyu rushed forward again, his figure as if disappeared in place.

At this time, in Lin Qian's eyes, the opponent no longer disappeared suddenly, but could clearly see the opponent rushing towards him.

Lin Qian rushed forward and collided head-on with the other party, colliding with each other's fists.

The roaring and cracking sound, remembered from the moment the two people collided, the shock wave radiation seemed to be crushed in all directions, and the gravel on the bank of the river below them instantly turned into a pile of dust.

The terrible shock power even swept the other two battle circles.

The four generations of the Wei family's children, Zhao Long, Liu Hezhou and Liu Gantian, all mobilized their soul energy to resist the impact from Lin Qian and others.

boom! boom!


Countless spirit trees are bursting, and the river water is soaring up into the sky by the aftermath of their battle, floating in the air without falling.

In the midair, they could hardly see the figures of the two of them, only two afterimages constantly appeared in the midair.

Every time they appear, there will be a huge collision sound, and aftermath that oscillates in all directions, like ocean waves, sweeping toward them.

The strong fight frontally.

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