The Peerless Kobold

Ancient Forest Cobolts

I'm the only one who's healthy enough to hold a bouncing fish and discuss it with my fellow countrymen is just surreal, so I'm releasing it to the river.


As the missed fish rises from the rock on his ass swimming away, gently pressing his legs to leap to the side of the silver High Cobolt, his gaze meets that of the arm-white tail length standing near it.

"... Guru, Gaavalwaaa?

(... are you really an Elder species?) "

I don't feel hostile from him, but it doesn't feel very good to be able to turn a surprise gaze...

"N ~, woaaaaaaaaaa...... Gaoon, woaaaa!

(Mm-hmm, here's the thing... that's not big enough!) "

"Wu, Cure, Galvao Wolwaan......

(Ugh, sorry, I only checked the silver color...) "

One of the light-brown hairy standing ear cobolts lays down Shun and his ears and apologizes to the light tea giant cobolt that leads them. Apparently, one of the standing ear cobolts who came to the riverside to draw water saw me.

"Wahu, Gwalu... Ku, Gwalu, Gwalu, Gwalu, Gwalu, Gwalu, Volu?

(Ha ha ha ha ha... this kid is suppressing but he's got a lot of magic on him?) "

(... treat her like this)

The atmosphere surrounded by that sighing silver female cobolt is calm, and it looks like she could be about 4-5 years old if she measures the people in our herd. If so, he's nearly twice as alive as I am and I can't help treating him like that...

(Exactly, I feel uncomfortable because the elderly people in the herd are about their mothers to take such an attitude toward their faces... on second thought, are the elderly people in the herd just caring for me the younger ones)

Once again, I would like to thank everyone, but I would also like to say this on my own, so I will cut the story out here.

"Gwaagargar, Gwaaguuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu... gruuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu?

(There seems to be more than one herd mixed... what about you?) "

In principle, these men, each of whom leads a companion, will also have a name, as the inflexible Cobolt is recognized by all the flock to name.

"Wolwow, Gru Wolgar Wolwow Alva

Thank you, I'm Silva from Garvi's blood. "

"Grualwong ~, Kwol

"I'm Shiro, young sage."

Alistia tells me that the dull silver girlfriend is Silva and the little cobolt of white fuwa is a silo as it is watched... hence what he calls a wise man is a tribute to the Elder species.

"Garvoraaon, Walguau...... Gaan, Gruvarva

(I don't think I'm a sage with that forged body... well, I'm a hasta) "

Only for a moment, the bravery of a steel sage posing beautifully passed the back of his brain. Because of this, his book of instruction, "Rigid Crushing," also describes how to attract the flesh beautifully... of course, I skipped reading it.

"W, Garagau. Woah, woah, Val, woah, woah, woah?

(So, Noon is Brau. So is your Lord an Elder breed?) "

"Waf, Alfalwo Wolwoaaaa

Oh, that's what the elves told me. "

Watch the four cobolts who heard that reply face to face with each other, while asking why there are multiple flocks mixed together to dispel disturbing questions.

"Wah, kruwov groaaaaaaaaa ~

(Well, it certainly can't be normal.) "

"... Wow, Gurgargawfa, Gurgaaaa, Kuugao

(… my flock was attacked with goblins the other day, and nine were killed) "

From what I hear, the ancient northeastern Mori goblins have recently been revitalized, and in doing so it is the flock of hastas bordering the territory with the Little Ghost clan that stood on the arrow.

It was only at first that we started with a skirmish where no one was going to die, and there was a raid on the settlement about a week ago. Originally, the tough but small number of black and white cobolts are driven into impotent situations, forcing them to abandon their settlements and evacuate.

Nine of them, including the chief who served as a hall to escape the female and child, apparently died in the middle of it. Afterwards, a flock of interactive Shiloh was to accept against a flock of hastas who had fled injuries.

"Guru qualcua ~ n, vulgar kuru 'an!

(Because we're small and weak - we have to get along with our own people!) "

Nico, the prestigious White Fuwako Bolts seem to live a life of small-scale farming and sampling centers and live secluded, originally on the side of being driven out by defeat in territorial strife.

But because they're good at healing magic, they're working with other herds to get them to approve the territory. Therefore, it was under the white fuzz that the handy black and white cobolts headed.

So, via its wide range of interactions, White Fuwakobolts, news of the goblin raid reaches the largest herd of sage Garvi in the ancient northeastern Mori and herds of stand-up ear kobolts led by Blau.

According to the stories of the Hastas, there were 80 Gs just to come to the settlement, and when we scouted to find out the exact number, there were more than one hundred and twenty...

"Wolwo alpha gawo fa wo ag wolvoru......

(They came from the North Forest and joined the original people...) "

Speaking of north from here, there is only the Easteria Forest...

(... sorry, what do you care)

Joint crusaders will be formed at the call of the wise Garvi, as both the increased number of G's cannot be dealt with as early as possible in the individual herds, and if they are bad, they may be wiped out altogether...

"Woah garoooooooooooooooooo! Walgruuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu!!

That's what I'm talking about! The rest of us are camping a little further!!) "

So I could guess the general situation...

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