The Peerless Kobold

Damn, it's better than us!

When the silver archer (Archer) was meeting his fellow countrymen living in the ancient woods in the river plains, there was a sharp gaze at the hamham and grass-eating Chamosica's parents and children in the forest...

Hiding in a wooden tree about 10 meters ahead of its chamossica parents and children is a goblin with a giant body and a big sword, peeking into two horns from the gap in his hair. The other day, when he attacked the cobolts with black and white hair, he defeated the leader of the herd and evolved.

The figure became slightly more civilized than it was when it was rampant in the Easterian woods, wrapped in black leather armor over clothes taken from adventurers.

Brave quickly sends a hand sign to his partner, a long, skinny, thin blue-skinned partner, watching how Chamosica's parents and children are still unnoticed here.

Sword Oyaha Oregacitomel

Motilonda Chicara Tamesundaro

The corresponding sword likewise appeared to be wearing an unusual leather armor over the clothes taken away, with a double sword of regular use hanging on his hips. Did he also have an evolutionary influence? His hair grows, and two horns grow out of that gap.

Some appearances became closer to people, both of them more like ghosts living in the mountains of an island country in the Far East than Goblins.

Omaelaja Sayuuu Osaelo

Confirming that the Goblin warriors, hand-signed by Sword, killed the signs and sounds and strayed into the left and right trees while avoiding the chamossica parents and children to a great extent, Brave cages his strength in Tanda and opens its mouth.


A small light dot floated up in its mouth, and a strip of light burst from it!

"Gyu!? Huh... Huh."


A brace of light emitted from Brave's mouth pierces the torso of the parent chamossica. Camoshika manages to make her stomp, but she falls to the ground without force.

"Gaw, guh!

Camoshika, a child who doesn't understand the situation, folds her body over her parents and keeps ringing. I just can't say that's a smart choice.

"Gürr, Lart."


From the palm protruded by the sword, a horizontal thunderbolt emits and strikes the child Chamoshika to stun him.

Shortly afterwards, four goblins lurking left and right flock to the chamossis parents and children, stabbing a short knife in the artery of the parent chamossis before stiffness begins after death to perform a blood drain. The child Kamoshika is only fainting if the sword has adjusted the lightning strike, and because there is no need for treatment on this spot right now, the limbs are tied with hemp rope and rolled unconstitutionally.

Watching how it goes, Brave silences about his acquired abilities. The feeling of releasing the brace for the first time was close to vomiting and there was discomfort like things refluxing in my stomach.

"... Guruegilgarth Agius, Ilgregis

(... Thankful to be able to do ranged attacks, but that's a strange feeling) "

Common name: Brave (¾)

Race: Goblin

Class: High Brave

Skill: Battle Cry (Little Ghost Reinforced) Elementary Magic (Holy/Recovery System Only)

Brilliant Sword Brave's Resurrection Brace (Light)

Title: Gwanghui's Brave

Weapon: Claymore

Armed: Leather Armor

"Gi, Gifilegalva

(Well, you just have to get used to it) "

With that being said, my buddy Goblin Fighter approaches the sword, still unfamiliar with the feeling of using magic to open and close his hands, and calls out in anticipation of his attention being directed to himself.

"Illatigus, Magileedre

(Almost there, you'll finish processing) "

"Cowl gel ah! Hartgills, Gilmedes.

(It's a treat today! It's tough to take it home) "

Sure, the chamossis around here isn't that big, but it weighs about 50kg. However, given the proportion of blood in your body weight, it would be a little lighter after blood draining. If it is still heavy, there are some areas where it can be eaten, so it is a little unhealthy, but if the gut is removed, it is about 30 kg.

I have also brought two pairs of backpacks and hemp bags to carry my prey, and the fellow I have brought is four of the bigger and more powerful fighter species than usual considering transport. The distance to the village of Valli is not a problem if the child Kamoshika is taken over.

"Ga, gilsvarigio gig dem geele ergado!

Come on, let's go home and have a drink while we pick meat with Lord Valli!) "

"El Grezea, Geed...... Gaudlaughie Gill

(Stop drinking, Sword... your drunkenness is annoying) "

While embarrassing the bad sword of alcoholism, Brave turned his attention to the absence of Kobolts, demons and natural enemies attracted to the smell of blood, prompting his companions to return to the village of Valli, making sure there was no sign of anything in particular.



I hide myself on a tree and let my eyes dwell on magic to enhance my vision. I see a Goblin village a little further away.

Silva and the others asked me to lend my powers as an Elder species. I had put my reply on hold and had come to scout the Goblin villages and dots I had been taught...

What the fuck? Better than our settlement!)

Apparently the ancient forests have a more historic backlog than the Easteria, and the life of the goblins is refined.

Well, I know the clothes worn by some goblins were taken from other races... but I don't think it's possible for them because they need primitive looms and skills at least to make a sewable narcotics cloth.

Looking over, a large house is built in the middle of a land covered in all directions by a wooden fence of about 130 m on one side, around which about 40 houses large and small are built. Probably a sheikh's house with a hut that lets in females such as humans and elves captured by the central house.

On the northwest side of the village is a ranch where example boar-shaped warcraft and bipedal lizard-shaped demon landlizards are kept. Will boar-shaped demons and such be an emergency food when you have trouble eating them?

(Aside from that... the number of cavalry is more than a dozen, depending on the building and site area)

Turning his gaze to the east of it, he sees a small plot of cultivated land that draws water from the river, and nearby there is also the wreckage of the ren furnace after it collapses, so he seems to be able to make iron... He also has to consider the presence of archers from training installations like the arrowfield.

(Meets everything I wanted to do in our settlement...)

That's all that irritates me anymore. My feelings lean slightly towards cooperation with Silva and the others for a good reason.

In the first place, the Gs are natural enemies because we overlap the Cobolt and the Survival Realm. We cannot overlook, for example, the ongoing civilisation of that hostile species. If we do poorly, we also risk these guys coming north to the Easteria Forest.

(Okay, let's burn this place down and eradicate it!)

I took the time to see what the village looked like and how powerful it was. I followed the scene to get under my people lurking about 10 square meters away.

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