Meanwhile, the three men who were advised to stay in the royal castle until the search party that went out to look for the silver archer (Archer) returned were... tongue-in-cheek for dinner.

"Wah? Krwow, vaaru!

(Wow? It tastes a little honey!) "


Delicious!) "

While the baking addition and subtraction hand-grabbed Rare ox steak, the pale giant cobolt swung the happy atmosphere into a royal cafeteria, and the fox-tailed dagger loosened his cheeks as well.

It should be noted that Aristia, who returned to her ancestors in seclusion and became the next queen to intensely inherit the blood of high elves, is limited in the use of this dining room because she was separated from her parents at an early age and does not have what she can call her body.

Since the fall of Claudia, the previous queen who secretly thought like a mother, is it about Eliza, the evil friends she met at the royal castle she was brought to, the world tree witches who often act together at the ceremony?

However, to this day, I had invited friends who had slept with me for nearly a month.


(You all heard that honey is a favorite, so I baked it into honey pickles) "

Today and today, Eliza begins to explain the dish with a clear face, finishing up curly hair that requires time and effort.

After taking the muscle under discussion with a knife, besides the steak roasted with meat that had been pickled in honey, even honey toast, honey wine, which had been sliced and shaken with nuts...... it was a honey exhaustion.

Eliza is basically a book bug, but actually has a strong interest in something novel. However, once she was also a famous lady, she was caught up in the dilemma of inadvertently being unable to walk, and the Kobolts that Aristia had brought in for Eliza like that had greatly daunted her curiosity.

(... so this would be too much)

Slightly shuddered, Aristia, the lord of the royal castle, roasts honeyed toast. I love her and the sweet stuff... but now all I have on the table is the sweet stuff.

(Though Axe and Dagger seem to be delighted...)

Peek at the chirali and the cobolt of the arm-black giant.

(I don't know about preferences because I'm shallow with him compared to the other kids... what about sweets?)

"Qualugu Gwwwwwww... waw?

(The smell will fill my stomach... hmm?) "

I threw the chicken and steak into my mouth chopped with my hands, and the gaze of Buster and Alistair, who were drinking honey wine, involves unexpectedly.

"Ooh, ooh?

(Does it fit your mouth?) "

"Wafowowoaaaaaa...... gawowowowoaaaaan

(Sometimes this is good... I'll take care of him for a while) "

Initially, all three of them tried to find the head of the herd, but they were also held back because of the junction around the Wang Capital, which was being demodulated by the adjustment of Aristia.

The line of stray is widely developed around the Wang capital, so if you get lost, you get scattered. Since the elves are not affected by stray junctions, there was also a hand that the search party would accompany them when they left… in the unlikely event that they got caught up in problems such as demonic raids.

To avoid secondary damage, the three cobolts, who had been carefully briefed, had decided to accept Aristia's suggestion and become troublesome at the Royal Castle for about 2-3 days.

At the root of that decision, I can see the trust that a silver demon dog would be fine with one.

That is the same for Aristia herself, and the fear she pushed to death the first time she saw a silver-haired gold-eyed demon dog standing on her back of moonlight is now replaced by trust.

(Don't worry about him... No, you're worried, you might do something about it somewhere. Climb the World Tree on your own...... you couldn't sleep because of it, no more!)

She was bored by the feeling of crawling around her body because she forgot to unshare her senses with the world tree, but they don't consider it there.

Aristia worries about Archer in various ways, but now there are more important issues. Well, that's not even something to think about at dinner, so I turned it around later and she decided to enjoy the place to eat.



About two days southeast of Elfast, the Wang capital, lies the city of Elwind and the world tree "Mercy" (Affectio). The ambassador of the Republic of Finland, a neighbouring country, came to that city three days ago from the time of the rebels' rampage in the King's capital.

The Republic of Finland is also the only country in the West to retain a world tree, having signed a peace treaty with the “Town Hall Du” at the Battle of Forest Garden 600 years ago.

However, Claudia, the previous Queen, who believed that the new values rapidly flowing in from the Republic would be poisonous to the concept of a class clan society held by the Elves, was cut off from the state in just a few years, and is now not particularly connected.

Naturally, we can't keep our messengers close to the cities of the elves...

During the assassination attempt, the life force of the world tree "Eternity" (Ioan) was consumed in large quantities to keep the dying queen alive and long, and it was avenged that the life force was also transferred from the city's world tree "Mercy" (Affectio) via the earth vein.

I was temporarily struck by a gap in a broken junction.

Still, if it was meant to be, the emissaries who came were half-eared half-elves, although they remained uninhibited effects, such as people.

In the woods, a few kilometers from the city of Erwind they visited, Raad, a half-elf Republican Councillor who can follow 2,000 Expeditionary Armies in the camp of the 2nd Division of the Republican Army, whines as he remembers the other day.

"Well, you call us elfmodokies... the city of Elwind is my mother's hometown, as far as I'm concerned, I paid the utmost respect."

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