The Pentium Era - South to North

Chapter 1056 While talking, Li Liejun came out

Lao Zhu came back and saw Meng Ping lying there with his eyes closed to rest.

Meng Ping is just pretending, he wants Lao Zhu to hold it in, suffocate him to death, and see if you can show off.

Sure enough, Lao Zhu sat down, took a sip of tea, and looked at Meng Pingping as calm as water. He couldn't hold it in anymore and cursed: "Lao Meng, after hearing such an exciting story, can you still fall asleep?"

Meng Ping said calmly: "What does it have to do with me? What do I have to be excited about?"

Meng Ping said and continued to close his eyes and rest.

Lao Zhu hit a soft nail. He thought for a while and came up with another plan. He said: "Lao Meng, there is a person. If I tell you, you will definitely not know him."

Meng Ping said: "Why do I want to know each other? There are so many people in the world, and I know everyone. How can I still know them? Don't say one, I mean ten. You definitely don't know them. You know Liu Ligan?" , get to know Zhang Chen, get to know Chen Qihang, get to know Li Yong, get to know Wu Zhaohui, get to know Wei Wenfang, get to know Erhuo and Lao Tan, get to know Han Gaozu Liu Bang and Lin Shuwan..."

"Wait a minute, Lao Meng, how could I not know about Liu Bang, the great ancestor of the Han Dynasty? I must know more than you do. By the way, who were you talking about earlier, Lin Shuwan? Lin Shuwan... This person is related to the great ancestor of the Han Dynasty, Liu Bang. ?"

Meng Ping smiled and said: "Of course it is related, they are together, and Lin Shuwan calls Zhang Chen brother, but she has never called Xiao Zhao sister-in-law, but Xiao Zhao is Zhang Chen's wife, and they, And Liu Ligan, Erhuo, Lao Tan, Wu Zhaohui, etc. are all friends of Liu Bang, the founder of the Han Dynasty..."

"Stop, stop, Lao Meng, you fucking stop, you are trying to trick me. Do these people you are talking about really exist?" Lao Zhu asked.

"Of course." Meng Ping said.

"Where is it recorded? In the Book of Han?"

Meng Ping shook his head.

"Book of the Later Han"? "Historical Records"? "Han Ji"? "Zi Zhi Tong Jian"? "Tong Jian Chronicles"? "Historical Outline Commentary"?" Lao Zhu asked a series of questions.

Meng Ping laughed, then shook his head and said: "The great ancestors of the Han Dynasty, Liu Bang and Lin Shuwan, were both Taiwanese..."

"Lao Meng, what the hell are you talking about?" Lao Zhu cursed.

"Really, I'm not talking nonsense. They are all my friends and we often drink together." Meng Ping said with a smile.

Lao Zhu breathed a sigh of relief and cursed: "Fake, you fucking sound like it's true. It scared me. I thought I had a blind spot in my knowledge."

Meng Ping laughed.

After a while, Lao Zhu still couldn't hold it in anymore and said, "Lao Meng, what I'm talking about is a historical figure. You really don't know that."

Meng Ping said nothing, and Lao Zhu himself continued: "Li Liejun, do you know?"

Meng Ping sat up from the recliner and said: "I also know that the people who joined the Tongmenghui together with Sun Dapao, and the people who 'protected the country and fought against Yuan' together with Cai E and Tang Jiyao, right?"

Lao Zhu was stunned for a moment and shouted: "Okay, Lao Meng, I didn't expect you to know such partial knowledge."

"What nonsense? There were articles written about him in tabloids and colorful magazines in the past few years. Did he really frame his good friend and then steal his wife?" Meng Ping ask.

"Okay, let's forget it."

"What do you mean, even if it is, yes it is, and if it is not, it is not. Fortunately, you still study history. Is your family's history estimated by Mao?" Meng Ping said sarcastically.

Lao Zhu chuckled and said, "Even if there is such a thing, you are talking about his later wife Hua Shiqi, who had ten children with him. However, this is not important. What is important is his previous wife." Chen Yuzhen, and their child Li Gancong."

Meng Ping was not interested in the latter part of what Lao Zhu said, but was very interested in the first part.

Li Liejun, a second-level general of the National Revolutionary Army, studied in the sixth phase of the artillery section of the Japanese Army Non-commissioned Officer School in his early years. During his stay in Japan, Huang Xing introduced him to Sun Yat-sen, and later joined the Tongmenghui.

After the Revolution of 1911 broke out, Li Liejun was promoted to the chief of staff of the Jiangxi Governor's Office and the commander-in-chief of the navy and army, forcing the main ships of the Beiyang Navy to declare an uprising. In 1912, when the Republic of China was established, Li Liejun was appointed governor of Jiangxi by Sun Yat-sen.

On March 20, 1913, before the Congress was convened, Song Jiaoren, the soul figure of the Kuomintang at that time and known as the "Father of Chinese Constitutionalism", was assassinated by Yuan Shikai at the Shanghai Railway Station. Prior to this, the National Congress of the Republic of China held an election in which the Kuomintang After a great victory, Song Jiaoren was planning to follow the European "cabinet system" practice, go to Beijing to participate in the Congress, and form a cabinet as the leader of the party.

After Song Jiaoren was assassinated, Li Liejun communicated with Tan Yankai, the governor of Hunan, Hu Hanmin, the governor of Guangdong, and Bai Wenwei, the governor of Anhui, to rebel against Yuan.

On July 12, 1913, the General Headquarters of the Yuan Army was established in Hukou, Jiangxi. Li Liejun took office as the commander-in-chief and opened the curtain of the second revolution. After the defeat in August, he went into exile in Japan.

On December 12, 1915, Yuan Shikai announced his acceptance of the throne, overthrew the Republic, restored the monarchy, changed the Republic of China to the "Empire of China", and ordered the abolition of the Republic of China era, and changed the fifth year of the Republic of China (1916) to the first year of Hongxian, which was known as the Hongxian monarchy in history.

Li Liejun opposed Yuan Shikai's restoration of the monarchy, defended the republican system, and proposed that "I would rather be a free ghost than a slave under authoritarian power." He rushed back to China from Nanyang to prepare for a second attack on Yuan.

On December 25, 1915, he, Cai E and Tang Jiyao organized the "National Protection Army" in Yunnan and started the "National Protection War". Cai E was appointed commander-in-chief of the First Army and sent troops to Sichuan; Li Liejun was appointed commander-in-chief of the Second Army and marched into Sichuan. Guangdong and Guangxi; Tang Jiyao was appointed commander-in-chief of the Third Army and was based in Yunnan.

On March 23, 1916, Yuan Shikai ordered the restoration of the Republic of China era title. After being the emperor for 63 days, he sadly abdicated. On June 6, Yuan Shikai died of uremia. His successor, President Li Yuanhong, announced the restoration of the Provisional Constitution and Congress, and the War to Protect the Country. Finish.

After 1917, Li Liejun twice served as the chief of general staff of the southern government formed by Sun Yat-sen in Guangzhou, assisting Sun Yat-sen in defeating Chen Jiongming.

In early 1927, Li Liejun was appointed chairman of the Jiangxi Provincial Government by Chiang Kai-shek, and served as a member of the Standing Committee of the Nanjing National Government and a member of the Standing Committee of the Military Commission.

After the September 18th Incident in 1931, Li Liejun called Chiang Kai-shek and advocated respecting freedom of speech, reforming politics, and united against Japan.

Li Liejun had seven sons and three daughters. After the outbreak of the Anti-Japanese War, Li Liejun's eldest son was studying medicine and his younger son was only 4 years old. In order to support the Anti-Japanese War, he sent all five of his sons who had reached service age into the army. Two were in Whampoa Military Academy and one was in the army. While at the Naval Academy, two of them went to Burma to join the Chinese Expeditionary Force. At that time, the media widely reported that they were called "the elders of the party and the country, and the fifth son joined the army."

On February 20, 1946, Li Liejun died in Chongqing due to hypertensive myocardial infarction at the age of 64.

For such a revolutionary martyr, Meng Ping remembered reading in a magazine that his "stain" was that he could not escape being a beauty, and his methods were dirty and despicable.

It is said that while he was studying abroad in the sixth phase of the Gunnery Section of the Japanese Army Non-commissioned Officer School, he became good friends with a Fujianese named Gong Yong.

After Li Liejun became the governor of Jiangxi, he also "don't forget each other even if you are rich and noble" and appointed Gong Yong as his personal adjutant.

Not long after Gong Yong became an adjutant, he returned to Fuzhou to get married. The person his family married was Hua Shiqi, who was from a well-born family. The bride was naturally beautiful and charming. More importantly, she received a new education and was proficient in Latin. Being able to write poetry and composition was relatively rare among women at that time.

After Gong Yong returned home to get married, he returned to the Nanchang Jiangxi Governor's Mansion. He happily showed the photo of himself and his newlywed wife to his superior and good friend Li Liejun. Unexpectedly, Li Liejun couldn't pull it out after seeing it. My wife thinks about it day and night, and is haunted by dreams.

Soon, Li Liejun arranged for Gong Yong to return to his hometown of Fuzhou and send a confidential document to Sun Daoren, the governor of Fujian. He told him that after delivering the letter, he would rest at home for three months. Gong Yong was naturally overjoyed. After all, he could go back to his hometown to reunite with his new wife.

Unexpectedly, as soon as he arrived at Fuzhou Dudu's Mansion, he was arrested by armed guards. He immediately claimed that according to a secret report, Gong had been selling confidential government documents to Yuan Shikai. The facts were clear and the evidence was conclusive. Three days later, Gong was arrested. Yong was shot.

After Gong Yong's death, Li Liejun got close to Hua Shiqi in the name of comforting his family, and then gave this grieving and fragile woman meticulous care, gaining her favor, and finally accepted his pursuit, even though he knew that he She had a wife, but she still became his concubine, but Li Liejun promised her that after getting married, he would treat her with the status and identity of an eldest wife.

This matter was exposed when the governor of Fujian, Sun Daoren, resigned, and his successor, Li Houji, saw the secret telegram sent by Li Liejun to Sun Daoren. As a result, the matter was exposed. He said in public:

"Gong was shot because of the fact that Li Xiehe sent a secret message to declare the crime. Later, I heard that Li Xiehe had taken his wife as a concubine, and his character was completely lost."

Meng Ping asked Lao Zhu: "Lao Zhu, do you think a person like Li Liejun is a hero or a bear? Let's say he is a hero. He took this friend's wife without mercy and even killed his friend. It's so despicable and dirty. His methods are despicable, so he can’t be considered a hero, right?

"But participating in the Tongmenghui to 'protect the country and fight against Yuan', including later calling on Chiang Kai-shek to resist the war, and sending his five sons to the anti-Japanese battlefield, must be regarded as a hero. This person is too complicated."

"History is inherently complicated, and so are people." Lao Zhu said, "There are no absolute good people, and there are no absolute bad people. That Wang Jingwei planned to assassinate the regent Zaifeng, was arrested afterwards, sentenced to life imprisonment, and was given a gift in prison. The poem 'The sword leads to a quick success, living up to the youth's head' was widely recited for a while. Who would have thought that this young man would eventually become a big traitor?"

"It makes sense." Meng Ping nodded.

"Including the matter of seizing a friend's wife, it has indeed spread a lot, but many people who have witnessed it have kept silent, and it cannot be ruled out that they were framed. Li Liejun has offended too many people. He has offended Lao Yuan and his gang, and Having offended Hu Hanmin, Chiang Kai-shek strongly recommended Sun Yat-sen for the position of principal of Huangpu Military Academy, but he and Chiang Kai-shek never dealt with him.

"So, we cannot rule out the possibility of opponents throwing dirty water on him."

Meng Ping said okay, that's it, "Lao Zhu, you can now tell me what happened to Li Liejun's first wife Chen Yuzhen and his son Li Gancong."

"Among the rumors you mentioned, at least one thing is true, that is, when Li Liejun and Hua Shiqi got married, Li Liejun had a wife in his hometown and was not divorced. Hua Shiqi was indeed a concubine and had a son, Li Gancong. , and he was in the countryside with his first wife, and they rarely had any contact with each other afterwards." Lao Zhu said.

"Lao Zhu, you suddenly jumped to Li Liejun again. Is this just a small talk? Or does this guy have something to do with the wealth you mentioned?" Meng Ping said.

"Of course it is related."

Meng Ping was surprised: "How did they get related?"

"As mentioned earlier, Li Liejun failed to challenge Yuan the first time, and after the second revolution ended, he fled to Japan, right?" Lao Zhu asked.

Meng Ping nodded and said yes.

"After arriving in Japan, one thing happened. In view of the complexity, disorganization, and lack of combat effectiveness of the original Kuomintang, Sun Yat-sen decided to rebuild the Chinese Revolutionary Party and start another revolution. He stipulated that all those who join the party must have their fingerprints stamped, swear an oath, and swear an oath. Absolutely obey his personal leadership.

"Huang Xing and Li Liejun were furious when they heard this, and had a big quarrel with Sun Dapao. They said that when we challenge Yuan, we are against personal dictatorship. We want to recreate the republic. What is the difference between Sun Dapao and Yuan Shikai?

"Both of them refused to join this organization, and the two parties broke up. Huang Xing went to the United States, and Li Liejun went to Europe. Their purpose was to raise funds and follow a different route from Sun Dapao, or to continue to follow the path of a democratic republic. road."

As Lao Zhu said, Meng Ping shouted: "I understand, did this Li Liejun meet Zhu Yunzhen's descendants in Europe?"

"Yes, but I didn't meet him. There was a man named Zheng among his entourage. He was a passionate young man who came back from France for revolution." Lao Zhu said, "He knew what Li Liejun wanted to do, and he was the one who encouraged Li Liejun to go to Europe. , after arriving in France, he introduced several heads of their clan to Li Liejun."

Thank you to Doll Tin Soldier and Ri Ri Shu Shu for the reward! Thank you Beicheng Scholar, Tianying 1978, and Book Friends 20190412154836208 for your monthly votes! Thanks for all the votes and reading! I wish you all good health!

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