The Pentium Era - South to North

Chapter 1057: It’s a mess, who can tolerate it?

"Of course Li Liejun's entourage doesn't know about the treasure. He thinks that since he has so many people in Europe and everyone is very concerned about domestic affairs, he should be able to raise part of the money in Europe."

Lao Zhu took a sip of tea and asked Meng Ping: "Lao Meng, tell me, what did these revolutionaries mainly rely on back then?"

Meng Ping thought for a moment and said: "The route is correct and the eloquence is good."

Lao Zhu smiled and said: "Why aren't you brave in battle?"

"Yes, in fact, those who can achieve great things must have good eloquence. So what kind of wars can Liu Bang and Liu Bei fight? It's because they know how to cheat and employ people." Lao Zhu said, "The basis of being able to cheat and employ people is good eloquence and eloquence. Well, you can make people think that your cheating is a trick. If you can't use sweet words, how can you impress people? Lao Meng, you are also very eloquent, so you can achieve great things."

Lao Zhu laughed as he spoke, and Meng Ping scolded: "Are you praising me or scolding me? Are you saying that I can cheat or talk nicely?"

"Knowing words and making a good impression." Lao Zhu said, "This is the highest state of success. Didn't you hear Lao Cha say earlier that you left a good impression on him in a short time? This is making a good impression. I really can't learn from it. Come.

"It's even more clever. If I, Mr. Zhu, say the same thing, it might offend people. But if you, Lao Meng, say it, it will make people feel like a breath of fresh air. No wonder all the old comrades in the agency like you."

"What do you want to say?" Meng Ping asked.

"I want to say that this Li Liejun is a man who is eloquent and eloquent. You have the potential to be him." Lao Zhu said with a smile, "In the agency, I can't even get a sunny office even if I want it." , you Lao Meng, your level is not as good as mine, but how can you have both sides, everyone is selling you face, what I said is right."

Meng Ping waved his hand and shouted: "Go and get to the point, how is Li Liejun doing in Europe?"

"When Li Liejun arrived in France, it happened to be the time when they were holding a clan meeting. All the elders came. Li Liejun was invited to introduce the situation in the country to them, and also told them about his and Huang Xing's plans. He told those people My heart was filled with excitement, and I wished I could go back in person to participate in the great revolution in the country.

"But they know it's impossible. Although they are descendants of Zhu Yuanzhang and Zhu Yunwen, if they are asked to jump on a horse and carry a gun now, they no longer have the ability or the courage.

"They all discussed that since it is impossible for us to go back, we can only find agents. Now that the Tartars have been driven out of the country, the next step is to overthrow the warlords, unify the country, and build a prosperous and free land. And this Li Liejun, Sun Yat-sen also praised him, "Mr. Xiehe is capable of martial arts on horseback and literature on horseback. He is a rare Confucian general of our time."

"Those big family members also think that Li Liejun is a rare talent. He is indeed a man who can kill warlords with a gun and build a country with a pen. The final decision of the clan meeting is to give most of the treasures to Leave it to Li Liejun to assist him and Huang Xing in their great cause of republic.

"Another important reason why they can safely hand over this large amount of wealth to Li Liejun is that they have clan members who follow Li Liejun, who can at least supervise the use of this wealth. Li Liejun also pays attention to these elders. Promise that you will keep and use this wealth properly and live up to their trust.

"It is absolutely impossible for Mr. Li himself to embezzle or misappropriate even a single cent of it.

"Everyone handed Li Liejun the key, password, and seal of the Swiss Bank's vault. They also gave him Zhu Yunwen's edict and the list of belongings in the vault. That edict also went to the Swiss Bank. They have another copy that must be presented.

"What's in the vault is gold and jewelry, not cash. After Li Liejun receives this wealth, he still needs time to cash it in. Otherwise, how can he bring this war back home? They are on the wanted list of the Beiyang warlords. , even for them to return to the country, they still need to sneak across, let alone bring so many things with them.

"Li Liejun feels that it is safer to bring them back to the country at this time than to stay in the vault of a Swiss bank and deal with them after the situation stabilizes. The construction of a new republic also requires funds.

"At this time, it was already July 1914. The First World War broke out and Europe fell into chaos. Japan immediately declared war on Germany. After hearing the news, Li Liejun immediately boarded the ship from Marseille and headed east. The ship arrived in Saigon , wanted to disembark, and pretended to go to Vietnam to go to Yunnan. However, he was blocked by French customs and was not allowed to disembark. He had to transfer to Hong Kong to live temporarily.

"In November, he transferred to Singapore. Together with Huang Xing, Xiong Kewu, Zhang Shizhao, Cheng Qian and others, he organized an anti-Yuan group in Nanyang, the European Affairs Research Society, in the name of studying the war in Europe.

"At the beginning of 1915, Yuan Shikai announced the restoration of the monarchy. On May 9, he openly accepted Japan's 21 measures aimed at "destroying China" and betrayed national sovereignty. The whole country was in an uproar.

"Li Liejun was very angry when he got the news. He felt that he had to return to China immediately. At the same time, he also realized that he could not leave the revolutionary organization. He just sat overseas and talked about doctrine every day. Although he did not agree with it in his heart, he still went through the procedures according to Sun Yat-sen's regulations and joined the Chinese Communist Party. Revolutionary Party.

"In early December 1915, Sun Dapao himself was hiding overseas, but he called Li Liejun to urge him to return to China and carry out an armed struggle against Yuan Dynasty. Haha, this is the true nature of a revolutionary leader as mentioned before. Li Liejun went from Singapore to Haiphong, and then to Hanoi, went to Lao Cai, sneaked into Yunnan from Lao Cai, organized a "National Protector Army" with Cai E and Tang Jiyao, and began to fight against Yuan.

"After Yuan Shikai's death, Feng Guozhang and Duan Qirui ousted the unarmed President Li Yuanhong, and actually took control of the government. They refused to restore the "Provisional Constitution" and convene a Congress, delusional to rule China by force and continue their dictatorial rule.

"Sun Yat-sen left Shanghai and went south to Guangzhou, calling for the protection of the Dharma. From August 25 to September 1, 1917, he held an extraordinary session of the National Assembly in Guangzhou and contacted the provinces of Yunnan, Guangxi, and Guangdong to establish the military government of the Republic of China. We later used to call it the Southern Military Government.

"China at that time was actually one country and two governments. Including later at the Paris Peace Conference, Liang Qichao and Wu Tingfang represented the southern military government. Although Gu Weijun and others were official Chinese representatives, they only represented the Beijing National Government in the north. .

"After the establishment of the Southern Military Government, Sun Yat-sen appointed himself Generalissimo of the Navy and Army, and Li Liejun was appointed Chief of Staff of the Generalissimo's Office.

"When Li Liejun left Shanghai and went south to Guangzhou, he secretly returned to his hometown in Wuning, Jiangxi Province. The purpose of returning was to leave Zhu Yunwen's edict, as well as the Swiss Bank's vault key and seal to his son in his hometown, and also left it to his son in his hometown. The password was also told to him.

"Because he thought that he would definitely be galloping on the battlefield next, and there would be a risk of sacrifice at any time. Once he sacrificed, those treasures would become ownerless.


“This is the kind of worry he often reveals in his conversations with his entourage.

"The reason why he didn't tell Hua Shiqi and their children this secret was that they had been with him all the time. When he died, they were likely to be unlucky. In contrast, it was his child who had not been with him for many years. His wife and son, whom he had forgotten in the countryside, were the safest.

"At that time, almost no one in the entire society knew that he had such a wife and son, because whenever they appeared in the newspapers, they were photos of him and Hua Shiqi, and they talked about his children, and there were no newspapers. Include his son in the country.

"Li Liejun took photos of the edict and the list, gave them to his followers for safekeeping, and returned to his hometown in the countryside. He took his son, buried these things, and told his son a lot of things.

"Li Liejun stayed at home for one night, then left home and went to Guangzhou to take over his position as chief of staff of the Southern Military Government. After that, he fell into internal fighting within the Southern Military Government. The Guangxi warlords drove away Sun Yat-sen and reorganized the Southern Military Government. During the military government, Chen Jiongming returned to the army and defeated the Gui clique. Sun Yat-sen returned to Guangzhou. Then Chen Jiongming rebelled again and Sun Yat-sen avoided the "Yongfeng Ship".

"It can be said that at that time, while the northern warlords were fighting back and forth, competing for territory and the throne of the president, the southern military government, which claimed to be the revolutionary party, was not much better. They were just a bunch of rabble until the old age Only with the rise of Chiang's "Whampoa Clique" could they be able to unify China at least on the surface.

"After Sun Yat-sen died in 1925, Li Liejun became a marginalized person. He was ostracized by Hu Hanmin in Guangzhou. When he arrived in Zhangjiakou, he served as Feng Yuxiang's general counselor of the National Army. The National Army was defeated by Feng Jun. He could only Head south to Shanghai.

"The Northern Expeditionary Army entered Nanchang and called Li Liejun as Chairman of the Jiangxi Provincial Government. Li Liejun took office. The Kuomintang began to split Ninghan again. The Wuhan National Government appointed Zhu Depei as Chairman of the Jiangxi Provincial Government.

"In 1927, Chiang Kai-shek established the National Government in Nanjing and appointed Li Liejun as a member of the Standing Committee of the National Government and a member of the Standing Committee of the Military Commission. Li Liejun had just arrived in Nanjing and was still hot. Chiang Kai-shek also served under the leadership of Li Zongren, He Yingqin, and Wang Jingwei. Forced by the police, he electrified and left the field.

"Since then, he has been marginalized because of his disagreements with Chiang Kai-shek on many matters. It can be said that he has no chance to dedicate this wealth to the country. After the outbreak of World War II, he gave up this idea. The entire European continent was occupied by Germany, and you couldn't even go to Switzerland. Until Li Liejun died in Chongqing, the world was still in chaos.

"After Li Liejun's death, it can be said that only his son from the countryside was the only person in charge of this wealth. Unfortunately, after the Japanese occupied Jiujiang, even their Wuning countryside was not spared. Li Liejun and his son had long been lost. Got in touch.”

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