The Pentium Era - South to North

Chapter 1434 The first battle with PTA (Thank you for knocking on the door in the dark night!)

On December 18, 2006, PTA futures products were finally listed on the Zhengzhou Commercial Exchange.

The day before, Lao Ni said in the chat room that PTA will be listed tomorrow. Everyone is ready to prepare food and grass. We will focus on PTA. Everyone will buy it when it opens and speculate it.

There were echoing voices below, all saying that we listen to the King.

Lao Ni also told them for the first time that starting from tomorrow, everyone will enter the chat room at nine o'clock, and we will direct the battle in the chat room, and everyone will obey my instructions.

Everyone agreed.

At almost nine o'clock the next morning, Ren Rongrong led her subordinates into the chat room. At the same time, she also used MSN to contact Mr. Mao of Yangzi Petrochemical. She had also given them instructions the day before. A buy order was given the next day.

Ren Rongrong’s plan was that they would only use small casual funds and follow Lao Ni’s operations. Their large funds would not enter the market for the time being, so as to relax Lao Ni’s vigilance and make him feel that he had full control over the large funds entering and exiting the entire PTA. Understand, so that when the critical moment comes, you can give Lao Ni a fatal blow.

At the same time, through this method, it is equivalent to letting Yangzi Petrochemical and Lao Ni temporarily join forces to operate in the same direction. This has two advantages. First, with these two large funds, they can make all the difference in the futures market. Yangzi After the petrochemical funds and Lao Ni join forces, it is easy for Lao Ni to mistakenly think that these funds can be mobilized at any time.

He didn't know that this was a poison pill that could take effect at any time, leave him at the critical moment, turn into his opponent, and catch him off guard.

Another advantage of doing this is that with the cooperation of these two large funds, in the futures market, you can basically make less money and lose less. This means that your own funds have not yet entered the market, but because she is trading under the command, Mao They will always believe that this is one of their strategies. A person who makes money can easily trust others.

Ren Rongrong wants Mr. Mao and the others to be obedient to him and not fall behind at critical moments.

Before nine o'clock, ten minutes in advance, Lao Ni participated in the call auction. At nine o'clock, PTA opened at 8538 points. Lao Ni gave an order in the chat room, saying "buy, buy," and Ren Rongrong and the others started. At the same time, Ren Rongrong also told Mr. Mao to buy, and Mr. Mao and the others followed suit.

On this day, the price of PTA continued to rise. The opening price was 8538 points, which became the lowest price in the market. It reached 9032 points during the session, and finally closed at 8880 points. They could be said to have won a great victory, and the chat room was full of joy. Atmosphere, Lao Ni asked in the chat room, who made those five thousand moves?

Ren Rongrong knew that it was petrified by Yangzi, but she said: Me.

"Do you have such a large amount of funds?" Lao Ni asked.

Ren Rongrong was right: "The Shanxi coal boss's capital is almost 600 million."

When Ren Rongrong said it, he deliberately hid it a little.

Lao Ni was shocked and thought, "I can't tell. This Mao Xiaomao, who usually doesn't talk much in the chat room, turned out to be a hidden master." Lao Ni and Mao Xiaomao said, "Great, we will work together." Can be invincible.

Mao Xiaomao said, OK, I will follow the king's command.

Lao Ni told everyone that everyone should not place big orders tomorrow. Let's take a look at the strength of the short side. We will wait for two days. When the strength of the short side is exposed, we will launch another wave of attacks.

Ren Rongrong almost copied Lao Ni's words to Mr. Mao. Mr. Mao, who had tasted the benefits for the first time, said, "Okay, we only used one-fifth of the position. What to do next is up to you, the manager."

The next day, the market opened at 8860 points. The intraday high reached 8958 points, the low reached 8806 points, and finally closed at 8906 points. It was basically in a sideways state throughout the day. Lao Ni told them that the strength of the short side has not been released yet. , stimulate them tomorrow.

On December 20, the market opened at 8944 points, with an intraday high of 8970 points and a low of 8906 points. Finally, it closed at 8958 points with a comprehensive victory for the bulls, achieving the purpose of stimulating the bears as mentioned by Lao Ni.

After the market closed, Lao Ni told them in the chat room that everyone would stand still tomorrow and let the short side be happy for a day. In this way, they would use their full strength.

On December 21, the market opened at 8940 points and closed at 8912 points. PTA closed its first negative line in four days, but the drop was not obvious. At most, it gave the short side a glimmer of hope.

Lao Ni told everyone that I already know how strong they are. When tomorrow starts, everyone will still follow today's operations. I will give instructions during the market. As soon as the instructions are given, you will go out immediately. Do you understand?

Everyone makes it clear.

As for how Lao Ni could tell how strong the other party was, he didn't say. Ren Rongrong wanted to ask but didn't.

On December 22, PTA opened at 8904 points. When it fell to 8824 points, Lao Ni gave the order to attack, and everyone entered the market one after another. As soon as Mr. Mao and others singled out 10,000 hands, the market price rose rapidly. At 8900, Lao Ni couldn't help shouting, "Did you do it, Mao Xiaomao?"

Ren Rongrong said yes.

"Great, Mao Xiaomao!" Lao Ni shouted excitedly.

On this day, it closed at 8928 points.

Lao Ni excitedly told everyone that the short side could no longer resist. Tomorrow is when we launch the general attack. Everyone should buy as soon as the market opens. You don't need to listen to the instructions, just buy.

Ren Rongrong conveyed the same meaning to Mr. Mao and others.

The next day, PTA once again pulled out a big positive line, opening at 8918 points, and finally closing at 9098 points.

On December 26, the bulls seemed quite confident. The PTA opened at 9120 points on that day. There was a fierce battle between the bulls and the bears during the session, but in the end the bulls won, pushing the market to 9166 points.

When it was almost 9150, Lao Ni came to see Ren Rongrong, but this time it was not by shouting in the chat room, but by opening a small window and whispering to her:

"After 9150, shipments will begin in small orders."

Ren Rongrong understood that Lao Ni was reminding him to escape first to ensure his own interests. It seemed that Lao Ni valued him very much.

"Aren't you going to continue the offensive?" Ren Rongrong asked.

"It's almost the same, it's reached the ceiling." Lao Ni said.

At almost three o'clock, when Lao Ni and Yangzi Petrochemical were closing their positions in small orders, Lao Ni shouted in the chat room and asked everyone to start withdrawing. By this time, more funds had been sold by these two companies. The popularity of PTA attracted people to enter the market. Although Lao Ni and Ren Rongrong began to withdraw, the market finally closed at 9158 points.

Lao Ni still opened the small window and asked Ren Rongrong: "Is everything flat?"

Ren Rongrong said, it’s all settled, thank you, Your Majesty!

"Are you qualified for collective bidding?" Lao Ni asked.

Ren Rongrong said yes.

"Okay, let's go short during the call auction tomorrow, and go short all the way after the market opens to bring down the market." Lao Ni said, and Ren Rongrong agreed.

Lao Ni then gave an order in the chat room to go short tomorrow with a target of 9,000 points.

On December 27, the price of PTA was severely beaten by Yangzi Petrochemical and Lao Ni during the collective bidding stage. When the market opened, the price had reached 9082, down 0.83% from the previous day. After the market opened, The multi-party funds that entered yesterday found that the strength of the short-side was unprecedentedly strong today. They also stopped their losses in time and turned around one after another.

Kong Fang, who had been stunned a few days ago, saw this scene and became energetic and rejoined the battle.

The price fell all the way, and finally closed at 9016. Although it was still a little far away from the 9000 points mentioned by Lao Ni, it also fell by 142 points on this day.

Lao Ni shouted in the chat room, the downward channel has been opened, and the next step is to fight.

The crowd below was excited and applauded one after another.

On December 28, PTA opened at 9,000 points. The bulls just struggled for a while at the beginning and pulled the market to 9,006 points. Then they completely disarmed and abandoned their positions. The price fell all the way and closed at 8,856 points. It fell by 1.77%.

Lao Ni said in the chat room that we will continue tomorrow and fight all the way, and we will fight whoever comes forward.

Then PTA almost fell all the way until January 23, 2007. When Lao Ni and Yangzi Petrochemical took profits from 8060 to 8080, they almost made a profit in this one-month decline. A thousand points.

Mr. Mao called Ren Rongrong and was delighted.

After they all left the market, the price of PTA fluctuated and then began to rise slowly.

After this battle, Ren Rongrong did not enter the market because of their large funds, so she did not make much profit. However, she understood Lao Ni's methods and did not dare to underestimate him. She felt that as long as he had large funds in hand, his Steady and ruthless, he is still very scary. If you want to defeat him, in addition to having the right timing, you must be unexpected in terms of tactics.

Fortunately, as far as the two of them are concerned, Lao Ni has been in the light, enjoying being in front of his king, but he is in the dark, and Lao Ni has no idea what he says. This Mao Xiaomao, who seems to obey his words, It turned out to be Ren Rongrong, the Count of Monte Cristo who was expelled by him and was about to take revenge.

Moreover, so many enchantment formations have been deployed, and Ren Rongrong feels that what he lacks now is opportunity.

Don't be in a hurry, she kept telling herself, don't be in a hurry.

Ren Rongrong stood up and walked to Liu Yun's office. She reported this round of PTA operations to Liu Yun, especially telling her that her target was Dahua Group.

Doing futures is different from the stock market. The money you make comes from other people's pockets. If you want to make big money, you must have an opponent with strong funds. Only then can you wash his money into yours through the market. Account, if you don’t have such large funds, and the large funds are operating in the same direction as you, then you won’t be able to make big money except by cleaning up the small traders.

So keeping an eye on whose pockets is very important to them.

After Ren Rongrong finished speaking, he gave Liu Yun the information about Dahua Group and Lao Ni. Liu Yun asked: "How much capital does he have? Do you understand?"

"It's bigger than Yangzi Petrochemical, almost 1.23 billion." Ren Rongrong said.

"There is another extreme situation, that is, Zongheng Group and Wuhuan Group, like Dahua Group, are both in Shaoxing. They must be familiar with each other. What if they join forces?" Liu Yun asked.

"The Zongheng Group has a big air and a large enterprise scale. However, their funds have always been very tight and they don't have much funds to mobilize. The total capital of these three enterprises is about 2 billion." Ren Rongrong said.

"We must also consider that Zhejiang's private finance is very developed. If they spare no expense, they will still have a lot of funds that can be mobilized temporarily." Liu Yun said, "Don't be anxious, find the right opportunity to attack, so that they don't have time to mobilize funds. "

Ren Rongrong said yes, I think so too, Mr. Liu.

Thank you for the tip when the night comes knocking! Thank you for the monthly passes of Knock on the Door at Night, Book Friends 20170113091218553, lcs0001, Don’t Take It Too Seriously, and Zhenwu Longyi! Thanks for all the votes and reading! Have a good evening everyone!

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