Zhang Chen called Mr. Han and asked him to have dinner with him in the evening. Mr. Han said yes, and Zhang Chen said, then I will pick you up at 6:30?

"No, no, I know Jinshui Gate. We can just drive there by ourselves." Mr. Han said.

Zhang Chen said okay, Mr. Han, let’s meet in the evening.

Mr. Han also said see you in the evening.

Zhang Chen started the car and drove forward. He turned right at Boai South Road and drove from here to Boai North Road. Then he turned right and went onto Changdi Road. He could go back to Heping Bridge or go directly to the end of Boai North Road. Cross Changdi Road, drive to the People's Bridge on the opposite side, and go back to Haidian Island.

Zhang Chen was thinking randomly while driving, feeling empty in his heart. He thought that the person with the surname Fu registered with the agency might be Hai Batian or his relative. Anyway, it had nothing to do with Gu Shufang.

Logically speaking, Hai Batian should not bother to do such a small thing. Isn't this small amount of rent considered a piece of cake to Hai Batian? But it's hard to tell. Xiao Ding said that Xu Lixing, doesn't his wife have to buy cheap vegetables from the market every day?

Corrupt officials are greedy for profit. When they are greedy, their IQs are not very high, and their methods are always crude and barbaric. But what they are best at is disguising themselves. Hai Batian may also have to pretend that he is financially strapped.

At this point, they are really excellent actors and two-faced people.

If it was Hai Batian who went to the agency to register, Zhang Chen thought, then it was very likely that Gu Shufang had already left Haicheng. Looking at the dilapidated look on the third floor, it seemed that it could not have been caused in a year or two. Can a few people from Guangxi be so destructive?

If that was the case, Zhang Chen felt a little lucky. He thought that the possibility that Gu Shufang and Hai Batian were accomplices and went in would be very small. The most likely possibility would be to withdraw the money she received.

Being able to do this is already a very good result.

Zhang Chen sighed. He regretted that he had forgotten to ask the landlord when he went to register for rent at the agency. He really wanted to go back and ask, but after thinking about it, he forgot about it. What would happen if he came and you could still go? Looking for Hai Batian or Hai Batian’s family? You have to find it.

Besides, the girl in the agency knows that you are not here to rent a house, and if you go back, you will only be disliked even more.

Zhang Chen shook his head.

Zhang Chen drove to the end of Boai North Road. The red arrow light showed Zhang Chen stopped. When it turned into a green arrow light, he drove the car. By some mistake, he did not turn right onto Changti Road or go straight onto Renmin Bridge. Turn left onto Changdi Road and head towards Binhai Avenue.

By the time Zhang Chen came to his senses and wanted to turn around, it was already too late. There was an isolation zone in the middle of Changdi Road.

Zhang Chen continued to drive forward and drove to the three-way intersection of Changdi Road, Longhua Road and Binhai Avenue. Here he could obviously turn around, but he still drove forward and entered Binhai Avenue.

Zhang Chen shook his head and smiled bitterly. He didn't know what was wrong with him.

But when he drove to the entrance of the aquatic product wharf wholesale market, he suddenly understood that it was not some mistake or unconscious action, but a desire in his subconscious that led him to this place. He wanted to Take a closer look at this sea city that once belonged to you and see everything familiar here.

When he almost drove to the Longkun North Road intersection that he was familiar with and passed by every day, he felt strange again. Here, he unexpectedly saw a newly built Century Bridge, which connected this half of Haidian Island. Connected to downtown Haicheng.

The Longzhu Building is shorter and the Financial Garden is shorter. These buildings that shocked him when he first set foot on this land now look short, old and small. Zhang Chen feels an inexplicable sadness in his heart. Looking at these buildings, it seems that I am paying homage to my past self.

In the courtyard at the junction of Longkun North Road and Binhai Avenue, the original Haicheng City Government is no longer here. Even the Haicheng Evening News seems to be no longer here. The entire building in the courtyard is empty, and no one is seen. During the event, the gate of the yard was closed, there was no sign at the gate, and even the reception room at the gate was empty.

Zhang Chen continued to drive along Binhai Avenue and passed Xiuying Port, the starting point for their journey to Haicheng. Zhang Chen continued to drive forward. He was going to Binya Village to see the place where he used to live. , he wanted to see Yilin and Yilin’s mother.

Zhang Chen drove and looked to the left. He felt that he had already arrived, but on the left was an unfamiliar ruins. He did not see Binya Village or the road into Binya Village.

He continued to drive forward, and the happier he became, the more confused he became. He felt that Binya Village shouldn't be that far away? It wasn't until he arrived at Holiday Beach that Zhang Chen concluded that he had already passed Binya Village. The ruins he saw in front of him and where he felt he had arrived were Binya Village.

Zhang Chen drove to the front and turned around, drove back, and pulled over in front of the ruins. Zhang Chen got out of the car, stood on the sidewalk and looked across. What he saw was a familiar scenery, and he was even more convinced that it was right. The ruins behind us are Binya Village.

No more, those rows of houses; no more, that one house; no more, the yard with a stool at the door and Yilin Ma’s tricycle parked inside the door; no more, Yilin Ma calling out. Yilin's "beep" sound.

Zhang Chen turned around and looked at the ruins in front of him. The ruins were already covered with grass. Zhang Chen sighed softly.

No more, the sound of the horse spoon hitting the pot late at night, the most delicious water spinach in the world; no more, the row of tall betel nut trees and the billiard table below, and The ghost sang intermittently: "Will you come tonight, will your love still exist..."

Zhang Chen took two steps into the ruins and sat down on a brick and cement block. He took out the cigarette in his pocket and smoked while looking at the vehicles coming and going on the coastal avenue in front. Everyone Everyone is busy and in a hurry. No one cares about what is happening here, and no one cares about what is not here.

No more, no more, no more...

Zhang Chen thought that it was him who came to Haicheng after so many years and thought of coming back to take a look. Only when he saw the ruins did he feel lost and sighing, and this feeling seemed so light.

The days here, the past here, are accumulated day by day, airtight, if one minute or one second is missing, the days will not be able to continue.

That one is the one that becomes heavy due to its thickness.

No more, then it’s gone, as if it never existed.

When Zhang Chen walked into the lobby of Huandao Tide Hotel, he saw Tan Shuzhen sitting on the sofa in the lobby, head tilted, staring blankly at the coconut tree and the lobby behind it that led directly to the entire glass slope. A water curtain more than ten meters high.

Zhang Chen walked over and sat down next to Tan Shuzhen. Tan Shuzhen turned around, saw it was him, and asked, "Where have you been? There is no one in the room?"

"If you can't sleep, go for a walk outside." Zhang Chen said.

"Stingy, don't take me with you." Tan Shuzhen said, Zhang Chen smiled.

Zhang Chen drove the car and arrived at the intersection of Changdi Road and Bailong North Road. He turned left and turned onto the road to Xinbu Island. When he arrived at the bridgehead of Xinbu Bridge, there were signs directing him to the Jinshuimen Riverside. The seafood boat went into the fork by the bridge, and Zhang Chen turned in.

Zhang Chen thought of something and said to Tan Shuzhen, do you know that this entire Xinbu Island was once made of poles, and he has already bought it.

"Really? How big is this island?" Tan Shuzhen asked.

"I remember it was about nine point square kilometers," Zhang Chen said.

"Let me go, such a big project covers most of our 'City in the Sky', and it was twenty years ago?"

"Yes, Ganzi and Sunhou are both big projects in Haicheng. The 'Sky City' is not without reason. The original plan here was called 'Jinghaicheng'. I think Ganzi's 'Sky City' is He’s fulfilling his dream that he didn’t realize in Haicheng.”

Zhang Chen said, Tan Shuzhen nodded.

"By the way, it's close to Xinbu Island. On the side of Haidian Island where we live, Meng Ping bought two thousand acres. It was originally planned to be developed together with this island. It can be said that both of them fell. This project." Zhang Chen said.

Tan Shuzhen asked: "What happened to these lands later?"

"You mean after the real estate bubble in Hainan? The government must have taken it back. Otherwise, how could the entire Hainan develop?" Zhang Chen said, "Do you still remember that when we went to Sanya a few years ago, we would blow up if we exceeded the deadline? Buildings? After the real estate bubble, the whole of Hainan has been dead for more than ten years, and it has not recovered yet. These lands have long passed the development deadline."

As the two people were talking, they saw a gate appearing in front of them. On the top of the gate, the neon lights flashed the words "Jinshuimen Riverside Seafood Fang". Lao Xie and Xiao Zheng stood at the gate and saw them. When the car arrived, I waved to them.

Inside the gate was a large parking lot. Zhang Chen rolled down the car window. Lao Xie and Xiao Zheng followed their car on both sides. While talking to them, they followed their car and walked into the parking lot.

Zhang Chen parked the car and got out of the car with Tan Shuzhen. Zhang Chen asked Lao Xie, has Mr. Han arrived?

Lao Xie said it hadn’t arrived yet.

"Let's order food first and wait while we order."

Xiao Zheng pointed to a large shed at the end of the parking lot and said that the lights in the shed were as bright as day. Inside was a seafood pool with fresh seafood, and rows of various chilled seafood and vegetables. For poultry and meat, there is a cement table with white tiles.

The four of them quickly ordered their dishes and were about to go to the gate to wait for Mr. Han. Someone patted Zhang Chen on the shoulder. Zhang Chen turned his head and was startled. He saw clearly that the person patting his shoulder was exactly the same person. It's Mr. Han.

Mr. Han was wearing a jacket and a crew cut. He was completely different from the original Mr. Han, who had a sleek parted hair, a suit and a tie. No wonder he and Wenwen walked to the side, and neither Zhang Chen nor the others were there. Notice him.

Mr. Han and Wenwen stood there and smiled at them.

Zhang Chen looked at Mr. Han and then at Lao Xie. Lao Xie was still wearing a pair of white leather shoes. The middle seam of his trousers was so straight that it could cut into tofu. Zhang Chen smiled and said:

"Mr. Han, a Hong Konger, seems to have been assimilated by Hainanese, but Mr. Xie, a Hunanese, is stubborn."

Everyone laughed.

Thank you book friend 20210408164455656 for the reward! Thank you to Humor Tribe, Gongzi Mianzhi, Look at the Landscape, Not Impossible World for your monthly ticket! Thanks for all the votes and reading! Have a good evening everyone!

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