The Pentium Era - South to North

Chapter 1716 Two people’s night talk

On Saturday, Tan Shuzhen just asked Zhang Chen to treat him to a treat to celebrate that he and Xiaofang were together. Zhang Chen fully agreed, why not just treat her to a guest? What a big deal.

When he and Xiaofang arrived at the Tuxiangyuan Hotel on Yan'an Road, they were still shocked. He didn't expect so many people to come. The partitions in the middle of the five private rooms on one side of the building were all removed, and all five tables were seated. full.

Zhang Chen scolded Tan Shuzhen: "What are you doing? Do you want to tell the world?"

Tan Shuzhen looked at him, nodded solemnly and said, "Yes, I want to tell the world."

Zhang Chen felt guilty when he saw Huijuan and Wenwen among the people who came. He felt that this damn Tan Shuzhen probably knew something.

Zhang Chen didn't dare to say anything because of this.

Of course Tan Shuzhen knew that Huijuan and Wenwen liked Zhang Chen, and she guessed that their relationship had taken a big step forward and then taken it back again. Who told her that she was the roundworm in Zhang Chen's stomach? She even went out of her way to give Liu Yun a beating After picking up the phone, Liu Yun happily came with Xiaomi.

Tan Shuzhen felt that there were many things that did not need to be explained. Inviting them to dinner was the best explanation. She even called Cao Minfang and Lao Xie over. Lao Xie was Zhang Chen's friend and was about to report back to the head office. Tan Shuzhen The purpose of calling Cao Minfang here is that Sanya is high in the mountains and the emperor is far away, but you at least need to come and meet the proprietress.

Although Xiaofang had never intended to interfere in Zhang Chen's company affairs, and she had taken the initiative to help before, in the future she had made up her mind that she would not take the initiative to help unless Zhang Chen asked her.

Zhao Jingjing, Xu Qiaoxin, Zhao Xin, Haigen, Ge Ling, Erhuo, Qianqian, Xiaoli, Li Wei, Xiaowu, etc., senior managers of Zhangchen company, Tan Shuzhen, etc. were all called, and others like Han Gaozu Liu Bang and friends such as Qu Tianlin, Wu Zhaohui, Sister Guihua, Lin Shuwan, and Lao Yang did not lose any of them.

At the troupe, Xiang Nan also came with Feng Laogui, Teacher Wu and Yin Tao.

Lao Wan, Zheng Huihong, Qian Fang and Li Yang also came.

Xiaofang was very happy to see so many people arriving. She told Tan Shuzhen that it was great that there were so many people. Then we wouldn't even have to hold a wedding.

"You dare?" Tan Shuzhen said.

"Really, Sister Shuzhen, as long as the two of us get along well, it's fine. I really don't want to have a wedding. Besides, we don't have that time." Xiaofang said.

Zhang Chen remembered: "Xiao Zhao and I have never held a wedding."

Tan Shuzhen glared at Zhang Chen and cursed: "You want to be so cheap that you marry two daughters and not even hold a wedding?"

Xiaofang giggled: "Hasn't Xiaoshu already done it? It can satisfy the elderly, so we don't have to do it."

Tan Shuzhen was helpless. She shook her head and said, "Let's talk about it later. Let's listen to the old man's opinion first."

"The old people won't have any objections. They are already very happy when we are together." Zhang Chen said, "What they want most now is to see Xiaofang's belly grow as soon as possible."

"Fuck you!" Xiaofang said angrily.

Tan Shuzhen couldn't help laughing.

With so many people together, it was certainly very lively. Everyone toasted to Zhang Chen and Xiaofang. Huijuan and Wenwen also toasted with everyone, but they had mixed feelings in their hearts.

Liu Yun came over with a cup in hand and said to Zhang Chen and Xiaofang with a smile: "Congratulations!"

Zhang Chen and Xiaofang quickly said thank you. Xiaofang and Liu Yun said, "Sister Liu Yun, I will take your car back to Shanghai tomorrow."

Liu Yun said yes, no problem.

During this meal, there were several live treasures such as Erhuo, Wu Chaohui, Lao Tang and Li Yang, eating, drinking and making trouble until about ten o'clock in the evening.

Zhang Chen and Xiaofang returned home. After taking a shower, they felt that their stomachs were still full, so they went to sit on the sofa outside. Xiaofang rested her head on Zhang Chen's lap and watched TV. After watching for a while, she looked towards Zhang Chen. Looking at it, I found that his eyes were dull and he was thinking about something. He was not watching TV. Xiaofang asked:

"what's on your mind?"

"I'm thinking about the company." Zhang Chen said.

Xiaofang sat up and asked, "What happened in the company?"

"While eating earlier, I saw Lao Wan, and I thought, look, people like Xiao Li, Ge Ling, and Brother Haigen all arrived at the company at almost the same time as Lao Wan, oh, Lao Wan A little earlier than them, he came when he was in Sanbao. No, Xiaoli was earlier. Your sister and I were still opening a store in Sijiqing, and she is our salesperson..."

"Regardless of this, what do you want to say?" Xiaofang interrupted him.

"I was wondering if it is unreasonable that Lao Wan's current income is several times that of theirs. Logically speaking, they have worked just as hard as Lao Wan, but they are just in different companies." Zhang Chen said.

"There is no absolute reasonableness. The industries are different and the companies are different. They are listed companies, so of course their income will be higher." Qian Fang said.

"Why can listed companies be higher?" Zhang Chen asked.

Xiaofang took the remote control and simply turned off the TV. Xiaofang said:

"The salaries of listed companies are set by the board of directors. When the board of directors sets these salary standards, to be honest, they are irresponsible because they do not provide the money, and many of the company's executives are board members. Of course they turned their elbows towards themselves.

"Also, the salary is only part of it, and there are dividends, so the income is high."

"However, no matter what, these must be earned. I don't feel that those listed companies are more profitable than our company." Zhang Chen said.

"There are also a bunch of morons who just divide up a good company and take it for themselves. Within a few years, the listed company is finished. The directors and senior executives are all very fat. There are quite a few such companies, both at home and abroad." Xiaofang said.

"Don't think about these bastards." Zhang Chen said.

"If your company goes public, Zhao Jingjing's income will also increase. What, you want to go public?" Xiaofang asked.

"I don't want to, I don't want to cause that trouble." Zhang Chen said quickly, "Is there any way to give them more income without going public? I mean, it's not the kind of money that is directly stuffed. That will only make people lazy. .”

"Of course." Xiaofang said, "In our country, there is excessive publicity, so everyone seems to think that listed companies are the best company form. In fact, it is not. Listed companies have many shortcomings, such as excessive pursuit of financial reports. Looks good, only pursues immediate benefits, and does not pay attention to the long-term development of the company.

"There will also be insufficient redevelopment capabilities and funds for enterprises. As I said before, how can you invest after all the money has been distributed? You can only rely on issuing new shares and refinancing to blow up the bubble bigger and bigger.

"When encountering a hostile takeover by barbarians, it will be even more troublesome. The entire company will become very fragile. Even if there are no barbarians, the governance structure of listed companies will be difficult to maintain stability and long-term consistency compared with those of unlisted companies. sex."

"With so many problems, why are there so many listed companies?" Zhang Chen was puzzled.

"The development of listed companies is really not due to the needs of economic development and the needs of enterprises. Do you know who needs it most?" Xiaofang asked.

Zhang Chen shook his head.

Xiaofang said: "The financial market, that is, those who play finance, are most in need. You must know that the design of the entire stock market was not done by entrepreneurs from the beginning, but by bankers. They concocted such a complete set of game rules.

“Including the futures market, currency market, and bond market, they are all designed by financiers. They are not philanthropists, and they will not start early without profit.

"So in the stock market, listed companies are always supporting roles and their dolls. In the stock market, when you go public, a lot of people follow you to make money, including securities firms, investment banks, appraisal companies, law firms, notary firms, etc. , when you delist, the company and shareholders may lose everything, but they won’t lose a dime.

"When you buy and sell stocks in the stock market, you lose and you win, and they all make money. If you issue additional shares, they make another round of profits, because this market was designed by them, and only they can make sure profits without losing money, so these listed companies , looks very beautiful, but in fact it is entering the jungle of other financial players and being hunted by them.”

Zhang Chen nodded and said, "I kind of understand."

"When you said you didn't want to go public, I understood and supported it, because I know that the capital market is one thing, but the actual business operations and company operations are another matter. Compared with listed companies, people like you are single-minded. A company owned by shareholders is actually the most stable and risk-free, and I’m not talking about operating risks, which exist in all companies.”

"I understand." Zhang Chen said.

"Moreover, for a company like yours, as long as the boss of the company is big enough and has a far-sighted vision, he can maintain the company's long-term development. At the same time, the company's decision-making is also the most efficient, such as what new projects you want to invest in. Did you say it could be done immediately? If it is a listed company, it is impossible. At least it must go through the board of directors, major decisions must go through the shareholders' meeting.

"Some people will say that such a decision-making by one person will lead to decision-making errors. In fact, it is nonsense. When I am alone and make a decision-making error, it is my own pocket that suffers. There are a dozen directors who make wrong decisions. It won't affect their pockets at all. Who do you think will make more prudent decisions?

"A listed company itself is a paradox. Its ownership is dispersed and it looks democratic, but are its decision-making democratic? The institutional structure of listed companies guarantees the decision-making power of the board of directors and even the chairman's speech. , isn’t this a joke? If so, what can you bring if you disperse the equity? When you disperse the equity, you also disperse the supervision rights.

"Why do many domestic state-owned enterprises not become better but worse after becoming listed companies? It is because after going public, the managers have not changed, the company's business model has not changed, and the decision-making mechanism has not changed. On the contrary, Instead, the supervision mechanism has been lost. In the past, a worker could not stand it and dared to lift the factory director's desk. After the company went public, who would dare?

"I have seen too many listed companies. Their boards of directors can be said to be operating behind closed doors. No one is in charge. Who will be in charge? I bought your stock today and sell it tomorrow. I don't care whether you are falsely reporting performance or operating in violation of regulations. That's fine, as long as you can find a way to make the stock rise and let me make money, it's none of my business how your board of directors makes decisions.

"How many people who buy stocks will research what this company is like? Everyone has only one thought, that is, if your company goes bankrupt, the stocks in my hand have been cleared. Don't lose it to me. Thank God. Now, for the rest, it’s up to you.”

"So, I am right not to go public?" Zhang Chen said with a smile.

"Even if you are right, at least you can't go public now." Xiaofang laughed.

"How is it possible? Why can't a company as good as mine be listed on the market?" Zhang Chen was unconvinced.

"It's just because your company is so good that it can't be listed on the market." Xiaofang said with a smile, "Your asset-liability ratio is so low and you have so many bank deposits. People can see that you are not a company short of money. Listing is for financing. Why go public if you don’t lack money?”

Zhang Chen was stunned.

Xiaofang said: "Teacher Ma's company was listed in Hong Kong. It was helped by a few people who came back from my Wall Street company. At that time, Teacher Ma's company had a very low asset-liability ratio and could not be listed on the market at all. You Do you know what they did?"

"What did you do?" Zhang Chen asked.

"I helped him build Tianmiao Mall and collected a deposit of 100,000 to hundreds of thousands from each merchant. This part of the money was written on the liability side of the statement. In this way, his asset-liability ratio went up. , only then can we meet the conditions for listing.”

"So that's what happened." Zhang Chen nodded, looked at Xiaofang and said: "However, you still didn't tell me how you can not go public and increase their income without forcing money. "

"Yes, yes, yes, yes..." Xiaofang shouted over and over again, "I'll tell you right away."

Thank you Quadratic VC and 0hjklg for the reward! Thank you for the monthly votes of Xiaosheng, who is only forty-eight, purple, how can I not have the same name, and book friend 20190621133102536! Thanks for all the votes and reading! I wish you all a happy life!

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