The Pentium Era - South to North

Chapter 2040 Advertising

At the same time that Zhang Xiangbei and his "Zhai Xianshui" import and export company were established, their own advertising company, Hangcheng Xianshui Advertising Co., Ltd., was also established. Every fresh-keeping cabinet placed in the community will be the carrier for their future advertising. .

Each group of fresh-keeping cabinets in the community building has an LCD screen in the middle. The screen is divided into two. Below is a keypad for pressing the password to open the cabinet, and advertisements are scrolling on the top.

At the same time, advertisements can be placed on the door of each fresh-keeping cabinet and on the sides of the cabinet. In addition, they will publish a "Daily Fresh Delivery" illustrated magazine every ten days, which contains product information and advertisements. , as well as various coupons.

Many manufacturers like their illustrated magazines very much. Although the format of illustrated magazines is a bit old-fashioned for advertising, there is nothing to be afraid of, as long as it is effective. After all, this is an advertisement that can be accurately placed in the living room of every household. The new product promotion on the homepage of the illustrated magazine has become the page that everyone is vying to be on.

As an advertising company, their channel resources are too rich. Home-entering advertising is the goal of many advertising companies, but at most they can only stop at elevator advertising, which cannot enter people's homes. However, home delivery can do it. They As long as "Daily Fresh Delivery" is placed in each customer's fresh-keeping cabinet, it is equivalent to entering their home.

Each issue contains coupons for various products, which can be used directly when shopping on the "Zhaixianshui" website. No one is willing to throw them away, and no one is willing not to read them. Even some owners don't bother to read them. But the nanny will also collect and read them, and the illustrated magazines will still be in the home.

The advertising company's income can not only maintain the normal operation of so many of their fresh-keeping cabinets and provide them to customers for free, but also recover the cost of making the fresh-keeping cabinets every month. At the same time, the property owners can also get a certain percentage of the share, and finally a part , which will be given back to customers in the form of membership points discounts. It can be said that this is something that benefits many aspects.

Zhou Ruoyi volunteered to serve as the general manager of their advertising company. Wu Huan and Zhang Xiangbei also felt that she was very suitable.

On the first day after Zhou Ruoyi took office, she went to Banmutian Building to find Zhang Chen.

Zhang Chen was sitting in the office and saw Zhou Ruoyi coming in and asked, "Why are you here? It's so rare?"

"No." Zhou Ruoyi giggled, "I came here specifically to see my uncle."

"Oh, you're looking for me? What's the matter?" Zhang Chen asked.

Zhou Ruoyi said: "Didn't our fresh food advertising company be established? Uncle, you don't know yet?"

"You set up an advertising company? What are you doing? Zhang Xiangbei never told me." Zhang Chen said.

"That's his damn fault. He didn't report such a big thing to his uncle. He really doesn't take you as a father and shareholder seriously." Zhou Ruoyi scolded.

Zhang Chen laughed and said, "He has never taken me seriously. I'm used to it."

"Uncle, I am now also the general manager of this advertising company. Today is my first day on the job, so I thought of visiting my uncle first." Zhou Ruoyi said.

No wonder, Zhang Chen understood. He thought that the purpose of Zhou Ruoyi's visit today was probably to let him help them design something. Wasn't he the one who helped design their "Zhai Xian Delivery" advertisement in Guangdong? Zhang Chen greeted Zhou Ruoyi:

"Come on, sit down and say, Zhou Ruoyi, is there anything I can do to help you?"

"Yes, yes, uncle." Zhou Ruoyi said, "This advertising company has been established, and I just want to be a lazy rabbit."

"Lazy rabbit, what do you mean?" Zhang Chen asked, confused.

"It is said that rabbits don't eat the grass around the nest. They are diligent rabbits and lazy rabbits. Then doesn't it start eating the grass around the nest?" Zhou Ruoyi said.

Zhang Chen laughed loudly and understood. He asked, "So are you going to start eating from me?"

"That's right, uncle, aren't you working on the project of 'Food and Drink'? I think we are your best advertising carrier. I very much hope that your 'Food and Drink' can become the first one of our fresh delivery advertising company. client."

"Oh." Zhou Ruoyi's words aroused Zhang Chen's interest, and he said: "Before we open 'Food and Drink', we do need to advertise. However, you said that you are our best advertising carrier. I am not very sure about this." Understand, come on, Zhou Ruoyi, come and convince me and let me see if there is any possibility for us to cooperate."

"That's great, uncle!"

Zhou Ruoyi shouted, and then she introduced the advertisement on their fresh-keeping cabinet and the "Daily Fresh Delivery" pictorial to Zhang Chen. After the introduction, Zhou Ruoyi said:

"Uncle, do you want to advertise accurately so that your ads can be displayed in front of your target customers?"

Zhang Chen is right, anyone who advertises will have this idea.

"But other advertising companies can only roughly meet your requirements. For example, they will assume that your potential customers will watch which TV series, and then they will do some product placement in the TV series. They will assume that they will probably watch "Vogue" and "Bazaar" " and "Caijing" magazine, or "Caixin Weekly", just do magazine advertising.

“Either imagine that they fly a lot and do airport advertising.

“Also, what kind of website advertising will be used, or some financial people, food and health experts will be invited to make soft advertisements on Weibo.

"But these are actually useless. As I said before, they are just assumptions. I assume that your potential customers will do this or that. But in fact, assumptions are just assumptions. They are their estimates. In reality, they cannot be accurate. Only our company can We can truly achieve precise placement and accurately display your 'Food and Drink' advertisements in front of your potential customers."

"Tell me, Zhou Ruoyi, how did you do it?" Zhang Chen became interested and said to Zhou Ruoyi.

"Use our company's own resources and combine it with big data analysis." Zhou Ruoyi said, "Take Hangzhou as an example. Among all the communities in Hangzhou, we know exactly which ones are high-end communities. Uncle, the potential of your 'dining men and women' Are most of the customers in villa areas and high-end residential areas?"

Zhang Chen thought for a while and felt that their customers were really in villa areas and high-end communities. He was right.

"We have the ability to achieve full coverage of all villa areas and high-end communities in Hangzhou, and put your 'Food and Drink' advertisements into the fresh cabinets of all these villa areas and high-end communities. Is this accurate placement?"

Zhang Chen nodded and felt that Zhou Ruoyi's words were good. Their "Zhai Xian Delivery" could indeed identify each community and place advertisements in the homes of their potential customers.

"This is not accurate enough." Zhou Ruoyi denied it herself.

"It's not accurate enough, what else can you do?" Zhang Chen asked.

"Combined with big data." Zhou Ruoyi said, "Many of the houses in these high-end residential areas and villa areas are not lived in at all, or there are only elderly people at home. These will not be your potential customers. We can go further and start from these high-end residential areas. Among the residents in the villa area, we screen out those whose average monthly living expenses are more than 10,000 yuan, or higher or lower, whichever bracket is acceptable.

"You can also screen out customers who usually purchase high-end tobacco, alcohol and ingredients. These are the real potential customers of your 'food and drink men and women'. Uncle, are you right?"

Zhang Chen nodded repeatedly, feeling that what Zhou Ruoyi said was right. The homes in this part of the country would really be their potential customers, and only "Zhai Xian Delivery" could truly grasp their purchasing information, and only their database could Screen out this part of the customers.

"Also, uncle, even in those ordinary communities, there are actually some high-end customers. They just haven't moved due to one or other reasons. Like you, if you don't want to live in the Peach Blossom Land, you would rather live in the 'Splendid Home' ?

"We can filter out those who usually purchase high-end tobacco, alcohol and ingredients from these ordinary communities, and put your 'Food and Drink' advertisements into their fresh cabinets. This is what I call the real precision placement. , which other advertising companies cannot do.

"Advertising should be precise but not excessive. If the advertisements cannot be placed accurately and are scattered all over the streets, they will stink on the streets. They are not much different from those psoriasis advertisements. This will cause great damage to the corporate image. Think about the overwhelming advertisements that can be seen beside every trash can on the street. It would be very embarrassing for the company to be discarded there."

Zhou Ruoyi said, Zhang Chen nodded: "Okay, Zhou Ruoyi, you have convinced me, you can become our cooperative advertising company for 'Food and Drink'."

"Really, uncle? Then I'll go back and try to come up with your advertising plan and quotation as soon as possible!" Zhou Ruoyi shouted.

Zhang Chen agreed: "When you come again, we can sign a cooperation agreement. By the way, you are not allowed to kill my pig."

Zhou Ruoyi giggled: "No, no, I don't dare to offend you. When you get angry, Zhang Xiangbei will kick me away."

Zhang Chen laughed loudly.

Zhou Ruoyi stood up and said goodbye to Zhang Chen. She just turned around and then turned back and asked, "Is Uncle Zhanzi here?"

Liu Ligan was still here with Zhang Chen just now, discussing the modification plan of the Moganshan project with him. This meeting should be in his own office. Zhang Chen asked Zhou Ruoyi:

"What? Do you want to continue eating him?"

Zhou Ruoyi nodded repeatedly: "Uncle, don't you think that the target customer base of Uncle Zhanzi's 'Renjia Travel Industry' actually overlaps with your 'Food and Drinking Men and Women'?"

Zhang Chen was stunned for a moment and said: "I haven't thought about this problem, but now that you say it, it's really, okay, you can use the same method of persuading me to resign to convince him."

"Thank you, uncle!" Zhou Ruoyi turned around and walked out.

Ten minutes later, Liu Ligan walked into Zhang Chen's office. Zhang Chen looked up at him and said with a smile, "Here comes the grass?"

"What kind of grass?" Liu Ligan was puzzled by what Zhang Chen said and asked.

"Zhou Ruoyi didn't go to your place?" Zhang Chen asked.


"She didn't tell you about the nest grass?"

"No, oh, no, I learned a new word from her, no, no, no, no, no." Liu Ligan said and laughed.

"She didn't tell you about advertising cooperation?" Zhang Chen asked, feeling a little puzzled.

"As I said, it's Beibei who set up an advertising company. I've even signed a cooperation agreement with them. I'm their advertising company's first client," Liu Ligan said.

"Have you signed the cooperation agreement?" Zhang Chen shouted, "How are you planning to place your ads?"

"It doesn't matter how they place it, it can be placed in public toilets." Liu Ligan said, "I told Zhou Ruoyi to hurry up and sign the agreement, stop talking nonsense, you set up an advertising company, I will be a friendly sponsor, and I will also hand over the advertising. Here you go, just go and do it, it will be done in a few minutes.”

As Liu Ligan spoke, he stared at Zhang Chen and asked, "Why, you still own your son's company?"

Zhang Chen glared at Liu Ligan and cursed: "It's because it's Zhang Xiangbei's company that I have to ask clearly to see if what they do is reliable?"

Liu Ligan asked: "Then do you think it is reliable?"

"It's not bad." Zhang Chen said.

"Idiot, as long as people are reliable, things will be unreliable? You are habitually verbose, too verbose, even more verbose than Tang Sanzang. I don't know how Beibei can stand you." Liu Ligan cursed loudly.

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