The Pentium Era - South to North

Chapter 2115 Zhang Chen

One year has passed and the new year has arrived. For Liu Ligan, Zhang Chen and Zhang Xiangbei, they all feel that this year is long but short. So many things have happened in this year and they have done so many things. Sometimes when I look back and think of something, my memory has faded, and it feels like it is very far away. When I think about it carefully, I realize that it was only at the beginning of 2016, and not even a year has actually passed.

Can't help but feel dumb.

The roles of the three of them have changed this year. Not only did Zhang Chen really start his own business, the development of "Diet Men and Women" exceeded his own expectations, and successively conducted rounds A and B. Xiaofang said, In the first half of this year, the C round should be conducted.

Zhang Chen still can't understand the principle of constantly raising funds if you don't lack money. No matter whether you are doing equity financing or going public to raise funds, what will you do with the money? Isn’t it just for the development of the enterprise? Nowadays, enterprises do not need funds for development, and they still think there is too much cash. If we want to find a way to get rid of the cash in the account, why do we still need to raise funds?

For Zhang Chen, the only thing that didn't make him panic after raising so much money was that the money was cost-free. There was no need to pay interest every month like a bank loan. If that were the case, he would definitely be anxious.

These investors, coming with this money, seem to have just bought a ticket. Only the singers know whether the play is good or not. They have not seen it yet, so they know nothing.

The curtain opened and the main play was on. It turned out that the play was a mess and watching it again was a waste of time. At this time, they had no choice but to stand up, touch their noses, and then leave. The money they paid for the tickets was used as a slap in the face. The water is gone.

Zhang Chen would never be such an investor even if he died. Although he knew that such people could make a lot of money, Xiaofang and Liu Yun were also such people, but Zhang Chen didn't know how to do it. He wouldn't do that kind of thing. Investments that you can't see, touch, or even control.

Thinking back then, when the "Half Acre Field" stores in Shanghai and Beijing were closed one after another, Zhang Chen felt like this, a sense of powerlessness, as if someone was strangling him by the neck, and he couldn't even struggle. There was an invisible force. It was too powerful. He stood there, it was airtight no matter where he looked, he felt depressed in his heart, but he couldn't even see the person who was angry at him.

He could only stand there like an idiot, dumbfounded.

Zhang Chen felt that making such an investment was simply throwing money away, and his neck would be trapped in someone else's trap. No matter how high the profit was, Zhang Chen would not be willing to do it.

He didn't want to put himself in that helpless situation again.

Zhang Chen understood that for Xiaofang, Liu Yun, and the senior, the purpose of all their work was not to make the company make money, but to use money to make money. The company was not the source of their profits, but just a vehicle for money to make money. The best and legal way to make money from money is to continuously blow up a company and then go public.

After going public, it's amazing that a company that was originally worth only one billion has become tens of billions or hundreds of billions overnight, just like Liu Bang's Black Forest Food and Lin Shuwan's LinkedIn Education. Their current The market value is tens of billions. Zhang Chen can't figure out how the sum of everything in their company and school is worth tens of billions?

If calculated in this way, all the desks in Lin Shuwan's school are not made of nine-centimeter boards or wood boards plus wooden squares or cast iron parts, but should be made of sterling silver. Zhang Chen doesn't know and doesn't want to know the so-called market value. Who calculated it? If there are still people who recognize such an algorithm, aren’t they just fools?

Xiaofang told him that when buying stocks, you buy expectations. What are the expectations? What will the company's value be in ten or a hundred years? How many people have bought stocks and kept them for ten to a hundred years? Since you can't let it go for so long, what else do you expect? Even if you let it go, a hundred years later, the company will be in the sky, and it will be none of your business? You've already done this shit.

Zhang Chen felt that all of this was like a conspiracy. It was a conspiracy devised by some highly intelligent guys like Xiaofang, Liu Yun and the seniors. They used some tricks that sounded beautiful and exciting, but also Conspiracies built in language that no one can understand, so financial games are actually mazes of language, making people who enter quickly become confused.

Many people will never be able to survive in their lifetime. Like Lao Ni, many people are sweating profusely when they come out. They feel lucky if they can save their lives, just like Meng Ping, Liu Ligan, and Mr. Huang and Mahjong Face. He disappeared as soon as he came out of the maze, and it was impossible to find the direction again.

Zhang Chen felt that he was right to never touch stocks or futures. He even had a phobia in this area, so when Xiaofang and Liu Yun explained Fanhua Network to Zhang Chen’s incomprehensible level, they asked him to leave. , he ran away as if he was running away. He felt that it was not his business. Those who are engaged in business would sooner or later be like Lao Ni and get wild.

If it weren't for Xiaofang and Liu Yun's instigation, Zhang Chen wouldn't even touch the listing of "Food and Drink". Zhang Chen couldn't understand the market value and price-earnings ratio. Zhang Chen also couldn't understand the valuation. He even felt a little funny.

When you go to a bank for a loan, at least the bank will ask an appraisal company to evaluate what your business has and classify it into categories to figure out what are fixed assets, current assets, undistributed profits, etc. Their valuation It's like children playing house. When several people meet together, you say a price and I say a price. The final agreement is the valuation.

Even at the most basic level, no one even counts how many stoves and vehicles they have. It's really an estimate. Everything is estimated gross. Just like this, it's a gross estimate, one billion, three billion, several billion, like Tens of billions of dollars like "Zhai Xian Delivery" will come out.

Zhang Chen felt that they were all betting on one thing, that is, after the company went public, how much money would someone buy the stock? They didn’t care about anything else. Just like the senior, when he arrived in Hangzhou, he didn’t even care about "food and drink". Neither the men's or women's offices nor the operations rooms were visited.

He probably also knew that there was nothing to see. From the house he rented from "Half Acre Field", even if he looked at everything, he still couldn't see that the place was worth five million, let alone Three billion is a waste of money, so it's better to save money.

Everything is really on paper. As long as you can tell a story, the story can be self-explanatory, and it can impress people and make people think that the company can make money, not whether it can actually make money, just like all brands now. , they all like to talk about brand stories, but in fact, there are some bullshit brand stories.

Zhang Chen feels that all brands, whether it is Armani or Yves Saint Laurent, their earliest stories are the same as his own, they are all about filling their stomachs, but they just sell their products better than others, make money, and have money to do something. Only by doing things that others couldn't do, such as opening a specialty store, putting on a show, etc., did I realize that I was different from others.

Zhang Chen clearly remembers how swollen he was after a show. He felt as if the whole world would be his show next. But he fell to the ground with a squeak. How badly did he fall? If it hadn't been for that fall, Zhang Chen felt that he would most likely be a person talking about brand stories everywhere, just like Professor Zhang Chen and Professor Zhang who talked about the brand on stage.

Xiaofang and Liu Yun often laughed at Zhang Chen for being too honest. Liu Yun said that it is rare to see such honest people in business these days.

Zhang Chen smiled and said nothing. He knew what they were laughing at. Isn't it stupid to be honest? They were laughing at him for being so stupid. Obviously "Half an Acre of Land" can be listed on the market, and once it is listed, the market value and price-earnings ratio will expand. " There is no problem with the market value of "Half an Acre of Field" in the hundreds of billions. By then, is it not easier to just cash out and leave than it is to make money through hard work now?

Zhang Chen thought to himself, what can you do with so much money? Can you just pile money around every day and look at it and smile, or can you do nothing? Even now, he doesn't have to do anything and just hang out in the "Riverside Oil Painting Gallery" and brag about his life. What kind of business does he want to start?

But that kind of life is not what Zhang Chen wants. After being idle for a long time, he feels panicked and feels unsteady. He misses the busy days very much, even riding a tricycle with Zhao Zhigang in the summer. The day when the Dongxin Road fabric market receives goods.

Although this kind of nostalgia is a bit pretentious, and he simply can't bear it if he lives like that again now, but it's okay to think about it, right?

Zhang Chen sighed. He felt that the "Food and Drink Men and Women" seemed to have changed and turned into a company that he didn't recognize and it was difficult to control, especially the financing matters, such as A round, B round, C round and N round. It seemed that it had nothing to do with him. He listened to Xiaofang, Liu Yun and the seniors talking about financing, and it felt like they were talking about other people's matters.

He felt that just like what he was initially worried about, this company was now like a kite flying in the air. Sometimes Zhang Chen felt that the thread was still being pulled in his hand, and sometimes he felt that it was not and that he was holding onto nothing.

Sometimes, he felt that he was floating in the air together with the "eating and drinking men and women", and who was pulling the thread below. The clouds were too thick and he couldn't see clearly.

At this time, Zhang Chen was particularly glad that he still had "half an acre of land", and "half an acre of land" was real, really like a field, firmly planted there, with winds and rains coming. The wind has gone, the rain has gone, but the "half acre of field" is still there.

Even if one day the "eating and drinking man and woman" really floats away like a kite with a broken string, at least he will still have "half an acre of land" under his feet, so that he will not have no place to stand.

Zhang Chen made up his mind, no matter who came to tell him, no matter what the talk was, "Half an Acre of Field" would never be listed on the market, nor would it raise financing, and on the matter of "eating and drinking, men and women", he would do everything he could to accept fate.

Now that the curtain of "Eating Men and Women" has begun, as long as Zhang Chen is on stage for one day, he will try his best to sing well and not let himself become a second-hand. He doesn't know if those investors care or care. You don't care about what he is doing. Anyway, Zhang Chen has determined it for himself, so he will do it. He will try his best to let them buy tickets and sit for a while, and feel that the tickets are worth the money.

When Zhang Chen was thinking like this, Tan Shuzhen's babbling voice seemed to echo in his ears. This was Tan Shuzhen who was still in Gaohang, when they were still young.

In a blink of an eye, all these years have passed.

Thank you for the reward of two fishes! Thank you ZLIANG, seanhao, tiger, xiongtj, exclusively for Cao Xiaomin, w Yuanlai is you w, and book friend 20181130195305944 for your monthly votes! Thanks for all the votes and reading! I wish you all good health!

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