Pang Shuangxi and Zhang Xiangbei said: "Mr. Zhang, we are all laymen in this company, and you are the experts. Tell us, what should we do next?"

"The first step is, of course, to mobilize the masses." Zhang Xiangbei said, "We have information to explain the significance and prospects of this corporatization transformation. This must be distributed to every household. By the way, here For many people, those who can make decisions are not at home, so you need to send this to them via WeChat.

"I think we should hold a village meeting first to let everyone know about this. If you raise any questions, we can answer them on the spot. After the village meeting is over, we will hold a village group..."

"No, no, there's nothing like that here." Pang Shuangxi interrupted Zhang Xiangbei, "Mr. Zhang, don't think too much about this place. The director has run away, and the leaders of these village groups have no idea where they have gone. , it’s just us, Li Shengfeng represents the township, Ma Damu and I represent the village, let’s get this thing started.”

"Should we wait for Lao Jiao? Isn't he already on the way?" Li Shengfeng said.

"Wait a minute. He is a village director who has been away from home all year. He has fart prestige in the village, and he is not as good as the three of us. If Mayor Ma hadn't insisted on him coming back, my opinion is that he would never come back." Pang Shuangxi said.

"You really don't have to wait." Ma Damu said, "If you do this, Secretary Pang is right, and no one listens to him."

"It's okay to come back. He can cook for us when he comes back."

Pang Shuangxi said that Li Shengfeng and Ma Damu both laughed. Zhang Xiangbei didn't know what they were laughing at, but Xiang Yiyun told him that the village director Lao Jiao worked as a chef in the employee canteen of a factory in Shenzhen.

Zhang Xiangbei understood.

"Okay, then we will skip the step of the village group, hold a meeting, and directly distribute the information to everyone. Then we will split up and communicate with them one by one. If they agree and can make the decision at home, let them Sign and agree on the confirmation form.

"For those who are not at home, send the confirmation letter to him and ask him to sign it. When signing, a video must be recorded to show that he signed it himself. Based on our past experience, this group of people, that is, those who are out of town, are not suitable for This matter is generally supported with little resistance, and those who really have to do the work are basically the people in the village," Zhang Xiangbei said.

"Those who have gone out don't want their land anymore. How can they object to letting white people here? If they join the shares, they can still get dividends. They must be happy." Xiang Yiyun said yesterday when talking about Zhou Yan's family Ma Damu also said so.

"There is another reason. These people who have gone out have also seen the world and know that they need to change to have a chance." Zhang Xiangbei said.

"That's right." Pang Shuangxi said, "Mr. Zhang, come on."

"After everyone agrees, the company will be established. The villagers will elect village representatives to serve as shareholders of the company and help them hold shares on their behalf. It is impossible for everyone to write it into the company's articles of association. It is also necessary to review the existing shareholders in the village. We need to evaluate the assets, because this is a three-party cooperation company between the village, the villagers and us. The clearer and clearer the initial investigation, the less disputes will occur later.

"After these tasks are completed, we will start to apply for the establishment of a company. At the same time, the company's office area will be renovated here, and the roads in the village will also need to be repaired. In addition, a professional team will be invited to conduct inspections on all the land in the village. After measurement and planning, the most suitable places for growing open-field vegetables will be retained and the others will be transformed into greenhouses," Zhang Xiangbei said.

"The road that comes in must also be repaired, otherwise our transportation will be a problem." Xiang Yiyun said.

"Workers will also have problems going to work." Zhang Xiangbei said, "This road goes for more than ten miles, and it is impossible for workers to work there to walk back and forth every day. By the way, the plan to build land must also be carried out at the same time. , so that while we are organizing the land in the whole village, a lot of soil, including pond mud, can be transported to the renovated fields, so we don’t have to go everywhere to find soil.”

Zhang Xiangbei and Xiang Yiyun were talking, and the other three people were calculating in their minds. What they were talking about were all things that they had never dared to think about. Everything in it cost a lot of money. .

"If we do it at the same time, the investment will be huge." Pang Shuangxi said.

"Don't worry about money." Zhang Xiangbei said, "Building greenhouses and building roads are what the company has to do. For the land construction, the company will first lend the money to the village, and the village will use half of its annual dividends to repay it. This part of the project money.”

"It's because of his wealth that he speaks differently." Pang Shuangxi looked at Li Shengfeng and Ma Damu and said, both of them laughed.

"When will the mobilization meeting be held?" Li Shengfeng asked.

"In my opinion, the sooner the better, we will open it this afternoon." Pang Shuangxi said, "When we finish here, Ma Damu, please notify Ma Damu and let every family have someone who can take care of things in the afternoon. The person in charge will come in person. The person in charge needs to be someone who has a clear mind, not someone who is old and can't explain clearly."

Ma Damu said yes.

"But, I'm sorry, I can't attend this meeting, Mr. Zhang." Pang Shuangxi said, "Today, Saturday, the director of our unit comes down to fish, and I have to go and take pictures of this flattery."

Only then did Zhang Xiangbei know why there was a set of fishing gear on Pang Shuangxi's motorcycle.

"What do you mean, Pang Shuangxi? You talked so enthusiastically, but you ran away on your own?" Li Shengfeng asked.

Pang Shuangxi smiled happily: "It's important here, and it's also important to flatter me over there. I have to go back. Come on, let's just have a meeting. You are the representative in the township, and Ma Damu is in the village. The most important thing is, Mr. Zhang and Mr. Xiang are here, they are the gods of wealth, they are the most important, my fucking pockets are empty, and I haven’t farted even as I speak.”

"I just heard you farting." Ma Damu said.

"Hard work, hard work." Pang Shuangxi said, throwing the pack of Chinese cigarettes on the table to Li Shengfeng and Ma Damu.

Pang Shuangxi and Zhang Xiangbei said: "I'm sorry, Mr. Zhang, this is something we have agreed on a long time ago. I can't push it away. I'll come over when I'm done."

Zhang Xiangbei said it was okay. Anyway, this matter could not be done in one day.

"Sure!" Pang Shuangxi gave a thumbs up and said to Li Shengfeng and the others: "Did you see that Mr. Zhang is doing big things, unlike you..."

A car horn honked twice outside. They turned around and saw a car parked on the basketball court. The driver was honking the horn. Li Shengfeng and Pang Shuangxi said:

"Those who came to see you can leave now."

Pang Shuangxi stood up, reached out and patted Zhang Xiangbei on the shoulder, saying: "Victory is over, victory is over!"

Pang Shuangxi walked out, and everyone watched him get on his motorcycle and drive ahead, with the car following them.

Ma Damu cursed: "Are these people born in the year of the cat? They have almost caught all the fish in the reservoir."

Everyone laughed.

After the meeting ended, everyone here also stood up. Ma Damu asked Zhang Xiangbei: "When will the meeting be announced?"

"Just a little." Zhang Xiangbei said.

"By the way, Accountant Ma, give me your village account number, and we will send you 100,000 yuan over there." Xiang Yiyun said.

Ma Damu looked at Zhang Xiangbei and then at Xiang Yiyun, wondering what he meant.

Zhang Xiangbei said: "This is needed to prepare the company in the early stage. You create another account. During the preparation period, people come and go. You also need to make assessments, hire people to do planning, etc., all of which require expenses."

"Okay, I understand." Ma Damu said.

The four people walked outside. Ma Damu pulled Zhang Xiangbei. The two people fell at the back. Ma Damu whispered to Zhang Xiangbei:

"Mr. Zhang, we have made an agreement about the supermarket and we can't go back on it."

Just listening to what Zhang Xiangbei and the others were talking about, Ma Damu's mind never stopped thinking. The more he listened, the more he felt that this supermarket would definitely be a hot commodity in the future, so he must say more.

"Of course, just follow what we said before." Zhang Xiangbei said.

"Okay, thank you, Mr. Zhang." Ma Damu turned around and went back to the office with a smile. He wanted to turn on the loudspeaker in the corner to inform everyone to come to the basketball court for a meeting at one o'clock in the afternoon.

The three of them walked to the corridor outside. Zhang Xiangbei and Li Shengfeng said, "Take us around and show us all the land that belongs to your village."

Li Shengfeng said yes, can we see from the inside?

Zhang Xiangbei nodded.

The three people got in the car and Xiang Yiyun drove out. Li Shengfeng and Xiang Yiyun said, "This is the road. If you drive to the end, our village will come to an end."

Xiang Eyun drove the car. After leaving the village, the mountains on both sides began to close in. The widest part of the entire ravine was where the village was. After leaving the village, the road began to become desolate. This kind of dead end road was not usually taken on There are very few people, and people who are not assigned to the fields will not come in at all.

After driving forward for five or six minutes, they could already see the mountains approaching them. The fields on both sides of the road disappeared. There was only a small stream next to the road. At the end of the road was a dam, and the stream flowed out from the bottom of the dam. of.

The dam is seven or eight meters high. Pang Shuangxi's motorcycle and car were parked here. Li Shengfeng asked Zhang Xiangbei if he wanted to go up and have a look.

Zhang Xiangbei said yes.

The three people followed a path to the top of the dam. Zhang Xiangbei saw that this reservoir was only half the size of Da Wenwen's Hongling Reservoir. There was no hydropower station, only an unattended irrigation and drainage station. The difference from there was that , Hongling Reservoir is surrounded by lush mountains. The mountains around here are still bare, let alone trees, not even grass grows.

They saw several figures on the opposite side of the reservoir, probably Pang Shuangxi and the others.

"Does this reservoir belong to the village?" Zhang Xiangbei asked.

Li Shengfeng said that he was right. He learned from the reservoir built at that time in Dazhai. The village's irrigation relied on this reservoir.

"What's the name of this reservoir?" Xiang Yiyun asked.

"The official name is Dongfeng Reservoir, but no one calls it that, so everyone just calls it Nianzigou Reservoir," Li Shengfeng said.

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