The Pentium Era - South to North

Chapter 2156 It’s a meeting

The three people came down from the top of the dam of Nianzigou Reservoir, got in the car, and drove out of the ditch. When this bad road was almost over, Nianzigou Village had reached the end. Ten minutes further on, there was the seat of the township government. Li Shengfeng looked at his watch and said to Zhang Xiangbei and the others:

"We might as well go ahead and go back after lunch to have a meeting."

Zhang Xiangbei said yes.

They drove to the street where the township government is located. It was said to be a street, but in fact it was just a cement road. A two-story building that used to be a supply and marketing cooperative was divided into three and became three shops. On the wall of the house, "Develop the economy and ensure security" Although the color of the eight words "Supply" is mottled, it is still vaguely visible.

The windows upstairs are open, and iron shelves are installed outside the windows. Clothes are hung to dry on the iron shelves. At noon, people shopping in the shops on the first floor are right in the shadow of these clothes.

There are three shops, one sells daily necessities and stationery, and the other sells clothes. There are clothes for men, women, and children. The shop is packed to the brim. It seems like a gathering of clothing people for a convention. Some clothes look very old. In a high corner, the boss was afraid that his clothes would get dirty, so he put a plastic bag on them. A thick layer of dust had already fallen on his shoulders.

There is also a store that sells dried fruits and roasted seeds and fruits. The roasted seeds and nuts are placed in large wide-mouthed glass bottles. There are only a few varieties of fruits, namely bananas, persimmons and apples. The bananas are black and soft, and the apples are wrinkled. The persimmons look weathered, and there are persimmons placed next to them, which seems to indicate the future fate of these persimmons.

Next to this building is a newly built house. The so-called new house is already a few years old, but it is just newer than the house in the old supply and marketing cooperative. This store has a great name, called "Longxi Big House". "Hotel" is opened by two sisters. The elder sister makes breakfast in the morning, and the younger sister opens the restaurant at noon and evening.

The three of them entered the Longxi Hotel. Li Shengfeng ordered three bowls of beef slurry noodles. The bowls were very big, like sea bowls. The portion of beef was also very substantial, with five or six thick slices. The noodles were served to Yiyun and Zhang Xiangbei. explain:

"I can't finish all this. Can I give you some?"

Zhang Xiangbei said yes.

Xiang Yiyun picked up the beef with chopsticks and put it into Zhang Xiangbei's bowl. Zhang Xiangbei said: "Eat the beef yourself and give me the noodles. Eating noodles will make you gain weight, but beef will not."

"You know so much." Xiang Yiyun blushed slightly and said angrily.

She put noodles one chopstick after another into Zhang Xiangbei's bowl. It was almost full. Zhang Xiangbei shouted:

"That's enough, that's enough. I'm not a pig. How can I eat so much?"

Xiang Yiyun chuckled: “Aren’t you going to help me lose weight? Then help me more.”

With a chopstick of noodles in his mouth, Zhang Xiangbei couldn't help but praise: "It's delicious, it's delicious. This noodle is so delicious, sour, spicy and fragrant, much like the taste of fat beef in sour soup. What kind of noodles?"

"The water surface is slurry," Li Shengfeng said.

"What is slurry?" Zhang Xiangbei asked next. This time, Li Shengfeng was stopped by the question and said to Yiyun:

"Put celery, rapeseed, mustard, etc. into water and boil, scoop it up, then add flour and yeast, and ferment it for two or three days. It's ready. This noodle soup is made of slurry water, so it's called slurry water surface."

Zhang Xiangbei kept nodding his head. What he was thinking in his mind was that he would let Gu Gong practice it when he went back. He must know how to make slurry water. By the way, if he used this slurry water to make vinegar, would it have the same effect but the same approach? ? Still ingenious?

Zhang Xiangbei couldn't help laughing when he thought of this, and asked Evian:

"why are you laughing?"

"What are you laughing at? You are happy when you eat delicious food. Isn't this the case with you? You are sad and shed tears after eating delicious food?" Zhang Xiangbei asked back.

"Go and eat your noodles." Xiang Yiyun cursed.

After the three of them finished eating the noodles, Zhang Xiangbei stood up, patted his belly and said, "No, it's already bulging into a basketball."

He took out his wallet from the hip pocket of his jeans and asked Xiang Eyun to pay the bill. Li Shengfeng quickly held his hand and made sure to block his hand back, saying that since he was here, of course it was his treat.

The two were still arguing, but Xiang Yiyun had already walked towards the proprietress. Li Shengfeng quickly shouted at the proprietress not to take her money.

Xiang Yiyun took out his wallet and handed over the money. The landlady smiled and shook her head, but refused to reach out to take it. Xiang Yiyun had no choice but to say to Zhang Xiangbei:

"Forget it, this is Lao Li's territory."

Li Shengfeng laughed, Zhang Xiangbei retracted his hand holding the wallet, and Li Shengfeng went over to buy the order.

The three of them went back to the village and waited for the car to turn into the village committee gate. It was only half past twelve, but the villagers who had arrived early were already there. They all brought their own stools and sat in twos and threes in the sun chatting.

In the corridor, Ma Damu had moved all three chairs from the office and placed them side by side in the corridor.

When Ma Damu saw Zhang Xiangbei and the others arrived, he quickly asked the three of them to sit on the chairs. He stood aside. Zhang Xiangbei had been wondering. There were clearly stools in the classroom behind him. Why did the village committee do so? Shit, there are only these three chairs, not a single extra one.

Zhang Xiangbei asked Ma Damu, and Ma Damu said that there were six or seven of them, but they were all taken away, and no one knew who took them.

Zhang Xiangbei understood that if he added more, they would still be taken away. There were only three, and with three desks, no one would be embarrassed to take them away.

From outside the gate, people came in one after another, carrying stools and chairs in their hands, long and short, high and low, stools and chairs of various shapes and materials. Some people even came over with a wooden packing box to sit on.

Zhang Xiangbei saw that Erpi had also arrived, but he was empty-handed and did not bring a stool or chair. When he walked in, he was still timid and looked around. He saw that there was no Pang Shuangxi's motorcycle in front of the house, and there was no Pang Shuangxi in the corridor. I became bolder.

Erpi walked in, walked directly to the window of the village committee office, looked inside, and saw that there was still no Pang Shuangxi inside, and suddenly became more courageous.

He came over and asked Xiang Yiyun: "Sister Xiang, did you get paid today?"

Xiang Yiyun cursed: “Go!”

Erpi giggled and said, "You look good. You look so good even when you are cursing at the eldest sister. Ma Damu, are you getting paid today?"

Ma Damu turned his head and ignored him. Erpi looked at Zhang Xiangbei. Zhang Xiangbei had just received a WeChat message from Wu Huan. Mang Chao and his group's "Home Delivery" in Taipei would be launched on July 8th. Mang Chao invited them. After the two went over, Wu Huan asked Zhang Xiangbei how to arrange it. Zhang Xiangbei was replying to her WeChat message, telling her that there was no sign of this place yet, and he didn't know if he would be able to leave by then.

"You just need to go on behalf of the company, or bring Zhou Ruoyi with you. She is very familiar with Xiaohu."

Zhang Xiangbei told Wu Huan that if Wu Huan returned to him, I would ask Zhou Ruoyi to apply for the Taiwan pass first.

Li Shengfeng walked to the office and poured water for Zhang Xiangbei and Xiang Yiyun. His chair was empty. Erpi picked it up and left. Ma Damu pretended not to see it and shouted to Xiang Yiyun:

"What are you doing?"

"Sit down, it's a meeting, there's no place to sit, I'm going to have a dick meeting." Erpi said.

Zhang Xiangbei looked up and shouted: "Bring it back, bring it back to me."

Erpi walked away without looking back. Zhang Xiangbei stood up and wanted to chase after him, but Ma Damu held him back and whispered to him, forget it, it won't look good if there are so many people arguing.

Erpi took the chair and walked to the back of the crowd, where a man sat there with his legs crossed and shaking.

Li Shengfeng came out with two glasses of water and saw that his chair was gone. Ma Damu told him, "Erpi took it."

Li Shengfeng cursed, "This bastard" and gave up. He stood there with Ma Damu. This made Zhang Xiangbei a little uncomfortable. He also wanted to stand up, but Li Shengfeng held his shoulders and said, "You Sit down, sit down, you are the protagonists today."

The time was not yet one o'clock. Ma Damu stretched his neck and looked down the corridor. He said to Zhang Xiangbei that the people had almost arrived. Can we start?

Zhang Xiangbei said yes.

Li Shengfeng cleared his throat and shouted below:

"Today, we are all going to have a meeting. The content of the meeting is to transform our village into a company, that is, to change everyone from farmers to workers who get paid every month. How to change it? I will listen to Mr. Zhang and others later. , let me introduce first, this is Zhang Xiangbei, the owner of 'Zhaixianshu', he has come to us in person, everyone is welcome!"

There was applause from below. No one knew Zhang Xiangbei, but they all knew "Zhai Xian Delivery" and knew that "Zhai Xian Delivery" had made their lives better. I heard that the boss of "Zhai Xian Delivery" was here. Everyone clapped.

Zhang Xiangbei stood up and bowed to everyone.

Then introducing Xiang Evian, Li Shengfeng said: "Many people know this person. She is Xiang Evian, the general manager of the Ningxia and our Gansu branches of 'Zhaixianshui'. Everyone is welcome!"

Xiang Yiyun is the general manager of the Ningxia branch of "Zhaixianshuang". They do not have a branch in Gansu. "Our Gansu branch" was added by Li Shengfeng. Zhang Xiangbei thought the addition was very good. Next, the Ningxia branch It really needs to be expanded into Ningxia and Gansu branches.

The applause below was even louder than in front. Xiang Evian stood up and bowed to everyone. Many people shouted:

"Sing, sing!"

Zhang Xiangbei was surprised. He didn't know what they were calling. Xiang Yiyun stood there and smiled, and said to everyone, "Okay, then I will sing a song for everyone first. What I sang today is "You raised me and I grew up. "Growing old with you".

The entire stadium suddenly became quiet.

Xiang Eyun stood there, and then sang: "I always want to act coquettishly in your warm arms/I always want to call you and ask if you are okay/I always want to tell you that I love you but I don’t know how to express it/I always want to I want to thank you for your hard work in raising me..."

Zhang Xiangbei heard Xiang Eyun singing for the first time, but he didn't expect that Xiang Eyun sang very well.

After Xiang Yiyun finished singing, there was a burst of applause below, and many people shouted: "Sing one more song."

Xiang Yiyun quickly said: "Let's have a meeting today, and I will sing for everyone next time, okay?"

When Xiang Yiyun said this, everyone became quiet. When everyone calmed down, Erpi suddenly shouted:

"Sister Xiang, when will the money be distributed?"

Thanks for the tip of Two Fishes and Broken Back Mountain! Thank you End丶Hao, zpengyong1, Romantic Sakura, and Hu Hu for your monthly votes! Thanks for all the votes and reading! I wish you all good health!

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