The Pentium Era - South to North

Chapter 466 Peach Blossoms

The tractor-taught road in the valley was full of potholes. Two people were sitting in the tractor bed. Although there was straw padding underneath, they still felt a little seasick as the vehicle tossed and turned over time.

The thick fog in the valley gradually dissipated, and the sun was a pale white disk hanging in the sky. When the fog gradually receded, its light became more and more dazzling and its heat became higher and higher.

On both sides of the road, small patches of rapeseed fields appeared from time to time. In the green rapeseed fields, bunches of bright yellow sprouted, and anxious rapeseeds were already blooming. These blooming rapeseeds were generally taller than those around them. It's as if they came out just to be the first.

In a week or two, this rapeseed field should be golden and set in the green valley. What a beautiful sight it will be.

Zhang Chen was so interested in looking at it that he even forgot about his dizziness. He kept asking Xiao Zhao to look at it quickly. Xiao Zhao glanced at it and muttered, "What's so good about this? I'll look at it later."

Zhang Chen didn’t know what he would see next. Anyway, he thought it looked very good now. If he had a painting folder and paints, he would definitely get out of the car and paint one first. This kind of tender and translucent yellow and green would be perfect for painting. When on canvas, there is something charming, even sexy.

In Monet's paintings, there are often green and yellow colors like this.

As the tractor drove forward, the mountains on both sides receded, and the valley slowly turned into a dam. Zhang Chen couldn't help but stand up, put his hands on the front railing of the tractor body, and looked around excitedly. Xiao Zhao also He stood up, looked at Zhang Chen and asked, "Does it look good?"

“It’s so beautiful, so pretty!”

They saw that the entire Bazi was covered with pink peach blossoms. These peach blossom trees were planted in rapeseed fields. The peach blossoms bloomed on the top, and the rapeseed flowers also bloomed on the bottom because the inside of the Bazi was warmer than outside. The top was pink and the bottom was golden. Zhang Chen felt that such a beautiful scenery could not be described with words, only with a paintbrush.

It's a pity that he didn't bring anything with him. He could only look at them greedily with his eyes, absorb them hard, imprint them all in his mind, return to Hangzhou, and draw them again.

They were about to arrive home, and Xiao Zhao became excited. The few people he saw on the roadside all knew Xiao Zhao and waved to Xiao Zhao, who also waved to them.

My uncle sent someone in with a message yesterday, saying that Xiao Zhao was back, that Xiao Zhao was married, and that the new son-in-law was coming to the door on the first day today. Xiao Zhao’s parents and his younger siblings were already waiting at the roadside. They, Xiao Zhao saw them from a distance, reached out and patted the tractor driver on the shoulder, and shouted to him, stop here for those in front.

The tractor was too noisy. If he didn't shout, the tractor driver wouldn't be able to hear it. He heard it and nodded vigorously.

Xiao Zhao jumped out of the car and hugged her mother, brother and sister. The sister was thirteen or fourteen years old and looked very similar to Xiao Zhao. The brother was about ten years old. The two of them, one on each side, immediately became attached to each other. Clamp Xiao Zhao on both sides.

Zhang Chen also quickly got out of the car, bowed to them one by one, and called his father and mother.

Xiao Zhao's parents looked at Zhang Chen and smiled gently. Xiao Zhao's father looked swarthy, much like the younger version of the father in Luo Zhongli's "Father". When he saw Zhang Chen, he was a little at a loss and raised his hand. After two attempts, he finally seemed to muster up the courage to reach out and shake hands with Zhang Chen. When they shook hands, Zhang Chen was shocked.

My father's hands are covered with calluses, which are thicker than the calluses of workers on the construction site. They are the kind of calluses that have grown and grown over time, accumulated layer by layer, and are so rough that they can hurt.

My father looked like a dull and taciturn person. He picked up the burden, hung Zhang Chen and Xiao Zhao's luggage on the pole, and carried it together. Zhang Chen was embarrassed and wanted to carry it on his own, so his father just wanted to carry it. He said it's a long way to go.

Zhang Chen tried it, and the heavy feeling from the luggage told Zhang Chen that he could not take the luggage from these hands and could only give up.

Xiao Zhao and his family's home was more than three miles away from the main road. They walked along the path in the middle of the peach forest towards a mountain col.

The father carried the load, but walked very briskly, gradually throwing them away. The road was too narrow and there was no way to walk side by side. The mother walked in front of Xiao Zhao, and Xiao Zhao followed her mother. The two of them almost shouted. The chat was in Sichuan dialect, and Zhang Chen could only understand it half-understood.

His younger brother and younger sister followed Xiao Zhao. They never left Xiao Zhao from the moment he got off the bus.

They stretched out their hands to hold the back hem of Xiao Zhao's clothes. The two of them walked side by side on the path, squeezing each other, but no one was willing to take a step back and give up the opportunity to hold Xiao Zhao's clothes.

When the road was a little wider, they immediately squeezed in, one on each side, and pinched Xiao Zhao, making it difficult for Xiao Zhao to walk. Xiao Zhao was not annoyed, but stretched out his hand to touch the back of their heads.

Zhang Chen walked at the back and looked at this family. He knew that this was a gentle and friendly family. From their eyes, Zhang Chen could tell that Xiao Zhao was right. They liked him, and now he does too. He is happy to be a member of this family.

Xiao Zhao's home is a lonely house on a hillside. The house is very old and shabby, and even the fence in the yard is tattered. It can be seen that although this place is beautiful and suitable for collecting scenery, the beautiful scenery is not good for the local area. For farmers, it cannot be eaten and cannot bring much economic benefits.

Zhang Chen has been to Taishun and Wencheng in Wenzhou, Jingning, Yunhe, Songyang and other places in Lishui, including many mountainous areas in Yongcheng. He knows that for farmers in mountainous areas, the biggest headache is that there are too many people and too little land. , there is only some flat land, and not much is allocated to each person. No matter how hard you work, that little bit of land can barely give you food and clothing.

Do you still have to pay public food and various assessments? For them, green mountains and clear waters are really not valuable. Even every inch of gently sloping slopes must be reclaimed. If they cannot grow rice, they plant corn and sweet potatoes, which are also alternative foods.

The courtyard door was open, and there were two pigs and a dozen chickens inside, walking leisurely. Although the courtyard door was open, they would not come out, and would only stay in the courtyard.

Although Xiao Zhao's home is dilapidated, it can be seen that they have worked hard to clean and organize it after receiving instructions from their uncle, which moved Zhang Chen a little bit.

They walked into the front of the hall. There was a side hall next to the front of the hall. There was a fire pit built on the ground. There were four long benches around the fire pit. The fire pit was actually not used for a long time, but because Xiao Zhao and the others were coming back, Fearing that they would not be able to bear the humidity and cold in the mountain, charcoal was added to the fire pit, and their mother asked them to sit there.

Xiao Zhao and Zhang Chen sat on a bench, and their father sat on another bench beside them. Their mother brought them tea.

Zhang Chen took out the cigarette and handed it to his father. His father quickly took it with both hands. Zhang Chen lit the lighter for him. He did not smoke it himself, but put the cigarette and lighter on the bench.

Zhang Chen and Xiao Zhao felt a little cold due to the wind blowing all the way on the road, so they stretched out their hands to make a fire. After their brother and sister entered the house, they disappeared, and they didn't know where they went.

Xiao Zhao asked her father about everything from health to farm work in the fields, but no matter what she asked, her father only had one word, and that was good.

His father looked at Xiao Zhao and then at Zhang Chen, feeling happy in his heart. When his father noticed that Zhang Chen was also looking at him, he smiled, raised his hand and said, "Drink water."

After a while, the two people looked at each other, and the father still smiled and said to drink water.

The younger brothers and sisters appeared again. Zhang Chen understood what they were doing, so he quickly got up, sat on the bench opposite, and gave his seat to them. The two of them, one on the left and one on the right, squeezed in next to Xiao Zhao, holding their hands , all showed Xiao Zhao the report card and certificate of award. It seemed that this was the first thing they had to do every time Xiao Zhao came back.

Xiao Zhao lowered his head and looked carefully at each one. The three of them talked quietly. Xiao Zhao had finished reading and told them that it was good. Then the two of them let out a long sigh of relief. Xiao Zhao handed over the report card and certificate of award. Return it to them and tell them to take it and put it away.

The two people ran away, put away their things, and ran back again. One on the left and one on the right, they sat down on Xiao Zhao's left and right.

Mother also came over and sat on the empty bench. Xiao Zhao remembered, she stood up, walked to the front of the hall, took her bag, and took out their marriage registration certificate from the bag. , birth certificate, and household registration transfer certificate were shown to my mother. As she looked at them, her eyes turned red, but the corners of her mouth were smiling.

Xiao Zhao quickly stood up, sat next to his mother, and hugged her. His mother handed all these things to his father, and his father also watched.

The younger brother and younger sister also wanted to sit with Xiao Zhao and his mother. Xiao Zhao looked at Zhang Chen, smiled and said to his younger brother and sister, she did not say brother-in-law, but elder brother. She said, my elder brother can draw better than your art teacher. If he can draw well, let him draw for you.

The younger brother and younger sister looked at Zhang Chen timidly. Zhang Chen smiled and said, "Okay, let's paint."

He got up and walked to the front of the hall, and came back with a sketchbook and pen from his bag. He first asked his brother, what do you want to draw?

"Fighting hero!" said the younger brother.

Based on his impression, Zhang Chen drew a propaganda poster that was posted in his home when he was a child. The picture shows the Zhenbao Island Self-Defense Counterattack. A soldier, holding a submachine gun in his hand, jumped out of the trench in the snow and rushed towards the enemy. Under his cotton hat, a bloody bandage was exposed.

After the painting was finished, Zhang Chen wrote a line next to the painting: "Life never ends, fighting never stops - Yu Qingyang, the hero of the Zhenbao Island Self-Defense Counterattack."

Zhang Chen turned around and asked his younger brother, who was standing behind him on the left and watching his painting, "Do you like it?"

The younger brother nodded desperately.

Zhang Chen tore the painting out of the sketchbook and handed it to his younger brother, who received it excitedly.

Zhang Chen looked at his sister who was standing right behind him and looking at him painting. When her sister saw Zhang Chen looking at her, she smiled shyly and stared at Zhang Chen with her big eyes without saying a word.

Zhang Chen asked: "What do you want to draw?"

My sister whispered: "Haicheng."

Zhang Chen's heart trembled, and he thought to himself that this sister must miss her sister very much. She knew that her sister was in Haicheng, but she never knew what Haicheng looked like.

Thank you Lao Chentang and Li Ruijin for your monthly votes! Thank you for all the recommendation votes and reading!

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