The Pentium Era - South to North

Chapter 467 A man who can draw

The younger brother ran away and put the painting away. After a while, he came back with an exercise book, opened the cover, and asked Zhang Chen to help him draw on the second cover. Zhang Chen asked, "Why do you want to draw here?"

The younger brother didn't say anything. Xiao Zhao glanced at it and said with a smile: "He wants to take it to school so he can brag to his classmates at any time."

The younger brother smiled shyly, and Zhang Chen said, "What are you going to draw this time?"

"I still have to draw fighting heroes."

"Do you want H Jiguang or D Cunrui?"

"h Jiguang."

Zhang Chen said yes, so he drew in his homework book. He drew H Jiguang in a volunteer uniform, flying to block the enemy's gun holes. In the lower right corner, he drew a bunker and a stick sticking out of the bunker, shooting bullets. The machine gun barrel, behind it is the battlefield filled with smoke.

The younger brother was behind him and became excited just looking at it.

After painting for his brother, his sister also came over with a notebook. Zhang Chen asked her what she wanted to draw. While her sister was thinking about it, Zhang Chen asked: "Sister is in Hangzhou now. Can I draw you the West Lake in Hangzhou?"

The younger sister said "hmm" and nodded.

"Sit there, and I will draw you to the edge of the West Lake." Zhang Chen pointed to the stool next to him and said to his sister.

My sister looked at Zhang Chen with her eyes wide open, meaning is it okay?

Xiao Zhao smiled and said, "Let me draw it. I can draw you wherever you want."

My sister happily sat down on the stool.

Zhang Chen seemed to be back to painting portraits by the West Lake. He first drew his sister, then the Three Pools Reflecting the Moon in the background, and the Baochu Pagoda in the distant view.

My sister was so happy that she took the notebook and showed it to her parents and Xiao Zhao.

The younger brother was watching from the side, greedy and embarrassed to say anything. Zhang Chen understood and knew what his younger brother liked. He asked his younger brother:

"I'll draw you a picture of you as Xiaobalu, fighting the Japanese devils, okay?"

The younger brother jumped up immediately, and the father quickly said: "Let my brother drink water and rest."

Zhang Chen smiled and said, "It's okay, I'm not tired from painting."

He picked up the sketchbook, looked at his brother, and mentally tried to figure out his face and body features, while he started drawing in the sketchbook.

Mother and Xiao Zhao were doing their homework, and by this time they were talking about this and that relative.

At noon, their mother cooked noodles for them. Just after lunch, relatives came one after another. They all came to see Xiao Zhao, especially Zhang Chen. Zhang Chen couldn't tell who they were. He could only tell what Xiao Zhao was. Yell, he would bark accordingly, and Xiao Zhao would give them a gift for every relative who came.

Only then did Zhang Chen realize that Xiao Zhao's seemingly careless shopping in the countryside had actually been carefully planned in her heart. She had already planned in advance what was suitable for each person who came, and she would not leave anyone behind.

A lot of people came, and everyone was very happy when they saw Xiao Zhao and Zhang Chen. Xiao Zhao was also very happy. Zhang Chen was watching from the side and felt that she was a bit like Santa Claus. He thought that coming back every year would be a good thing for Xiao Zhao. , this is probably an important link. Part of the reason why she works so hard outside is to enjoy this happiness when she comes back.

Among the guests, some came, sat and talked for a while, and then left. Most of them did not leave after talking and wanted to stay for dinner. The women went to help Xiao Zhao's mother wash and chop vegetables, and the men went to help Xiao Zhao's mother wash and chop vegetables. They went to other people's houses to move tables, stools and tableware, and they set up three tables in the yard at the door.

Among the people who came, there were also some relatively close relatives, such as Xiao Zhao’s uncle and uncle, who brought bacon, chicken, duck, tofu and vegetables, as well as jars of wine. Xiao Zhao’s younger uncle brought some There was a basket of fish and a basket of fresh meat. He caught the fish himself and bought the meat from the countryside early in the morning. He had just returned.

Xiao Zhao complained, why didn’t uncle come back on the tractor with us?

My uncle said, when I arrived in the countryside, you had already left.

With so many people coming, the house on the hillside became very lively inside and outside. At about four o'clock, Xiao Zhao's aunt arrived with her grandparents. Xiao Zhao quickly invited them to the fire pond and greeted Zhang Chen. Sit down and chat with grandpa and grandma.

Grandma held Xiao Zhao's hand and kept laughing. Grandpa laughed beside her. Zhang Chen handed the cigarette to grandpa. Grandpa quickly shook his head. Xiao Zhao and Zhang Chen said that grandpa's lungs were not good.

The most excited one is Xiao Zhao’s younger brother. Whenever he sees children coming, he goes to show them the paintings drawn by Zhang Chen, especially the one where he is Xiao Balu, fighting the Japanese devils. This makes other children see. Yes, I am extremely envious.

The younger sister is more reserved. When her friends come, she also wants to show her treasures, but instead of showing them the paintings, she takes them to the room to see them.

The four little girls looked out and blushed. They stood there, looking at Zhang Chen. They were too embarrassed to get close and pushed each other. Zhang Chen asked his sister, "What's the matter?"

The younger sister's face turned red. She looked at Xiao Zhao, who smiled and nodded. Then the younger sister said softly and asked Zhang Chen if he could draw a picture for the four of them standing together.

Zhang Chen said yes. He walked over and brought the sketchbook and asked them, where should I draw for you? Can I draw you a picture of someone standing in front of Tiananmen Square in Beijing?

Before her sister could say anything, Xiao Zhao shouted, "This is good. I have never been to Tiananmen."

The four little girls nodded desperately.

Zhang Chen picked up the pen and thought to himself, I have never been to Tiananmen Square, but I have seen a lot and drawn a lot. From childhood to adulthood, there is no one who has not seen Tiananmen. Zhang Chen can’t count. The blackboards and propaganda in the school Column, he has drawn Tiananmen so many times that he can easily draw it at his fingertips. He even knows how many gates Tiananmen has and how many columns there are on the tower.

The news that Xiao Zhao's man could draw immediately caused a sensation inside and outside the house. Everyone gathered around to have a look, and they all agreed that the painting was even better than that of the painter who painted portraits on the streets in the countryside during the market.

Zhang Chen quickly drew a portrait of four little girls, wearing red scarves, standing in front of the Tiananmen Gate Tower. The four little girls were so happy that they immediately went to the side to discuss who should keep the painting. God, as a result of the discussion, my sister was excluded because she had other paintings. This painting was kept among the three of them and circulated like this for ten days.

After finishing this painting, my brother's friends stopped working and gathered around. A fat boy said to Zhang Chen, "Brother, can you also draw one for us?"

Zhang Chen said yes, would you like to draw a red kid to catch the spy?

A bunch of kids agreed.

Zhang Chen teased them, then you are all red brats, who are you going to arrest? Who is the spy?

The fat boy patted his chest and said carelessly, "I'll take the loss, I'll be a spy."

Zhang Chen smiled and said, OK, then arrest the spies quickly.

The others immediately pulled the fat boy's hands behind his back, and Zhang Chen shouted, "Okay, just don't move."

He was drawing in a sketchbook, and the people watching on the side sighed that he was drawing so fast. The portrait master had to use an eraser to erase the drawings, and finally the drawing turned into a ghost.

Everyone else said, yeah, yeah.

Immediately, an old man quietly asked Xiao Zhao's mother. The mother asked Xiao Zhao if she could draw a portrait for your cousin. Xiao Zhao asked Zhang Chen, and Zhang Chen hesitated.

Zhang Chen knew that the portrait they were talking about was a portrait. After the old man passed away, this portrait was hung in front of the hall for future generations to remember. This portrait was as big as an open magazine. The photo studio at that time had the ability to enlarge such a portrait. Big photos, but many old people don't like photos. They think photos have no soul, and they still like someone to draw themselves with a pen.

The portrait master they mentioned earlier when going to the market is doing this. When a person is still alive, he prepares a portrait that he likes. For the old people, it is a big deal, like seeing their coffin ready. Same.

What troubled Zhang Chen was not how difficult it was to draw the portrait. Zhang Chen had done a lot of drawings for others before, and it wasn't that difficult. What troubled him was that he didn't have carbon drawing pencils and lead drawing paper.

Zhang Chen knew that these things were not available even in the countryside. If he wanted to buy them, he had to go to the county. Zhang Chen asked Xiao Zhao if he could go back and forth from the county on the same day?

Xiao Zhao asked him why he went to the county, and Zhang Chen told her.

The uncle said, "That's okay. The mining man in our village has a motorcycle. I'll take you there on his motorcycle tomorrow morning. It will take more than an hour to reach the county seat."

Zhang Chen agreed, and he told Xiao Zhao, then you ask if there are any other fellow villagers who need painting. If so, I will buy some more tomorrow and paint them all for them.

Many people around him became happy when they heard this, and they all said they wanted it. Xiao Zhao roughly counted it and found that there were more than ten pictures. He asked Zhang Chen, can you draw so many?

Zhang Chen said yes, I have been here for the past two days and I don’t know how to go up or down the mountain, but I can still draw and draw.

Everyone laughed and told Xiao Zhao's parents that Xiao Zhao was a good boy.

Zhang Chen and Xiao Zhao said that if they had photos they liked, they would ask them to bring them over. If there were no photos, they would have to ask them to come and sit for a while.

"It should be, it should be." Everyone said.

Thank you to Run with a Smile Y, May, and Burn Up for your monthly passes! Thank you for all the votes and reading!

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