The Pentium Era - South to North

Chapter 821 The Story of the Warring States Period (Thank you Doll Tin Soldier!)

Once again, Mr. Han was unfortunately right.

The Spring Festival was supposed to be the peak season for real estate sales, but the sales of "Jinxiu Xiangting" were not as expected. Ying Ying and Liu Ligan said they felt they could no longer sell.

"Why?" Liu Ligan asked.

"There are too many. I searched all over Hangzhou and found almost a dozen properties for sale, all trying to grab the opportunity during the Spring Festival. In comparison, our disadvantage comes out."

"What are the disadvantages?" Liu Ligan asked.

"The most obvious thing is that the supporting facilities around us are very poor, and there are few buses passing by. Several properties such as Cuiyuan and Zhaohui are further away from Wulin Square in the city center than us, but because they are originally dormitories for government agencies It is a gathering place and the departure point for buses.

"There are also shopping malls, kindergartens, primary schools, hospitals, etc., which have already been built over there. These buildings are crowded there and they take advantage. But here, we don't have these yet. I feel too lonely and have not yet formed." A nice little environment to live in.”

"Are these so important?"

"Of course, don't underestimate these. The advantages and disadvantages of just a bus departure station will come out. Everyone must take the bus every day. If it is the departure station, you can always get a seat five or six days out of ten. Where are the other stations? Moreover, it is the departure station for several buses, almost all of which go directly to the city center.

"We only have two buses here, and you have to transfer to Wulin Square. Which one is more convenient? There are two people who drive to see the house. They don't care about the bus, but after looking at our community, they feel that there is not even a garage, and they feel that it is not convenient. suitable."

"Are the properties you went to see multi-story?"

"Yes, it's the same as ours, it's a six-story building."

Liu Ligan understood that since the market for off-plan properties was wiped out by himself, multi-story houses are the type of housing with the least investment and the fastest results. From the foundation to the capping, you can buy it in March or April and receive the full payment. , no wonder even Xiaowu and his company want to do real estate, and they chose Cuiyuan.

It seems that that guy did not read for free. He also conducted detailed market research before entering the real estate market.

The sudden appearance of so many real estate companies in Hangzhou has already worried Liu Ligan. He is worried whether the fanatical scene in Haicheng will happen again.

He felt that almost overnight, Hangzhou's real estate industry had entered the Warring States Period, and entering the Warring States Period would definitely be accompanied by war. Liu Ligan was even considering whether he should provoke this war in the first place. , it deters many people who are waiting and want to come in, and at the same time, it eliminates many colleagues in the budding stage.

There are many reasons why Liu Ligan had the courage to do this. First of all, of course, he had completed capital accumulation through "Splendid Home" when others had not yet started. Secondly, the sales of his "Splendid Jiangnan" project It is good, but there are currently no competitors for office buildings of the same type in Hangzhou.

High-rise buildings are not something that can be achieved overnight. Liu Ligan believes that by the time others get up, his "Splendid Jiangnan" will definitely have been sold out. Moreover, judging from Fan Jianguo's experience learned from Hong Kong and the plans he made, " Even after "Splendid Jiangnan" is put into use, it will still bring him property management income every month.

Third, the cost of "Splendid Xiangting" was already paid back in the first phase, and the cost of acquiring this land was very low.

What also makes Liu Ligan feel confident is that he has Mr. Yang behind him, who can provide him with a lot of financial support, so that he can have enough ammunition and food to fight this battle.

Liu Ligan was thinking, his heart was ready to move, and he wished he could jump on his horse with a sword and kill in all directions.

But the reasons that made him fearful and afraid to take action were also multifaceted.

The most effective way to defeat the enemy is of course price. As long as he lowers the price of "Splendid Xiangting" to the floor price at one time, five hundred and one square meters, he believes that all the projects on sale in Hangzhou will scream. , the result of the wailing is that they will have to follow up.

The result of the follow-up is that the real estate prices in Hangzhou will plummet collectively. After jumping into the water, Liu Ligan is not sure when he will be able to climb up.

This is likely to cause the real estate in Hangzhou, which has just been heating up, to enter a period of freezing. After entering the period of freezing, no one knows when it will be unblocked, and they will inevitably be unlucky.

Also, it will definitely be a huge blow to the homeowners who have purchased a house in "Jinxiu Xiangting". If they don't do it, they will definitely make trouble. The result of the trouble is likely to cause another group incident. This is his Liu Lizhan couldn't control it.

Liu Ligan didn't even know whether it would affect the home buyers of "Splendid Home". This was something he couldn't bear.

The most frightening thing is that his company is likely to become synonymous with cheapness and unpredictability. If a company like this wants to build the best house in the country and sell the most expensive house in the country, go to hell.

Liu Ligan thought about it and was in a dilemma. He was even a little annoyed that Mr. Han came too late. If he had come earlier and reminded himself earlier, he might not be in such a dilemma like now. He would definitely "Splendid Home" "After I found my first pot of gold, I gave up multi-story buildings and became a high-rise building in "Splendid Xiangting".

Liu Ligan sat alone in the office for a long time. Wenwen and Qianqian came in and were kicked out by him. The result of his thinking was that nothing moved. He couldn't start a war. He couldn't control the scope and couldn't decide. The end of the war.

If "Splendid Xiangting" is going to die, this project will die, and if it is going to die, it will die alone, but it can't die in vain. Liu Ligan is not a person who is willing to surrender. Liu Ligan makes up his mind, the more For such a bad project, the more he wants to make it a high-quality product, even if the cost will increase significantly, it doesn't matter. He can't make any money here, but he still has to make a reputation.

Consumers are good at comparison. At similar prices, even though they have some location disadvantages, compared with other houses, they must do better than others. The landscape of the community must also be improved. It has to be better than others, so that the people who live here are very satisfied, and the people who did not live here and chose houses of other companies feel regretful.

Liu Ligan detained Lao Wan, and then called Fan Jianguo and Ying Ying. The two came up. Liu Ligan told them to mobilize all your relatives, friends and classmates to find connections with the Provincial Industrial and Commercial Bureau and the Municipal Industrial and Commercial Bureau.

"What are you doing?" Ying Ying asked.

"It would be best to find out how many newly registered real estate companies there are every week. If possible, it would be best to obtain the shareholder composition and shareholder background of each company."

Fan Jianguo and Ying Ying whispered to each other in Hangzhou dialect for a while, and decided that Fan Jianguo would go to the Provincial Industrial and Commercial Bureau, and Ying Ying would go to the Municipal Industrial and Commercial Bureau.

"Go and find out more about the procedures required to open a private kindergarten." Liu Ligan and Ying Ying said.

"Mr. Liu, do you want to open a kindergarten?" Ying Ying asked.

Liu Lipole nodded.

"Where to do it?"

"Didn't you say that our 'Jinxiu Xiangting' lacks supporting facilities? If there is no kindergarten, we will set up a kindergarten ourselves. After more people live here, we will find connections and try to get the bus company to add more lines from us. go through."

Ying Ying said: "But there is no land anymore."

"I would rather build one less building and build a kindergarten."

"In that case, the cost will increase a lot." Fan Jianguo said.

"Yes, even if we don't make money, we still want to make this the best community. When we can't get both fame and fortune, we have to choose one. From the perspective of the company's long-term development, I choose fame, and I will earn all the profits. It’s a short-term profit, but fame can last for a long time, and it will eventually make us a profit.”

Fan Jianguo and Ying Ying understood and agreed.

"Then start moving immediately." Liu Ligan shouted.

Not long after the two of them left, Lao Wan came in. Liu Ligan told Lao Wan his thoughts. Lao Wan said yes, and I would arrange it immediately.

"Also, the rubber factory project deadline must be pushed forward. If the manpower is insufficient, we will recruit more people and try to relocate them in advance." Liu Ligan and Lao Wan said.

He has already decided that the Wangjiangmen area will become his and the first high-rise residential complex in Hangzhou. I, Liu Ligan, must give up the multi-story building.

"Also, don't reduce the number of people in Taohuayuan. They are already accustomed to the requirements there, so let them stay there." Liu Ligan and Lao Wan said.

On Sunday, they did not go to eat spicy food, but ate in Zhang Shengji's private room. Zhang Chen, Xiao Zhao, Tan Shuzhen, He Hongmei, Xiao Wu, Liu Ligan, plus Xiang Nan and Xiang Bei, there were eight people in total.

This time, Liu Lizhan did not bring Wenwen and Qianqian, which made Xiao Zhao relieved. She secretly took a look at Tan Shuzhen. Tan Shuzhen noticed it and asked, "What are you looking at me for?"

Xiao Zhao pursed his lips and smiled, and Tan Shuzhen asked again, why are you laughing?

Xiao Zhao quickly said, "Okay, Sister Shuzhen, I won't laugh even if I don't look at it, but don't ask why."

The others all laughed and looked at Liu Ligan and then at Tan Shuzhen, who blushed slightly.

Zhang Chen asked Xiao Wu, how is work? Xiao Wu said, "It's okay, but it's a bit boring. I don't do anything every day. I just sit there and follow wherever the boss goes."

"Isn't that what being a bodyguard is like? When someone shoots, you have to block the bullet." He Hongmei said.

Liu Ligan glared at her and cursed: "You have watched too many foreign movies, and you can still block bullets. There is no way to block bullets. Is his boss at the level where someone shoots and assassinates him? At most, there is someone." Take a hoe and rake him."

"Then how boring is this bodyguard?"

"If he was energetic and busy every day, how popular would his boss be and how many enemies would he have?" Liu Ligan said.

"How is the boss like you? Is he treating you well?" Zhang Chen asked Xiao Wu.

Xiao Wu said yes, and Xiao Wu laughed as he said: "People in the company said that the boss was stingy, but I didn't feel it at all. He didn't seem stingy to me at all, and he even paid for me to learn a driver's license. .”

"It's over." Liu Ligan shouted and pretended to cry. He Hongmei scolded: "Crazy, the boss is nice to him, isn't that okay?"

"No, Xiao Wu is finished. More than a thousand years ago, there was an old woman. Her neighbor said the same thing as you. Your knowledge is obviously not as good as that old woman. At most, it is the level of her neighbor." Liu Ligan and He Hongmei said.

"What do you mean?" He Hongmei asked.

"During the Warring States Period, there was a general named Wu Qi. When he was leading the army, he shared the joys and sorrows with the soldiers. They ate the same food and lived in the same accommodation. One of the soldiers had a malignant sore on his buttocks. Wu Qi sucked the pus out with his mouth. Everyone was very happy to see it. move.

"The news reached the soldier's village. The soldier's mother, the old woman, burst into tears when she heard it. The neighbor asked her why she was crying. She said, 'I'm crying for my son. My son is going to die.'" The neighbor asked her why she was crying. They were all surprised, saying, Wu Qi is a general, and your son is just a soldier. The general sucked the pus from your son. You should feel that you have dignity, so why are you still sad?

"The old woman said, you don't know, it's just because the general was so kind to my son, my son will definitely be grateful to him and will risk his own life on the battlefield. The general helped my husband suck a sore last time, and my husband died. , this time my son was sucked again, and my son would definitely not live long. Sure enough, this son also died in the battle soon.

"Xiao Wu, his boss is the general, and Xiao Wu is the son." Liu Ligan said.

He Hongmei nodded: "I understand, you are that old woman, but is it inherited in your family? Your father's ass is rotten, and your son's ass is also rotten?"

The people at the table laughed.

Xiao Wu asked: "Brother Ganzi, if I go to your place, what will you do to me?"

Liu Ligan said without thinking: "Of course I will whip you every day."

"You're really good at talking nonsense." Tan Shuzhen cursed, and Liu Ligan chuckled.

Thank you to the Ten Thousand Years White Vote Party, Reading Books Every Day, On the Shore 131, and the third-ranked reward from top to bottom! Thank you Tin Soldier for your monthly ticket! Thanks for all the votes and reading! I wish you all good health!

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