The Pentium Era - South to North

Chapter 857 Bet on the future with today

After Lao Tan finished speaking, everyone looked at Liu Ligan. Liu Ligan said, I have also thought about what Lao Tan said. Indeed, such risks exist, but for me, I feel that it is time to fight against the odds. At that time, we devoted all our abilities and material resources to this project, even if we stopped the "Peach Blossom Spring" project in the middle.

"You are gambling." Lao Tan said.

Liu Ligan nodded: "I am indeed betting on this project. The bet is everything our company has today. The bet is the future of the company. If the bet wins, there will be an open land in front of us. I am not bragging, at least within the scope of Hangzhou. There are no real estate companies that can compete with us domestically, and there are no real estate companies nationwide that can defeat us."

"What if we lose?" Lao Tan asked.

"Simple, have nothing, start all over again." Liu Ligan smiled, but everyone felt that this smile was a bit sad.

"Do you have to bet such a big sum?" Zhang Chen asked.

"Yes, there is no way out." Liu Ligan said, "I have figured it out. This real estate is no better than your clothing. It is really an industry where only the strong can survive. Mr. Han said that bidding, auction, and listing will definitely be a trend in the future. , when that day comes, small real estate companies, probably in key cities, will have no room to survive, and you won’t even be able to get a piece of land.

"Moreover, not only local companies, but also those from other places will enter in a big way. At that time, it will be a real hand-to-hand battle. I am lucky to start earlier than others and make some money. If I don't take advantage of this time to strengthen myself, , it is very likely that I will be eliminated soon. I have to make this bet, otherwise, I may have a future, but the company will definitely be gone."

"Is it really that serious?" Xiao Zhao asked.

"Being a business is not about retreating if you don't advance, but there is no retreat. You can either advance with great success or fail and sink into the sand. There is no second way. No matter how big an enterprise is, it will be miserable when it closes." Liu Li Rod said.

"Come on, come on, drink, this topic is too heavy, haven't you started doing it yet? Everything is still on paper."

Liu Bang, the emperor of the Han Dynasty, raised his cup and everyone clinked it. Zhang Chen knew very well that as long as Liu Ligan made up his mind to do something, he would definitely do it. It was not that it had not started, but that It has already started, probably since he came back from Genshan River in the afternoon. He called everyone here in the evening for the opening banquet.

Zhang Chen felt that what Brother Tan said was reasonable, and what Liu Ligan said was also reasonable. Don't think so much. The worst thing is that we can help support each other when the time comes. If we have to start over, we can all start over together.

"Gangzi, let me ask, how many square meters of house can be built on the land after the river is renovated?" Liu Bang, the emperor of the Han Dynasty, asked.

"The rest of both sides of the river are used as parks, and about 35% are used for real estate development, which is about 1.4 million to 1.5 million square meters." Liu Ligan said.

"That's really a big project." Liu Bang, the emperor of the Han Dynasty, said.

Liu Chengcheng has been improving every year in the past few years. After this year's National People's Congress, Liu Chengcheng is no longer the director of the Hangzhou City Government Office, but the deputy mayor of Hangzhou City, the deputy mayor in charge of urban construction.

Liu Ligan went to Vice Mayor Liu and reported to him his ideas on the transformation of Genshan River. Liu Chengcheng's eyes lit up. You must know that Genshan River is a scar on Hangzhou City. Can it be said that the city of Hangzhou has no The key to change depends on two points. One is whether the West Lake can truly be returned to the people, and the other is whether the Genshan River has been successfully transformed.

In the 1980s, the then Hangzhou Municipal Party Committee and Government made great determination to clean up and renovate the West Lake.

The cleanup and improvement of the West Lake not only alarmed the whole of Zhejiang, but also the whole country. The main person in charge at the time gave long instructions for this, affirming the West Lake improvement work of the Hangzhou Municipal Party Committee and Municipal Government, and also praised the work of the Hangzhou Municipal Party Committee and Municipal Government. The person in charge of the relevant unit responsible for the illegal construction on the edge of the West Lake was severely criticized.

You must know that the entire West Lake was surrounded by office buildings, nursing homes and dormitories of various units from top to bottom. Many of these units had higher administrative levels and bigger backgrounds than the Hangzhou City Government. They needed to be cleaned up. One can imagine how difficult it is for them. Some people say that it is because of Tai Sui's head.

The main leaders of the Hangzhou City Party Committee and City Government at that time could really be said to be doing this thing with their own black hats, and finally got it done. After renovation, Hangzhou West Lake Park along the lake to Jinghu Hall The lakeside line of Xiling Bridge has finally been fully connected, with green grass and scattered flowers and trees. People can freely come and go, stop by the lake and enjoy the beautiful scenery of the West Lake.

After the West Lake was renovated, the Genshan River became a concern of the Hangzhou City Government. During the annual two sessions, many committee members proposed to renovate the Genshan River. The Hangzhou City Government also considered the idea of ​​remediation several times, but in the end Didn't push it forward.

"Financial difficulties are the main reason." Liu Chengcheng and Liu Ligan said, "But it is not the only reason. Another reason is that, just like the West Lake, the improvement of the West Lake back then was very painful. People who experienced it still think about it. We all still have lingering fears. The resistance is too great and we may be forced to stop at any time. Fortunately, the old leaders are determined enough and the central government’s support is strong enough.”

Liu Ligan said: "Leader, I don't know very well. In addition to financial reasons, there are other reasons for the improvement of Genshan and rivers. Xihu can imagine who is willing to move away from Xihu. If he is asked to move, he will definitely not be willing. But there are no houses on either side of the Genshan River."

Liu Chengcheng smiled: "Of course, it is impossible for the difficulty to be as big as that of West Lake, but it involves many units. Although there are wastelands on both sides, these wastelands also have owners, and those vegetable plots are It’s easy to handle, our city government can decide.

"But for the rest, let me tell you briefly. The coal yard belongs to the Shanghai Railway Bureau, the factory next to it belongs to the Metallurgical Department, and the one over there belongs to the Joint Logistics Department of the Nanjing Military Region. Opposite here, Zhejiang-Zhejiang Second, it belongs to Zhejiang Medical University. In the past, it was owned by the Provincial Second Lighting Group, involving more than a dozen units, large and small, and these units are not under the control of our city government."

Liu Chengcheng said this, feeling unwilling to do so. Of course he hoped that the Gen mountains and rivers could be rectified during his term. He looked at Liu Ligan and felt that this young man was really capable of doing this. This can be seen from the fact that he built a comprehensive office building, which really helped them solve the problem of insufficient office buildings.

Liu Chengcheng looked at Liu Ligan and smiled and said, "Mr. Liu, why do I hear this? This is a bit like running a city."

Liu Ligan nodded. He said yes. Leadership is to use the city's resources to solve problems in urban development. At present, if it is done directly by the government, there will be many policy restrictions and it will be very difficult. It is up to us. The ultimate goal is the same, which is to benefit all three parties, government, enterprises and citizens.

The profits our company makes are actually benefits to the government. After all, we are also a company rooted in the local area and we also generate tax revenue for the local area.

"That's good." Liu Chengcheng nodded, "In this way, can you formulate your ideas into a report? I will submit it to the municipal party committee and government for study. If it is passed, I will seek support from the province."

Liu Ligan said yes, thank you leader!

"I should be the one thanking you." Liu Chengcheng patted Liu Ligan on the shoulder and said, "If the transformation of this Gen mountain and river can really be successful, I would like to thank you on behalf of the people of Hangzhou."

Liu Ligan came out of Liu Chengcheng's office and called Mr. Han to tell him about the matter. Mr. Han was very supportive of Liu Ligan's idea. He said, come to Haicheng with the information. , I will help you write this plan. In the past two years, I have dealt with local governments a lot, and I know what they want most.

Liu Ligan said okay, thank you, Mr. Han, I’m ready here and will be here soon.

Liu Ligan was about to return to Haicheng, but Zhang Chen objected as soon as he heard it. He said it was too dangerous. You didn't leave Haicheng normally. What if you go back and are met by Azheng and the others?

"What can they do? They came to me originally because they wanted the Jinghai Center. The Jinghai Center was sealed by Sun Hou and his superiors. They know that it is useless to look for me. How could they come looking for me again? Besides, I I don’t have any personal grudges with Azheng, so don’t worry, if this guy meets me now, he will definitely be polite and maybe even invite me to dinner.”

Liu Ligan said that Zhang Chen still felt uneasy.

"I'll go with you, what else can they do to you?" the second-rate guy yelled.

Zhang Chen scolded: "What's the use of accompanying you? You're not as good as Xiao Wu. Either I call Xiao Wu and ask for leave and ask him to accompany you."

"Are you sick?" Liu Ligan scolded, "This Xiao Wu is going to go and cause trouble even if nothing happens. If Xiao Wu arrives in Haicheng and Ah Zheng doesn't come to us, he will also go to Ah Zheng. Don’t you know what will happen if he finds Azheng? Don’t even mention my going to Haicheng to Xiaowu.”

Zhang Chen thought about it, and it was really like this. When Xiao Wu arrived in Haicheng, because of what happened to Liu Ligan last time, he would definitely go to Azheng and ask clearly. What would be the second answer to this question? It must be solved by force. Xiao Wu alone is no better than when he was in Wanghai Tower, with Cao Guoqing and his gang below, and Hai Batian above, Azheng would still be afraid.

Looking at Xiao Wu alone, Azheng has to rely on his own strength to win or lose with Xiao Wu. Even if Xiao Wu can beat Azheng, what's the use? He has so many people under his command, and he won't give in.

"Do you have to go to Haicheng?" Lao Tan asked.

Liu Ligan nodded and said, "You must go. Mr. Han is right. If you want to win this project, the plan must be written into the hearts of the local government. If you want to think what they want, Mr. Han is the leader of Hangzhou City." The consultants hired by the government know their thoughts much better than I do.

"He doesn't easily agree to help others write this kind of thing. This time, he took the initiative. I can't lose this opportunity."

"Can't you invite Mr. Han to come to Hangzhou to write?" Zhang Chen asked.

Liu Ligan smiled and said: "Then I, Liu Ligan, this music score is too big. I asked someone to write it for you, and you still want to say that you sent it to your door to write it? What should I say? I said I was too busy at work, or Tell him, why am I afraid to go back to Haicheng?"

"Also, Mr. Han may be trying to avoid suspicion." Lao Tan said, "You think, since Mr. Han is a consultant to the Hangzhou City Government, I think he will definitely not be an agricultural technology consultant. He is a consultant in real estate or urban construction. When encountering such a major matter, the Hangzhou City Government is likely to seek his opinion.

"Mr. Han, there is no way he can tell them, no problem, I helped write this plan."

"That's right, Lao Tan, why didn't I think that Mr. Han might have had this intention when he asked me to go to Haicheng." Liu Ligan shouted, "If he comes to Hangcheng, there is no way he will not notify Liu Chengcheng. Liu Chengcheng is so smart, he knew as soon as he heard that Mr. Han came here now, it must be for my business, maybe he will think that Mr. Han is my lobbyist to move here. "

Zhang Chen said okay, what you said makes sense, but I just think it is too dangerous for you to return to Haicheng.

"Let the bastard go with you, and take your two treasures with you." Lao Tan said, and the two treasures he mentioned were Wenwen and Qianqian:

"I asked Xiao Zheng to pick you up at the airport. In Haicheng, you also follow Xiao Zheng's arrangements. As long as Xiao Zheng is here, that Azheng will definitely not dare to move. Also, when you go out alone, Xiao Zheng is not around. , let the two of them be smart and call Xiao Zheng immediately if anything happens."

Zhang Chen nodded, thinking that Brother Tan's arrangement was okay, and understood his intention in letting Liu Ligan take Wenwen Qianqian there. In case Azheng and the others detained the two men, Wenwen and Qianqian , the two women could just make up any excuse and slip away to call Xiao Zheng.

Thank you to the Ten Thousand Years White Vote Party, reading books every day, and 131 on the shore for your rewards! Thank you for your monthly pass! Thank you for all the votes and reading! Have a good evening everyone!

I will start writing the third update immediately. I don’t know if I can write it down. If not, please forgive me!

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