Liu Ligan was so angry that he threw away all the water and biscuits in the car. Zhang Chen cursed, "If you pick them up like this, why don't you just sell them?"

"What should we do?" Liu Ligan asked.

"It should be destroyed. At least the Wahaha label outside should be removed."

Liu Ligan was stunned for a moment and then said "Oh", what the hell, now that I'm here, I feel like my IQ has dropped.

But the water and biscuits had been thrown under the road shoulder. He wanted to climb down and pick them up. Zhang Chen quickly shouted, "Forget it, I haven't picked up anything else. Get out of here and let's go."

After switching to a second-hand car, the scenery all the way forward was the same. It was white and brown and barren of grass. Liu Ligan sighed and said that he didn't know how the people in this place survived.

"Maybe there is no one at all." Meng Ping said, "Look at these ravines, there is not even a single house."

They drove forward for another two hours, and the shadows of the mountains in the distance began to turn into a greenish-black color. This made them feel suddenly cheerful, and they felt as if they were about to get out of trouble. There was still at least more than an hour to go before the smear of indigo in the distance.

The road is long, drive slowly.

Liu Ligan was filled with emotion again. He said, "It is said that a piece of white paper is easy to draw on. Zhang Chen, seeing such a barren land and drawing a ghost, do you feel that even your imagination has withered?"

Zhang Chen didn't know how to answer this question. He felt that a paintbrush might be able to paint the monotony here, but it couldn't paint the restlessness that people feel when they are here.

"Anyway, I just want to escape from this ghost place as soon as possible." Meng Ping said.

After driving forward for more than an hour, the sky gradually became darker, and the hills under the car began to become gentle. From time to time, small patches of flat land appeared on the roadside. In each small patch of land, there were Wheat and vegetables are grown, and there are no other houses nearby. It seems that even to cultivate this small piece of land, one has to walk a long way.

The car climbed slowly from a ravine to the ridge, and finally appeared in front of them, the first village they had passed in the past five or six hours. It was getting dark at this time. There were several shops open near the road, and there were people there. Take a walk on the road, there are dogs and children running on the road.

The second guy drove the car to the entrance of a consignment store and stopped. The people in the car quickly got out of the car. They were all thirsty, hungry and tired. They picked up the water here and looked at it. The bottle mouth was sealed. Everyone hurriedly asked for it. After taking a bottle and drinking it, Liu Ligan asked for another box and asked the second-rate goods to carry it to the car. Now he was no longer afraid of lack of water.

Several people looked at the food on the counter and saw that it was "Danone" or "Daxiong", "Master Kong" was "Kang Shuaifu", and "Wahaha Nutritional Eight-treasure Porridge" was "Wahaha Nutritional Eight-treasure Porridge", so they didn't dare to order any more.

Erhuo and Liu Ligan said: "This must be true, you can either buy this."

The second-hand guy was pointing to the K of Hearts Oral Liquid. Liu Ligan actually bought a few boxes of the K of Hearts. He said that his mouth felt so uncomfortable that he drank it as brown sugar water.

As soon as he said this, the others started drinking too.

Liu Ligan asked the proprietress if this was Qinglong. The proprietress shook her head and said, no, Qinglong was still going there.

"How long will it take to drive?" Meng Ping asked.

"It takes me four or five hours to ride on a tractor."

The proprietress said that Zhang Chen and the others felt like they were about to collapse as soon as they heard this. The second-rate guy cursed, "I was raised by force," she was talking about the tractor.

"Will our car drive faster than a tractor?" Liu Ligan asked, and the second-rate guy also shut up.

They walked out of the agency store and saw a small restaurant next to it. There seemed to be only a fifteen-watt light bulb on. The whole store was dark. Meng Ping asked if he wanted to go and ask if there was anything to eat.

Liu Ligan said, after all, let’s hurry on. Aren’t you afraid that if you eat, you will have diarrhea and die on the way?

Everyone gets in the car and keeps walking.

Fortunately, the next section of the road was easier to walk than they imagined. Although it was still a winding mountain road, there were fields and trees on both sides of the road. There would continue to be uphill and downhill, but it was no longer as demanding as before. Let you sink to the bottom of the mountain first, and then float to the top of the mountain. The mountain here is taller than the previous one, and they seem to be driving halfway up the mountain all the time.

There were more houses on both sides of the road, and one or two villages flashed past the car from time to time. The mood of the people in the car became high again. It felt that the speed of the car was much faster than that of the tractor, and it would definitely not take four or five hours.

There was a "bang" and a loud noise came from under the car. The people in the car were startled. They braked reflexively and then pulled over to the side of the car.

Everyone got out of the car with flashlights and circled around the car. They found that the front and rear tires were intact and there were no bump marks on the body. Xiao Wu also bent down and looked at the bottom of the car with his flashlight, but found nothing. .

"You idiot, start the car and try it." Zhang Chen said.

The second guy started the car, but there was nothing unusual. Everyone felt relieved. Zhang Chen said that maybe there were branches on the road and the chassis was hit.

Think about it, everyone, this is the only possibility.

After a false alarm, they continued on the road. The car began to climb up. It could be seen from the lights of the houses on both sides that they seemed to have reached a plateau. The surrounding terrain became more and more open, and the road under the car began to become smoother.

After driving forward for half an hour, a toll station appeared on the road ahead. Everyone looked at it carefully and saw the word "Qinglong". The people in the car finally breathed a sigh of relief. Their destination had arrived.

Zhang Chen looked at his watch. It was already half past eight in the evening. They had walked for more than eight hours on the 320 National Highway, which was more than 100 kilometers away.

When passing the toll station, Erhuo asked the toll collector, how long would it take to get from here to Qinglong County?

"Twenty minutes," the toll collector said.

The second-hand guy continued to ask: "Is the road easy to walk?"

"That's it." The other party said, and the people in the car were relieved. They didn't have too many other extravagant wishes, and they were very happy just like this.

They continued walking for another twenty minutes and finally arrived at Qinglong County. Qinglong County was very dilapidated and the tallest house, the building of the County Supply and Marketing Cooperative on the roadside, was four stories tall.

National Highway 320 is their main street, passing through the entire town. One advantage of this is that there are several restaurants open on both sides of the national highway. There are several cars parked in a row on the street, and the drivers are on the roadside. restaurant to eat.

Because they have to do business as drivers on the national highway, it's past nine o'clock, and these shops have no intention of closing. This makes people feel at ease. It seems that their dinner is at least worry-free.

When they arrived at the county seat, they remembered what the hotel owner had said to them at Huangguoshu Waterfall, and they did not dare to go any further. Although there were still more than 20 kilometers to go to Li Yong's hometown, they already had it in their hearts. I'm scared, I know that in many cases, the distance cannot be calculated in kilometers.

The safest thing is to listen to the boss and stay one night in the county town, and then go to Li Yong's hometown early tomorrow morning.

This place doesn't look like there will be any good hotels. Meng Ping said, go find the County Party Committee Guest House. This kind of place, the County Party Committee Guest House, must be the best hotel in the area.

Meng Ping, Zhang Chen and Liu Ligan simply walked into a roadside restaurant and asked the owner. The owner told them that the county party committee guest house was indeed the best hotel in town.

Liu Ligan looked inside his restaurant. There was no refrigerator. All the dishes were placed on a terrazzo table. Liu Ligan ordered a spicy chicken and a fish and asked the boss, what else is delicious here?

The boss said that the fried chicken shell is delicious, but you have already ordered a spicy chicken.

Liu Ligan said it was okay. If it tastes good, he would like another fried chicken shell. What else is delicious?

"Qinglong Sheep, our Qinglong's mutton is very delicious and can be used to make mutton stew. I have sold out the mutton here. If the bosses want to eat it, I will go to the store nearby to borrow it." The boss said.

"If you want it, go and borrow it." Liu Ligan said, "Let's see if there is any haggis. If there is, then have some haggis soup."

The boss said yes.

"How to make this kimchi?" Zhang Chen asked.

"Stir-fried yellow beef, Panjiang yellow beef, stir-fried with chili and kimchi, it's delicious." The boss smacked his lips and said.

"You didn't say anything about beef until now." Liu Ligan scolded. The boss chuckled and said that he had forgotten about it as he put it down below.

After ordering the food, Liu Ligan told the boss, "Get it ready for us. We'll go to the county party committee guest house to stay first and come over right away."

The boss looked embarrassed. Zhang Chen understood. He took out a note worth 100 yuan and handed it to the boss, telling him that this is the deposit. We will definitely come. Go and borrow the mutton. Borrow more.

The boss quickly said okay.

After sending them out of the store, the boss told them to continue driving along this street and turn right at the second intersection. At the end, they will reach the county party committee compound, where the county party committee guest house is.

Zhang Chen and the others followed the boss's instructions and found the county party committee compound. There were two four-story houses in the yard, one was an office building, and the four teams of Qinglong County Party Committee, County People's Congress, County Government and County CPPCC were all present. Squeezed into this building, there is another building, which is the county party committee guest house.

When they arrived at the County Party Committee Guest House, there was a glass window on the right side of the door. Inside was the accommodation registration office. The staff asked them to get a letter of introduction. They said that without a letter of introduction, they could not stay in the County Party Committee Guest House and had to find a hotel on the street.

When Zhang Chen and the others went out, they never thought of bringing a letter of introduction, but the staff member was very rigid and insisted on seeing the letter of introduction. Liu Ligan remembered it and took out his press card from his bag. Two triple rooms were arranged for them.

Apart from three beds and three desks, there was nothing else in the room. The toilet was at the head of the corridor outside.

Zhang Chen looked at the pillow on the bed. It was shiny. He picked it up and smelled it. A strange smell hit his nose. He didn't know how many heads had been resting on this pillow, but none of them had been washed. Looking at the quilt again, it was the same. It's black. When you pick it up and smell it, it has a strong smell of smoke.

Liu Ligan and Meng Ping stood there and looked at him. Liu Ligan smiled and said, "That's all. I'm lucky if there are no fleas."

Meng Ping clapped his hands and said he would go for a walk and drink more wine. When he came back and fell down, he would not be able to smell anything.

Thank you Tin Soldier and On the Shore 131 for the reward! Thank you Lu, Li Ruijin, and Cup Guy Api for your monthly votes! Thanks for all the votes and reading! I wish you all good health!

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