The Pentium Era - South to North

Chapter 891 Visiting Mayor Li on foot

Early the next morning, Zhang Chen was woken up by the smell on his pillow and quilt. He felt sick in his heart and quickly turned over to get up.

Sitting on the edge of the bed, he looked at Meng Ping and Liu Ligan who were in the same room. They were sleeping soundly. Zhang Chen got up first by himself, walked to the public toilet at the end of the corridor, squatted to finish his daily lesson, and then went to the faucet. After washing there, when I came back and passed by Xiao Wu and Er Huo's room, I found that their room door was open and the two of them had already gotten up.

Zhang Chen returned to the room and called Meng Ping and Liu Ligan.

The two of them sat up and said they wanted to sit on the bedside first and smoke a fairy cigarette. Zhang Chen cursed, "You don't even think the bed smells bad."

"I can't feel it, Zhang Chen, let me tell you, I really can't feel it." Meng Ping said, "When I was in prison, the squatting bed was right next to my bed. There wasn't even a partition. There were more than a dozen people there every day. If you want to squat on top of me and defecate, let me tell you, I lie there with my eyes closed and I don’t have to look back. I can tell who is defecating at this time by the smell, haha.”

Meng Ping laughed, but Zhang Chen and Liu Lizhan felt a little sad as they listened.

Liu Ligan said: "On the road, I didn't feel anything. Why did I feel sore and sore when I got to the destination and relaxed? Do you feel this way?"

The two of them lingered, and finally got up under Zhang Chen's urging.

The five people walked to the courtyard below, their spirits were shaken. Looking around, they felt that the sky was high and the clouds were light. Only then did they realize that their judgment last night was correct. This place was on the Yunnan-Guizhou Plateau.

Qinglong County is located on the ridge on the west bank of Beipanjiang River, and Li Yong's township is located at the intersection of Beipanjiang River and Masha River. The entire Qinglong County is strongly cut by Beipanjiang River, with a cutting depth of six to seven meters. The altitude difference between Li Yong's township and the county town is more than 800 meters, which belongs to the canyon area on the plateau.

Zhang Chen and the other five walked to the street and ate a bowl of beef noodles alone. They felt that Qinglong's noodles were extremely delicious. By the way, they asked the store owner for directions. When they returned to the county party committee compound, it was already past nine in the morning. Zhong, just started to set off.

They drove back to the street, that is, back to National Highway 320. They followed the national highway out of the county. After driving less than a kilometer, they felt that the ground in front of them suddenly broke. All the mountains they could see were on the other side of the clouds. .

A sign appeared in front of me, which read: "Twenty-four turns, high mountains, steep slopes and deep valleys, speed limit 15 yards!"

Meng Ping shouted: "Pole, if you see it, I'll let you see it immediately. This is National Highway 320, the section with the lowest speed limit."

Liu Ligan cursed: "Fifteen yards, a fucking person can climb faster than a car, right?"

The second guy pulled over the car and everyone got out of the car to see what was going on. They walked to the side of the road. Although they were mentally prepared, they were still shocked.

The mountain in front of me suddenly deepened, and the valley floor was shrouded in clouds and mist. It was really bottomless. The road was like a rope randomly thrown into the valley, winding and twisting, with each turn getting deeper than the next. Deep into the clouds and mist.

Seeing this scene, everyone else felt a little timid. Only the second guy and Xiao Wu volunteered. Zhang Chen and the other three decided to let the second guy drive. Although Xiao Wu had already driven hundreds of kilometers on the road, that didn't count. No matter who says you are a novice, novices deserve to be discriminated against.

They drove for more than half an hour, and finally reached the bottom of the valley. When they were at the top, they felt that fifteen yards was too slow. When they started going downhill, they realized that fifteen yards was too fast. Several people kept asking the second-rate guys to slow down. , the idiots were almost driving in the single digits. Fortunately, all the convoys going downhill were moving slowly. No one was overtaking, and no one was so naive as to honk the horn to urge the people ahead to drive faster.

When they reached the bottom of the valley, there was an open space. Liu Ligan shouted to stop the car. The second guy parked the car in the open space. Everyone got out of the car. Without exception, the first action was to look back at the way they came down.

"Hey, how dangerous it is! This is fucking higher than the Shu Road!" Liu Ligan shouted loudly.

Liu Ligan took out his camera and took a photo of someone. Zhang Chen still had to draw a sketch. They stayed here for twenty minutes before setting off. After driving for four or five minutes, the second guy pulled over and stopped again. Zhang Chen asked What's wrong?

"The water temperature is very high." Erhuo said.

Zhang Chen got out of the car with the second cargo and saw a water stain in the place where their car came from. He opened the water tank and saw that there was no water in it. Only then did several people understand that the "bang" sound last night... There must have been rocks or something on the road that hit the water tank. The water tank was already cracked. After the long bumpy descent just now, the crack became even bigger.

They looked around but couldn't find any water source. They could only pour the Wahaha pure water they bought last night into the water tank. Liu Ligan cursed, "This car has better treatment than us. We drink it ourselves because there are leeches in it." Water, give it pure water to drink.

As soon as Liu Ligan said this, the others remembered and scolded him for being nosy. If he hadn't thrown away the water with the leech, it would have come in handy now.

After adding water to the water tank, the water temperature dropped. Everyone got in the car and continued walking. They came to a river with surging yellow water. This was probably Beipanjiang River.

They walked along the river. After driving for less than ten minutes, the water temperature came up again. Without thinking, they knew that the water in the water tank was leaking and they needed to add water.

Zhang Chen and Xiao Wu walked to the roadside with the empty Wahaha bottles. Only then did they realize that the road was four or five meters high from the water. The river banks on both sides were full of cliffs. It was impossible to reach the river. The river could It is said that it can be seen, but it is not used.

They had no choice but to continue to fill the water tank with Wahaha, but Wahaha couldn't afford to add water like this. After this time, their tank of water was finished.

After driving for another ten minutes, there was no water in the water tank again. The second guy stopped the car and turned off the engine. A few people walked to the other side of the road and looked at the river. The scene was still the same as before. They came back and walked along the road. I searched back and forth, hoping to find the spring water seeping down from the mountain, but found nothing.

A few people walked across the road and stood on the river bank, staring at the water below to discuss. Xiao Wu said, we have a rope in the car, tie it to my waist, and the four of you will pull me on it and put me down. .

"No, no, no." Zhang Chen immediately shook his head and said, "What if something goes wrong? Look at the rapid water in the river. If you fall, you can still get up."

Others also thought it was too dangerous. Liu Ligan said: "Do you think you are really a hero and have the invincibility of King Kong? If you fall, we will probably have to go to Yunnan to find you."

Everyone unanimously rejected Xiao Wu's suggestion.

"How far is it from Li Yong's place?" Liu Ligan asked.

Zhang Chen said: "About six or seven kilometers."

"This Chief Li Xiang is so arrogant. It looks like he wants us to go to see him on foot." Liu Ligan said.

Thinking about it, everyone could only do this. They parked the car here and walked to Li Yong's place first. Six or seven kilometers was not too far.

They were discussing when a bicycle passed by on the 320 National Highway behind them. The cyclist saw that it was a vehicle with a Zhejiang license plate. The vehicle was parked on the side of the road. A group of people stood on the side of the road on the other side, looking towards the people below. Beipanjiang pointed and knew that these outsiders probably had a car breakdown. He jumped off the bicycle and asked:

"Excuse me, do you need any help?"

Zhang Chen and the others turned around——

"Holy shit!"

"Li Yong?"

Zhang Chen and the others saw that the man pushing the bicycle towards them was no longer the fat man. He was much thinner and darker, but Li Yong could still be vaguely seen.

When Li Yong saw them, he was also stunned and shouted: "Zhang Chen! Pole! Lao Meng! Why are you here?!"

"Come to see you!" Zhang Chen shouted.

Liu Ligan said: "We met Qihang in Macau, and Qihang told us you were here."

Li Yong chuckled and said, "I received a letter about setting sail yesterday. Why didn't he mention it?"

"We didn't let him tell you." Meng Ping said.

"It's too late. We can't write as fast as we do. Your letter was first written ten days ago, before we set sail at that time." Liu Ligan said.

Zhang Chen asked Li Yong: "Li Yong, are you going out?"

"Where? I'm back from the county seat." Li Yong said.

Several people were shocked. They came back from the county town. They were riding bicycles and came down from the twenty-fourth corner? Isn't this too brave?

Li Yong saw their surprise and said with a smile: "It's nothing. I'm used to it. When I go there, I go up on a tractor, and when I come back, I ride back. It's very fast."

Li Yong asked clearly and found out that the water tank of their vehicle was broken. He said that they should take a walk and go back to the village first. If the water tank was broken, just ask the tractor repairman to repair it with electric welding.

Li Yong walked to the roadside. After a while, a walking tractor drove over from the direction of their hometown. Li Yong waved and the tractor stopped.

Li Yong asked the tractor to turn around, and the second guy found a towing rope from Santana's carriage, tied one end to Santana, and tied the other end to the back of the tractor. The tractor took them and drove towards Li Yong's village.

The second guy was still holding the steering wheel in Santana's cab. The other people, together with Li Yong and his bicycle, sat in the bed of the tractor. Amidst the noise of the tractor, Li Yong looked at them stupidly. Smiling.

They walked for more than ten minutes, and the road began to open up on both sides. This was a plain in the canyon, also called Bazi. The fields on both sides were full of green wheat. A village with hundreds of households and many houses appeared in front of them. The roof is covered with pieces of stone tiles layer by layer.

Li Yong shouted loudly to tell them that they were here.

The township government is right on the edge of the national highway. A week of tattered walls encircles a courtyard. When entering through the courtyard gate, it has the same layout as all township governments. It is also a drying yard. Behind the drying yard is a row of one-story mud houses, with seven Eight rooms, the plaster outside the mud room is peeling off, this is the township government.

Zhang Chen saw that this township government was not comparable to the Sanbao Village Committee, nor was it comparable to the township government of Xiao Zhao’s hometown, uncles and aunts. This was the most dilapidated and shabby township government Zhang Chen had ever seen. From the township government, we can see the poverty of this township.

The tractor took them to the drying yard. People in the township government office saw the tractor dragging a car and ran out to have a look. They saw Township Chief Li leading a few outsiders. , getting out of the tractor body.

Li Yong said to the tractor driver: "The water tank of this truck is broken. Go and ask Sanmaozi for me to come over and take a look."

The tractor driver said yes, Mayor Li, I'll leave first.

"Come back, come back."

Li Yong shouted, and the tractor driver came back. Li Yong took out a cigarette and handed one to him. The tractor driver quickly took it, chuckled, and put the cigarette to his ear. Li Yong patted him on the shoulder. Say to him: "Thank you!"

Li Yong turned around and saw the people standing at the door of the office. He waved to them and said, "Go back, don't worry. They are not the inspection team, they are my friends."

Those people went back one after another. Li Yong and Zhang Chen explained that we at the grassroots level are most afraid of the inspection team. No matter what bullshit inspection team comes, it will make people jump like crazy and peel off a layer of their skin.

Thank you to the million-year-old vote-free party, who ranks third from top to bottom, and who reads books every day for your rewards! Thank you Chuan Lin, Tiger, Not the Impossible World, Book Friends 20180720125920875, I am a fat man with potential stocks for my monthly ticket! Thanks for all the votes and reading! I wish you all a happy life!

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