The Pentium Era - South to North

Chapter 971 A happy family

In the following days, the South Korean won rose and fell. Ren Rongrong and Chen Yaqin were nervous almost every day. They talked on the phone with Hong Kong. As soon as they hung up the phone, they immediately wanted to call again to understand the latest market prices at this minute.

The foreign exchange market is different from other stock and futures markets. It is a global market that operates continuously 24 hours a day. At four o'clock every morning, when Wellington, New Zealand opens, the market in New York has just closed, followed by Sydney, Tokyo, and Hong Kong. , Singapore, Frankfurt, London and New York opened one after another.

But the most volatile market conditions and the most active trading every day are between 3 pm and 12 pm, when both the London and New York trading markets are open.

Ren Rongrong and Chen Yaqin stayed in the office every day. At night, Ren Rongrong's friends at the Bank of China did not know the latest foreign exchange prices. They had to constantly talk to traders in Hong Kong to learn about the latest market prices and issue orders. .

When Lao Ni was in Hangzhou, Chen Yaqin would send Lao Ni away from get off work at night and leave Ren Rongrong alone in the office. Otherwise, Lao Ni would still be in the company and break in and discover their secrets.

In early October, for more than a week, the Korean won was trading sideways against the U.S. dollar, indicating that the bulls and the bears were competing, and no one had reached the top. This time was actually the most dangerous time, because if there was a situation, If one party cannot hold on, it may be a rout, which will manifest itself in the trading market as a sharp drop or a sharp rise.

Just like on October 28, Hong Kong's Hang Seng Index plummeted 1,438 points, falling below the 10,000-point mark for the first time in two years. That night, the Hong Kong Monetary Authority announced that Hong Kong would maintain the linked exchange rate unchanged. The next day, On October 29, the Hong Kong stock market experienced its largest increase in history. The Hang Seng Index climbed 1,750 points and closed at 10,765 points, an increase of 18.82% that day.

In one day, it can be said to be a world of ice and fire. This is the unpredictable and cruel nature of the financial market.

Chen Yaqin sometimes wakes up from her dreams. She dreams that they have liquidated their positions and their accounts have been cleared.

You must know that because they were worried about the current market, the fluctuations during the day were too violent, and the stop-loss line was hit, and the position was automatically closed, causing huge losses. This time they decided to take the risk without even setting a stop-loss line. They believed that the Bank of Korea would not With so much energy, the Bank of Japan does not dare to play the trick of killing short sellers.

The central bank’s own capital reserves are insufficient, or its opponents are too strong, and the market sentiment is seriously bearish. The risk of killing short sellers is very high. If it is not done well, it will cause huge losses to itself. This is why the Bank of Japan chooses to kill short sellers in In the middle of the night, when the market is at its slowest, you suddenly take action. By the time you react and want to make amends, it's already too late.

In late October, the Korean won finally embarked on a downward trend, falling almost every day. Ren Rongrong and Chen Yaqin felt that they could finally breathe a sigh of relief.

The financial markets across Asia are still in turmoil and there is an atmosphere of solemnity, but for Ren Rongrong and Chen Yaqin, it is their happy time. They hope that the financial crisis in Asia will be more serious.

Every day, in addition to reporting daily market conditions to them, Hong Kong also faxes the latest developments in the financial market. To them, these pages of faxes are like a shot in the arm and a stimulant. They stay in a state of excitement all day long.

They saw that on October 14, Kyoto Kyoei Bank in Tokyo, Japan declared bankruptcy.

On October 16, the South Korea Composite Stock Price Index fell below the psychological defense line of 600 points, falling to 582.31 points, the lowest in five years.

On October 17, the Taiwan dollar fell to its lowest price in ten years against the US dollar.

On October 22, the stock markets and exchange rates of various countries fell sharply at the same time. Except for the RMB, no other currencies in Asia were spared.

Behind every piece of news, it is a disaster for the country and region where it is located, but for Ren Rongrong and Chen Yaqin, it is a whistle of joy. The economies and financial markets of various countries are intricately intertwined, especially those in Southeast Asia where the economies are so closely linked. For countries, any disaster in one country will definitely be a disaster in another country.

Therefore, when they see the bad news from Japan, Taiwan, Hong Kong and Singapore, they will feel a kind of comfort in their hearts. They feel that this financial crisis is still ongoing and has not ended.

Even their trader in Hong Kong, David, told them that their account has now become the focus among their colleagues, and everyone is envious of it.

Ren Rongrong knew this feeling. They were the ones who had a premonition of the storm when it just came and made short orders in time. Now they have huge profits in their accounts, while for others, Now the storm has arrived, and there is no precedent for such a crisis. No one knows when it will end.

I don’t know whether it will continue to get worse or get better. Both governments and the international community have begun to rescue themselves and Asia. At this time, people in the financial market are anxious and want to enter, but they dare not. The price is already the lowest in history. Can I still go short?

At this point in time, if you enter hastily and do not grasp the timing well, you may lose everything whether you are short or long. Even all the technical analysis methods that everyone uses in normal life will fail at this time, and it will be difficult for a panicked market. Generally speaking, any unfavorable news or unexpected event can amplify the sentiment of the entire market and bring about a big wave.

So everyone is in a dilemma.

For Ren Rongrong and Chen Yaqin, it doesn't matter anymore. They have already made huge profits in the early stage. Even if they wait a little longer and make a mistake in their judgment, and then the entire market starts to reverse, for them, it is just a profit. It's just a matter of giving up and making less money. Their mentality has stabilized and they have the capital of the old god.

For Asian countries, it seems that there is no end to the long dark night. On November 3, Japan's Sanyo Securities Company applied for protection under the "Corporate Revitalization Act" to the Tokyo District Court, which means it entered bankruptcy protection similar to that of the United States. It was announced that this Japanese company The seventh largest securities company went bankrupt.

On November 16, the Korean won fell sharply to 1008.60 against the U.S. dollar. David urgently called Ren Rongrong and told her that this was already the lowest point in history. Ms. Ren, I suggest you close your position. .

Ren Rongrong looked at Chen Yaqin opposite. Chen Yaqin shook her head. Ren Rongrong said to the other end of the phone: "David, we want to wait a little longer."

"All right."

On the other end of the phone, there was obvious disappointment in David's voice, but there was no way. Traders couldn't provide more suggestions of their own, let alone violate the capital side's decision. Otherwise, if a loss occurred, you would be banned. The capital side is to blame. The capital side makes its own decisions. Regardless of profit or loss, it has nothing to do with the trader. He is just the executor of orders.

Ren Rongrong thought for a while and said, "David, please help us adjust the take-profit line to 1650 to one dollar."

"What, Miss Ren, do you mean 1650?" David was surprised and asked.

"Yes, 1650, David." Ren Rongrong confirmed.

David really wanted to say, 1650, it is better not to set it up, just put it there, and never close the position. Is it possible? 1650 won to one dollar, how miserable will Korea be?

The take-profit line is set to 1650, which means that the position will be automatically closed only when the Korean won falls to 1650. When people are not watching the market, Ren Rongrong does not call to issue orders, even if it falls to 1649, their orders , and the position will not be closed.

Although he thought the other party was a little crazy for winning money, David still said: "Okay, Miss Ren, 1650."

Ren Rongrong put down the phone, and Chen Yaqin on the opposite side scolded: "Are you crazy? 1650, how could you have thought of this!"

"I dreamed last night, really, Yaqin, I saw in my dream that the Korean won fell to 1,670." Ren Rongrong said to Chen Yaqin seriously.

Chen Yaqin shook her head and thought, if you want to go crazy, just let you go crazy for a few days. When you wake up, you can change yourself.

On November 17, Japan's century-old Hokkaido Takushoku Bank declared bankruptcy.

On November 18, the Bank of Korea announced that it would provide 2 trillion won in emergency relief funds to Korean banks and securities companies through repurchase agreements.

On November 21, the South Korean government requested emergency assistance from the International Monetary Fund. The situation in South Korea was under control, and the stock and foreign exchange markets stabilized. Ren Rongrong also considered whether it was time to close his position. The dream of 1670, After all, it was just a dream. After analyzing it calmly, she felt that it was impossible for the Korean won to fall to 1,650.

But on November 22nd, Japan's fourth largest securities company, Yamaichi Securities, declared bankruptcy. On the 25th, Japan's Deyang City Bank declared bankruptcy. The yen fell sharply against the US dollar, which made Ren Rongrong hesitate again. .

Just when she was hesitating, the Korean won began to fall along with the Japanese yen, hitting the 10% daily limit several times and hitting the limit.

At around nine o'clock in the evening on December 13th, the phone on Ren Rongrong's desk rang. Ren Rongrong was drawing a candle pattern on the wall. Chen Yaqin pressed the speaker phone. On the phone, David shouted excitedly: "Ren Rongrong." Miss, Miss Ren, the position is closed."

Chen Yaqin shouted: "What did you say, David?"

"1650 has arrived and all orders have been closed." David continued to shout on the phone.

The pen in Ren Rongrong's hand fell to the ground. She ran back to the table and shouted: "David, what's the lowest point?"

"Record, 1737.60, Korea is finished!" David said.

"Oh, what a pity, we can't see the real offer, otherwise it would be exciting!" Ren Rongrong said.

David smiled and said: "It's a good thing I can't see it, otherwise I wouldn't know your heart and whether you can bear it or not. I almost fainted just now. The long and short positions were between 1590 and 1620. They fought for almost an hour and I almost couldn't hold it in." If I can’t hold on, I’ll close the position manually.”

After hanging up the phone, Ren Rongrong felt regretful and shouted: "Yaqin, my dream was right. I should have set 1670. I made so much less."

Chen Yaqin almost cried and cursed: "Ren Rongrong, that's enough for you, don't be so greedy!"

Ren Rongrong picked up a notebook on the table, threw it to the ground with a bang, and said to Chen Yaqin:

"No matter what, you help me tell Lao Ni that I will be on vacation starting tomorrow and professionally pick up men. Don't even think about letting me work again before the Spring Festival this year."

Chen Yaqin said: "Okay, I will also ask him to give you a bonus so that you have the funds to pick up men."

"Chen Yaqin, you don't have to be so vicious, right?" Ren Rongrong scolded, "What do I have less than you? Why do I have to spend money to pick up men?"

Chen Yaqin laughed.

They made a profit of 325 million Hong Kong dollars from shorting the South Korean won. Regardless of whether Ren Rongrong spent money to pick up a man, Lao Ni, shouldn't you pay a bonus?

The two of them were laughing and laughing. Ren Rongrong suddenly lay on the table and started crying. Chen Yaqin was startled and asked quickly:

"Rongrong, what's wrong with you? Did what I just said make you angry? I was joking."

Ren Rongrong took out the paper towel on the table with his left hand, wiped his tears, kept waving his right hand, and cried:

"Yaqin, you don't know. You don't know how I came here in the past two months. I haven't had a good night's sleep."

"I know, I know, Rongrong." Chen Yaqin said, "Actually, I didn't sleep well either."

"My aunt was late for more than ten days last month. Fortunately, I don't have a boyfriend. Otherwise, I would have thought I did, and I would have been scared to death."

Ren Rongrong continued to speak, Chen Yaqin burst into laughter, and Ren Rongrong also laughed.

Thanks for the tip, I don’t know whoever asked, but I ranked third from top to bottom, and 131 on the shore! Thank you Shi Fangxian, book friend 20180720125920875, why can’t I change my name, Li Yingjun, and eight taels of monthly tickets! Thanks for all the votes and reading! Have a good evening everyone!

Two updates today. I will change the chapter that was missing yesterday. I hope it will pass.

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