The Pentium Era - South to North

Chapter 972 Seeing the Internet

It turns out that when Lao Ni came to ask about Chen Yaqin's account status, Chen Yaqin always had reservations. This was to reserve space for themselves. In case the market reversed and profit-taking occurred, the pressure would not be so great.

Now that all orders have been closed and all transactions at this stage have ended, Chen Yaqin can tell Lao Ni the true situation of her account. The reason she gave was that she wanted to give him a surprise. Lao Ni was indeed surprised. No. Thinking that in just half a year, Ren Rongrong and Chen Yaqin had turned 20 million into 400 million.

Although Chen Yaqin repeatedly emphasized to him that this was because the Asian financial crisis happened to happen and we were on the right track again, this is not something that happens every year. In normal days, money is not so easy to make. This is how the financial market is. The greater the crisis, the greater the opportunities and challenges. We have made money, but more people have lost everything.

Lao Ni smiled and said, I don't care about this, there are so many people in the world, how can I care about other people, as long as we make money.

Lao Ni is not a stingy person. He gave Ren Rongrong and Chen Yaqin a bonus of one million each. He believed that this was the most suitable development direction for him outside of the factory where he worked so hard. He has completely given up the idea of ​​going into real estate again.

Lao Ni decided to transfer another 100 million to an account in Hong Kong, and asked Liu Ligan for help. He believed that only more investment would bring more benefits, and he was also planning to expand Ren Rongrong's financial business department.

Ren Rongrong welcomes this point. When doing transactions, there are too many daily trivial things to do. You must collect daily data and information so that you can find reliable information when you do market analysis. At that time, it was not like now. With a computer, you can find any information online.

At that time, you had to find all the information from newspapers, TV, and faxes sent by Hong Kong people every day. You could excerpt with a pen what was relevant to you, including trend charts one by one, which they also used themselves. This kind of work is very boring, but it is a must-do homework. The daily workload can be said to be very heavy.

Ren Rongrong hired two girls as assistants for himself and Chen Yaqin, and also hired a girl to do chores in the department.

Lao Ni was surprised and asked Ren Rongrong, why do you recruit women?

"It's convenient for women. In our line of work, you have to move around the clock, and you don't have any contact with the outside world. In the office, just wear slippers and pajamas. When you feel sleepy, just collapse on the sofa. When the time is up, you can When I got up, there was still eye mucus in my eyes, so I didn’t even bother to wipe them, so I started working immediately.

"It's inconvenient to recruit a man. Besides, when men and women are together, it's easy to get distracted while working. In our industry, the most intolerable thing is distraction. Why, Mr. Ni, do you want me to find a man to keep an eye on you all day long?" Chen Yaqin is watching?"

The relationship between Lao Ni and Chen Yaqin had nothing to hide from Ren Rongrong, so Ren Rongrong did not shy away from it. She joked that Lao Ni pointed at her, nodded, and said:

"Okay, you decide on your own department matters."

Ren Rongrong said that she stopped coming to work before the Spring Festival, but she went back to her hometown and stayed at home for two days before running back. Chen Yaqin asked her why she didn't stay at home for a few more days.

"I can't stay here at all. Those ravines are not for people." Ren Rongrong said, "Every morning from waking up to going to bed at night, the surroundings are too quiet. All I hear are the sounds of ghosts crying and howling in the market. There is nothing I can do about it. , I am no longer suitable for living that kind of slow-paced life.”

When Ren Rongrong came back, she still had one important thing to do. Her former colleagues at the futures company called her to tell her that the Internet had just been opened in Hangzhou. All the computers in their futures company were connected to the Internet and had foreign trading software installed. , if necessary, you can now create an external disk directly on the computer.

After Ren Rongrong knew the news, she couldn't stay in her hometown, so she immediately returned to Hangzhou, went to the Public Security Bureau, applied for Internet access qualifications, then went to the Post and Telecommunications Bureau, went through the Internet access procedures, bought a modem, and then bought a computer. Together with Zhang Chen, he became the first batch of netizens in Hangzhou.

It was Zheng Huihong who told Zhang Chen the news, so Zhang Chen immediately went to handle it. When the computer was connected to the modem and then connected to the phone line, the modem beeped for a while, and then made a uniform beep sound. , indicating that it is connected, and then it becomes silent.

When a rotating earth appeared on the computer screen and the IE browser opened, and the words "Welcome to the International Internet" appeared, Zhang Chen suddenly felt that another world had opened before his eyes.

When he opened the brochure issued by the Post Office and saw the recommended websites, including the New York Times and almost all major news media in the world, as well as the Louvre Museum, the Metropolitan Museum of Art in the United States, and the British Museum in London, Zhang Chen felt impatient and quickly entered the website address of the Louvre. The website opened slowly, bit by bit.

He then opened another window and entered the Metropolitan Museum, then opened another window and entered the British Museum. He went back to look at the Louvre, only a third of it was opened, and just this third made Zhang Chen excited. Well, this is the Louvre. There are so many good things to see in it.

The same is true for Ren Rongrong and the others. When they connected to the Internet through modems, the first thing they did was to register a Yahoo email address, and then told David the email address, and David sent them trading software. Ren Rongrong listened to David's instructions on the phone, installed the software, and after registering, David gave them an authorization code.

When they entered their accounts and found that they could read and trade directly on the computer, Ren Rongrong felt a sense of relief. She felt as if she had wings and could finally fly.

At this time, she was particularly annoyed that they didn't have a computer on December 13th. Otherwise, how exciting would it have been to stare at the real-time disk on the computer and watch the won approach 1650 a little bit?

"Maybe what David said is right." Chen Yaqin said, "I think I won't be able to control it. Maybe by 1600, I will level it."

Ren Rongrong thought for a while, and it was really like this. David had no right to close the position because he didn't receive their instructions. He had to endure it no matter what. If he just clicked a few times on the computer, he could close the position by himself. It's really hard to say whether they can hold back, because for them, there is not much difference between closing the position at 1600 or 1650. No one requires it to be 1650.

"No, no," Ren Rongrong said, "Yaqin, I think this is too convenient. When people sit here and look at the computer, they will really lose control. If there is really no other way, just tie me to the chair." Ren Rong Rong said.

Chen Yaqin smiled and said: "Okay, I'll tie you up, but I ended up closing the position myself."

"Yes, what should we do?" Ren Rongrong was also troubled.

"Either this, Rongrong." Chen Yaqin said, "The computers of the two of us are only used to read the market. Ma Li is responsible for placing orders and transactions in the system. We are only responsible for issuing instructions, not actual operations. In this way There is a buffer, and we don’t regret it before it’s too late. What we fear most is impulsive trading.”

Ma Li is Chen Yaqin's assistant, Ren Rongrong's assistant is named Baozhen, and there is a new recruit named Xu Aijuan.

"This alone is not enough." Ren Rongrong said, "We have to divide the work. Before trading, we must first discuss a trading strategy. You and I can place trading orders, but Baozhen is responsible for checking our orders. If the talisman does not conform to our strategy, if it does, she will hand it over to Ma Li for execution. If it does not, it will be returned and we will be reminded to reconsider.

"Only in this way can we ensure that our trading disciplines are strictly enforced. If we are too casual, we will mess ourselves up within three days."

Chen Yaqin said yes. She also felt that Ren Rongrong's consideration was very thoughtful. The operations on the market were too casual and could easily be disrupted by small fluctuations in the market. As soon as it rose a little, you wanted to be safe, but when it fell, you wanted to be safe. At one point, you are anxious to close your position and control your losses. By the time you want to enter the market again, it is already too late.

This is not a good way to trade. You must know that the market is changing every minute. A drop at this moment does not mean that it will fall at the next moment. The same goes for an increase.

If you don't do trend trading and just do fluctuation trading every day, you won't be able to make money even if you are exhausted every day.

"Just do this, Rongrong. You have worked in a futures company and you have experience. I think you need to write something and then we all abide by it." Chen Yaqin and Ren Rongrong said.

Ren Rongrong felt that what Chen Yaqin said was right, so she immediately wrote out a two-page management system, clearly spelling out everyone's job responsibilities, work content, and operating procedures, and handed it to everyone.

After getting familiar with the trading software and actually starting to place orders, Ren Rongrong and Chen Yaqin realized that they had put invisible pressure on themselves. Like many other people, they didn't know whether they should continue to short-sell at this time or not. If you buy long and go short, you feel that the entire market should have bottomed out if it has fallen to this level. Going short again at this time is very risky.

If you are long, for example, the Korean won, if they turn long between 1650 and 1700, it should be a good opportunity. Now that it has rebounded to around 1580, if you buy it again, you will feel unsure.

At the same time, the entire market is also in a sluggish mood. The crisis seems to be continuing. There has not been any news response. The market is about to start to improve. At this time, if you want to go in and buy the bottom, you may find that you have been left in the middle. Mountainside.

Ren Rongrong and Chen Yaqin hesitated for several days without placing a single order. They were both surprised by their actions.

They read various materials and information every day. Another advantage of having trading software is that market information is released every day in the software.

Chen Yaqin does not understand English, and the trading software is in English. Whether she understands English or not does not affect reading the market, but reading market information will definitely not work. This work is handled by Ren Rongrong and Xu Aijuan. Xu Aijuan speaks English very well.

Xu Aijuan stared at the computer and translated the information above to Chen Yaqin. She found that half of the daily news was about Japan, and they were all negative news.

Chen Yaqin asked Ren Rongrong: "Rongrong, tell me, Japan is in such a bad situation, why does the Japanese yen not fall as much as the Korean won?"

Ren Rongrong thought for a while and said: "Probably because Japan has a strong economic strength and a relatively deep family background, it is more difficult to short the Japanese yen."

Ren Rongrong stopped what he was doing, looked at Chen Yaqin and asked, "What do you think?"

"I think it's unreasonable. The yen should be worse than it is now." Chen Yaqin said.

Chen Yaqin's words reminded Ren Rongrong. After thinking about it carefully, she also felt that with so many financial institutions in Japan going bankrupt, it would be reasonable for the yen to depreciate by another ten percent. Ren Rongrong said:

“How about we short the yen?”

Chen Yaqin said yes.

They used one-tenth of their position to short the yen when the yen was at its highest point that day, 119.02 to the dollar.

When shorting the yen, they were very careful and set up stop-loss lines so that if the Bank of Japan killed short sellers, they could control their losses.

Thank you to the Ten Thousand Years White Ticket Party, Doll Tin Soldiers, and Daily Pages for the rewards! Thank you あ虞あ, lulu6717

p11. A monthly pass for a blue fish and Shi Fangxian in the book! Thanks for all the votes and reading! Stay healthy everyone!

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