The puppet in the black tower stared with wide eyes, looking at the pitch-black hole outside the window.

There was no sun, nor any starlight.

There was only an empty darkness and a deep void.

“What happened? Even Black Tower, the smartest brain in the universe, could not comprehend what was happening in front of him.

All the stars in the universe disappeared in the blink of an eye….

On the Azure Star, in a seemingly ordinary laboratory, a woman with velvety long hair that fell to her waist and who looked like an adult Black Tower Doll slowly walked out.

She looked at the sky of the Azure Star with a heavy and distorted expression.

The sky was dark and without light, the sun was nowhere to be found, and the stars also melted into the darkness, and the entire earth was shrouded in shadows. Only the occasional lights on the ground could temporarily drive away the darkness that fell from the universe.

“The sun disappeared? All the stars disappeared?”

“No, that’s not right…….”

The Black Tower Space Station fell into a brief commotion.

The stars of the azure galaxy disappeared, and the stars also disappeared.

The entire universe was shrouded in deep darkness, so empty that it was creepy.

Estelle gently placed her hand on the porthole and looked at the void outside the window.

It was dark and empty, without a single light, as if the entire universe had been swallowed by a black hole.

Many doubts arose in her mind. Even if the stars really disappeared at the same time, according to the speed of light, the starlight seen by the naked eye were all from the stars in the past.

After the stars disappeared, these starlights should also gradually disappear one by one……

As Esta watched, she felt dizzy and an unbearable feeling of falling. The darkness seemed to begin to wriggle and spin, as if something horrible was about to come out of it and tear the entire universe apart……

“”Hey.” The puppet in the black tower grabbed Estelle’s shoulders and moved her sight away from the dark space.

“Don’t stare at the starless sky for too long, or you’ll go crazy.”

Black Tower said lightly:

“Habitable planets cannot produce heavy elements”

“Iron in blood comes from supernova explosions when stars die”

“Zinc in tissue fluid comes from neutron star collisions”

“Trace amounts of copper come from the extinction of white dwarfs, while cobalt comes from the splashing of nebulae.”

“The calcium in our bones, the carbon in our macromolecules, the oxygen we breathe, all of these were forged in the furnace of stars.”

“So life is the child of the stars, born from the stars and existing because of the stars.”

Heita glanced at the silent deep space outside the window:

“If you can’t see the stars, your nerves, synapses and brain will start to feel uncomfortable, and eventually drive yourself crazy.”

Hearing this, Esta’s eyes flashed with fear:”Ms. Black Tower……”

“I know what you want to ask.”

Heita said with his hands on his waist:

“Where did all the stars go? Why do blue galaxies continue to function even after the stars disappear?”

“Why can I still feel the heat of stars? Who made the stars in the entire universe extinguish?”

“I am as curious as you, so…..Come and help me. I want to re-measure the physical effects of stars.”

“…..”Where’s the sun?” Bronya widened her eyes in confusion.

The sun was gone, the sun that illuminated the entire Yalilo-VI and even the entire galaxy was gone.

The sky was instantly shrouded in darkness, as if night had fallen in the blink of an eye.

Only the starship belonging to the Scourge Empire was clearly visible in the sky, as huge as a needle that tore the universe apart.

The entire Beloberg fell into a brief panic. The residents in the city pointed at the sky and made panicked and terrified discussions.

Bronya looked at the empty sky and felt a strange feeling in her heart……

If a star goes out, stars should appear……but…..

A possibility that she herself did not want to believe came to Bronya’s mind.

She turned her head away, her lips trembling slightly, and asked in a hoarse voice:

“Where is the sun?”

“”Where are the stars?”

Zhou Xuan lazily leaned on the chair.

Huifeng, who was standing beside him, picked up the Beloberg specialty dessert with a fork and put it into Zhou Xuan’s mouth.

“They are in the distance.”

Zhou Xuan blinked:

“Without stars, all galaxies would fall apart at the same time.”

“We can do it, but you probably won’t be happy.”

Bronya felt a chill in her heart, and her thoughts were in a mess.

She pointed to the dark sky, looked at Zhou Xuan, and then looked at the sky.

“But…..But why can’t I see it?”

“I turned them off.”Zhou Xuan made a gesture to turn them off.

“….Turn it off?”Bronya’s eyes were full of confusion.

“It’s like turning off the lights.”

In the Black Tower Space Station, Black Tower slammed the observation instrument to the ground.


“Was it that madman who did it?!”

“They actually turned all the starlight into invisible light?!”

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