
Fu Xuan slapped the document on the table and said to Jing Yuan in front of him:

“You have to believe me, as long as you give me a few imprisoned evil creatures and let me connect their brains together to replace Yu Zhao, the performance index of the Dayan Qiongguan Formation will increase!”

“Why don’t you believe me? I’ve already verified it with animal brains, and it works.”

Fu Xuan clenched his fists.

“Besides, the synaptic condenser of the Scourge Empire has also proved the efficiency of using biological brains as neural chips. Why don’t you want to give it a try?”

“……..”Ah.” Jing Yuan looked at Fu Xuan in front of him and couldn’t help but shook his head.

“General! Don’t you want to get a little exposure to the terrible technology of the Scourge Empire?”

Fu Xuan asked with his eyes wide open:

“This will obviously help the Immortal Boat to hunt evil creatures more efficiently, and will also be beneficial to the further development of the Immortal Boat!”

“Look at the light curtain and see what terrible technology the Scourge Empire has achieved with the Synaptic Condenser.”

“They can directly reshape the laws of the universe and transform the entire world.”

Listening to Fu Xuan’s words, Jing Yuan’s eyes could not help but fall on the light screen in front of him.

He saw that the Scourge Empire was using a large number of engineering ships to build some kind of giant structure on the surface of the giant black hole.

Jing Yuan still remembered the name of that giant structure….

“Matter decompressor?”

【Scourge Empire Megastructure: Matter Decompressor】

【By changing the direction of gravity to generate a distorted gravitational field, the Scourge Empire created a super drill that relies on manipulating gravity to drill holes.】

【The drill sends a distorted gravity deep into the black hole singularity, and with a series of automatic matter decompressors, processors and furnaces on orbit, the Scourge Empire is able to mine minerals from the black hole.】


“From the black hole…..Mining minerals?”

Looking at the flashing words on the light screen, the hearts of people in the universe couldn’t help but jump suddenly.

In the eyes of all beings in the universe, this technology can no longer be called science and technology.

Black holes are the death of stars, the end of matter, and irreversible collapse.

This is common sense that all beings in the universe know. Matter that enters a black hole can never come back.

But now, the Scourge Empire actually claims that they can use a drill to mine the matter of the black hole and decompress it into minerals.

All beings in the universe suddenly felt that their cognition was impacted again.

The cold waves splashed on the shore, and the rain curtain splashed on the ocean. Before it set off waves, it was swallowed by the waves.

In the waves, there were countless ghostly shadows crawling and wriggling, which was chilling.

Huang Quan held the sword in his arms, leaning against a corner of the cave, looking at the bloody sin spirits under the rain curtain in the distance.

“「Blood Guilt Spirit」……The obsession of the fate walkers, they were born from the shadow of IX, but they regard themselves as the victims, and unconsciously repeat the actions of the deceased before his death.”

Sitting by the fire, wearing a bamboo hat, the hunchbacked old man with an unclear face said hoarsely

“They were born from”nothingness”, and went towards”nothingness”, spending a meaningless life.”

Huang Quan closed her eyes and shook her head slightly.

Even with her eyes closed, there was no longer darkness in front of Huang Quan.

A curtain of light always lit up in the corner of her eyes, which did not fade or thin.

This was the first time Huang Quan had seen something that could resist the erosion of IX.

“Material Decompressor……”Huang Quan whispered the name.

Suddenly, an idea popped into her mind.

“Can the megastructure of the Scourge Empire extract from IX’s body the things that fell into it?”

“…….I don’t think it can be done.” The old man shook his head slightly.

He said in a hoarse voice:”I don’t even think they can extract minerals from the black hole.”

“Black holes are the death of stars, the collapse of matter”

“People often ask: What is in a black hole?”

“The answer is that there is nothing in a black hole. A black hole is a massless void.”

“Mining minerals from a black hole is equivalent to resurrecting existence from nothingness.”

Huang Quan remained silent, just continued to hold the sword in his arms.

The old man noticed Huang Quan’s silence, he looked up at Huang Quan and asked,”What’s wrong with you?”

The voice was hoarse and a little erratic.

Huang Quan looked at the face under the old man’s hat, shook his head gently and said,”It’s okay.”

Under the old man’s hat was a dark face composed of shadows, erratic, and exactly the same as the shadows outside the cave and on the cold sea.

Huang Quan shifted her gaze from the old man’s face and continued to look at the light curtain.

She was a little curious and impulsive, wondering whether the Scourge Empire could really mine minerals from the black hole.

Although this was far from decompressing things from IX’s body, Huang Quan still looked forward to seeing this scene…….

The engineering ship of the Scourge Empire had built a huge structure.

It was an inverted cone-shaped building, with the sharp end pointing to the surface of the black hole. There were three auxiliary space stations hanging next to it, also facing the black hole.

Gravity twisted on the drill of the matter decompressor bit by bit, and the diffused light was absorbed by it, producing a brilliant floating light.

The three auxiliary space stations hanging near the drill also splashed out similar light.

A brilliant and slender beam of light suddenly pierced the surface of the black hole, and the other three dimmer beams of light followed…….

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