Four brilliant beams of light formed by distorted gravity penetrated the event horizon of the black hole from the matter decompressor.

The accretion disk on the black hole surface trembled slightly, and cracks that were difficult to describe with the naked eye and overflowing with light appeared on the surface of the black hole.

On the surface of the black hole, where light could not exist, a dazzling light spot appeared.

Waves of glittering dust were extracted from the inside of the black hole and turned into a torrent flowing into the matter decompressor along the light beam, just like a pair of invisible giant hands squeezing juice from the black hole.

All the creatures in the universe who watched this scene couldn’t help but widen their eyes.

“Is it actually possible? Mining matter from a black hole?!”

“This doesn’t conform to the laws of physics at all!”

“You are talking about the laws of physics with the Scourge Empire?! Why don’t you talk to the company about the eight-hour workday?!”

The scene in front of him looked very monotonous.

It was just extracting ionic matter from a dark sphere, just like extracting juice from a lemon and flowing it into a cup through a straw.

It was just that this dark sphere was a black hole that compressed half of the universe.

But even such a monotonous scene still caused endless waves in the hearts of all living beings.

The matter extracted from the black hole in the light curtain flowed into the matter decompressor.

These substances extracted from the black hole, like thick streams of light, were the original form of all matter.

Under the action of the smelter and processor in the matter decompressor, they quickly precipitated into various useful minerals.

A fleet of barges like a swarm of bees went in and out of the matter decompressor, and countless minerals were Transported to all parts of the empire.

The shock brought by the light curtain is no less than the sight of the Scourge Empire modifying the speed of light for all living beings in the universe. The colossus hanging high in the sky, the power of the virtual realm that instantly eliminates all the Sorin worms, and the amazing technology that reshapes the laws of reality have all proved how destructive the Scourge Empire is to the universe. They can almost burn the entire universe.

On the contrary, the matter decompressor shows another kind of power of the Scourge Empire.

They can burn everything and reshape everything from the wreckage and ashes.

If before, the Scourge Empire was more like the Locust Plague, Emperor Rupert and the Antimatter Legion in the eyes of all living beings in the universe, then now the Scourge Empire is closer to a civilization that is far ahead of all living beings in the eyes of all living beings in the universe.

“General, do you have anything else to say?”

Fu Xuan stared at Jing Yuan and asked:

“You have already seen how the Scourge Empire can create huge productivity and make great weapons.”

“Why can’t we learn a little? Not to touch their technology, but to improve our own technology.”

“I just want to learn some of the advantages of the Calamity Empire and stop there.”

Looking at Fu Xuan in front of him, Jing Yuan shook his head slightly.

“Fu Qing, I am just worried.

Jing Yuan said slowly:

“If you start using the brains of the rich evil creatures as neural chips today……”

“……Then going a step further, can the immortal boat people who have fallen into the devil’s body also be used as neural chips?”

“this…..”Fu Xuan was slightly stunned

“In essence, the Xianzhou people who have fallen into the devil’s body are no different from the rich evil creatures. Xianzhou traditionally also recognizes those who have fallen into the devil’s body as dead.”

Jing Yuan said calmly:

“According to the efficient method of the Scourge Empire, it is undoubtedly reasonable to use it as a neural chip”

“But if we all use the immortal boat people trapped in the devil’s body as neural chips”

“Why not let the foreigners become neural chips? There are many civilizations that seek medicine for immortality, and they are hostile to the immortal boat.”

“Can we use their brains?”

“this……”Fu Xuan felt a chill down her spine.

She suddenly realized what abyss she wanted to touch.

She had underestimated the path that the Scourge Empire had taken.

The mountains of blood and the cruel values that would be ignited on this path were far beyond her imagination.

“Do you understand, Fu Qing?”Jing Yuan lowered his eyes and said,”The path of the Calamity Empire does not exist in a superficial way.”

“Once you choose to learn from them, there are only two possibilities: destruction or becoming them.”

“Without qualified values, taking this path will only lead to destruction.”

Jing Yuan closed his eyes slightly, and after a moment of silence, he said:

“If we fail to control our own hands and go out of control on this road…..”

“…..If one day, for the sake of efficiency, can we use the criminals of Xianzhou people as neural chips?””

Jing Yuan leaned back in his chair, his face full of fatigue.

Fu Xuan’s heart trembled suddenly.

The rich evil creatures can be taken care of, the Xianzhou people who have fallen into the devil’s body can be taken care of, and the medicine-seeking civilization that is hostile to the Xianzhou can be taken care of…

Then why can’t the Xianzhou people who have committed crimes be taken care of? It is obviously beneficial to the Xianzhou to eliminate criminals…..

But Fu Xuan felt fear, deep fear, because if she took another step forward……

“this…..No, you can’t……”Fu Xuan couldn’t help but take a step back and said,”This is too deep.”

“Maybe for a hundred years, two hundred years, three hundred years, or even a thousand years, we can all stick to our original intentions.”

Jing Yuan paused:

“But just like a traveler walking on the edge of a cliff, a moment of carelessness will lead to falling”

“I admire the Scourge Empire, this is the truth from the bottom of my heart”

“It’s not because of how many worlds they can destroy or how many things they can create.”

“It is because they embarked on a cold, efficient, and ruthless path to the cliff, but they did not fall into the abyss.”

“The emperor of the Calamity Empire must have lived on the throne for countless years. Perhaps he has been the emperor for a longer time than the history of the Immortal Boat Alliance.”

Jing Yuan slowly opened his eyes and looked at the bright starry sky across the window of the Shen Ce Mansion:

“If He is careless, willful or crazy for a moment, the entire Scourge Empire will fall into eternal damnation.”

“After shouldering such a huge responsibility and walking alone for such a long time, the emperor was still able to resist temptation, keep his sanity, and know who to be cruel to and who to be kind to.”

“I admire Him for this”

“Although the spirit of the Xianzhou people is one of the most tenacious in the universe, we can’t even survive a few hundred years before we are entangled by the accumulated pain and become a demon……”

“Without such willpower, you can never easily embark on the path of the Scourge Empire and learn their ways.”

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