On Topa’s eco-ship, Topa looked slightly sad, holding his baby and looking at the starry sky outside the window.

“Really want…..See the Ether Dragon with your own eyes……”

Topa looked at the bright stars and couldn’t help muttering to himself:

“Amber King, bless me to see the Ether Dragon with my own eyes.”

Topa remembered that some employees in the company would pray to the Amber King for promotion and salary increase, so he tried to clench his hands and pray two or three times……There was no response, and the starry sea was still empty.

Topa couldn’t help but sigh….


The little boy in Topa’s arms raised his nose.

“What you said makes sense. No matter how powerful the Amber King is, he can’t control the Ether Dragon……”

“….Pray to the emperor of the Scourge Empire? No, no!”

Topa waved her hand and rejected the proposal.

Although she was not a fanatical believer of the Amber King and the Scourge Empire was not currently listed as an enemy by the company, praying to the emperor of the Scourge Empire was too much…….

“”It seems like, maybe, we can try?”

Topa murmured to herself.

She remembered that the ships of the Scourge Empire resisted the poison gas of the Poison Saint by praying to their emperor.

Does this mean that the emperor is still…..Quite effective?

“Just once, just once.”

Topa slowly stretched out his hand and hugged Shuangquan tightly, recalling the prayer to the Emperor of the Scourge Empire that appeared on the light screen.

“The blazing beacon of ascension, the great dictator admired by all people, the deified prophet who rules the virtual world…..”

“You are the master of genes, the master of psychic energy, the source of machinery”

“Lord of all spirituality and knowledge, Eternal Emperor of mankind.”…..”

“Please bless me, bless me to see the Ether Dragon with my own eyes……”

Topa finished praying, looked around, scratched her head and muttered to herself:

“It seems that nothing has changed………”


Topa’s body was covered with goose bumps, and the little girl in her arms instinctively trembled with fear.

Topa felt that a lofty and majestic gaze had just swept over her, just like a giant sweeping over an ant holding an LED light, plain and indifferent, majestic and noble…….

Topa was sweating profusely and almost fell off the chair.

At this moment, her eco-ship suddenly began to shake violently.

“Director Topa!!!”

“We have detected a super-large heat source in the sky”

“According to the energy coefficient, the minimum energy of this heat source is no less than that of a G-type star!”

The screams of the company employees came from the radio, their tones full of fear and worry:


“Don’t panic!” Topa held the earphones and sweat dripped down his forehead:”Find out who the other party is and then——————”

“Director! It’s too late! The other side is traveling at superluminal speed! It’s about to pass us!”

Before the employee’s voice disappeared from Toppa’s ears, he felt the entire starship tremble like a wail and tilt to one side.

“What is it?!”Topa hugged Zhang Zhang, who was ready to take the eco-ship to space jump at any time, and looked out the porthole.


This word popped up in Topa’s mind.

The hot scales passed through the porthole of the eco-ship, and the wings flashing with scarlet thunder swept across the sky, like the eyes of a lava planet sweeping across Topa’s eco-ship.

“Ether Dragon!!!”

Topa’s voice suddenly rose, and he looked at the scene in disbelief.

“It’s the Ether Dragon!!!!”

The Ether Dragon didn’t hear Toppa’s exclamation.

She shook her wings violently, twisting time and space, and accelerated again.

The space-time structure wailed, and the Ether Dragon disappeared in front of Toppa in the blink of an eye.

Toppa’s heart was pounding, and the alarm of the ecological ship was squeaking, but she could no longer hear it.

Her mind was full of the Ether Dragon that just flashed by. The magnificent and beautiful figure made Toppa’s eyes dull, as if her consciousness was shattered.


Topa couldn’t help but mutter to himself:

“The Emperor of the Scourge Empire has appeared…….”

She swallowed in disbelief, her heart pounding, her legs going weak.

“Account, how do you think I should fulfill my vow?……”

Tophet, a planet destroyed by Nanook’s flames, a world burned to ashes, a land bathed in destruction.

However, even on the ashes, there are remnants of fire, and life may be born on the land swept by destruction.

Nanook might not have thought that on the land destroyed by his own hands, a unique new life was born, a fire demon born from thousands of fires of destruction, a plasma life bred by the white star flames and the power of destruction. The elegant fire demon made the ashes of the extinct planet into a crown, worshipped Nanook as his benefactor, and called himself Afrit, the Duke of Hellfire.

He declared himself to be the evil faith of Tophet and the wrath of Nanook, and he would offer a heroic destruction to his benefactor…….

However, Nanook ignored Afrit.

He also ignored the children that Afrit gave birth to in order to create more destruction.

These children were still very young and could not fully understand the true way of destruction.

“Constance, I saw that your face was filled with melancholy and doubt when your father was speaking.

The tuner Akash stopped Dahlia and asked:

“Are you afraid? As a walker of destruction, are you afraid of death?”

“…..Akash, my father’s words are somewhat disturbing…….”

Constance rested her chin lightly and looked at Akash. Instead of continuing to speak, she changed the subject and said:

“You know, the scales of that ether dragon are enough to collapse the universe, enough to allow her to survive in a universe that cannot accommodate her.”

“Can the father recreate the scene of the Big Collapse of the Universe to crush the Ether Dragon?”

“I think even our benefactor Nanook himself couldn’t do it?”

“Then you don’t have to be afraid.”Akash frowned and said

“The flames of destruction will eventually fall upon everyone.”

“Even the Ether Dragon is no exception.”

Seeing Constance still frowning, Akash shook his head:

“Besides, it’s just empty talk.”

“What? Can the Ether Dragon suddenly appear over Tophet and come to settle accounts with us?”

Listening to Akash’s joking words, Constance’s face was still filled with sorrow.

“It’s better to be pessimistic…….”Constance said melancholy:”Perhaps she will come soon”

“impossible——————”(To read exciting novels, go to Faloo Novel Network!)

Before Akash finished speaking, the Eternal Fire Mansion began to tremble…….

“You damn plasma barbarian, get out here!”

“Who gave you the guts to insult me? Is this the end of reincarnation?”

“Ding ding ding ding wait beep~”[]

“Fireworks will never give up on you, never let you down~”

“I will never abandon you, never let you cry~”

“I will never say goodbye to you, and I will never hurt you with lies~”

The twin-tailed girl in a bright red yukata was jumping around in the tavern at the edge of the world, jumping from one table to another.

“”Ding ding! Lady Hanabi is here!”

Hanabi opened her arms and announced her arrival to the masked fools in the tavern.

However, no fool paid any attention to her.

“Hey, isn’t this Miss Fireworks?”

Only Uncle Cold Legs Sambo, who was sitting next to him, raised his hand and greeted her.

“Hey, hey, hey, are you all looking at that light screen?”

Hua Huo said while holding up her face:

“The Scourge Empire in that light curtain is indeed interesting, but now I can’t even touch its shadow”

“Mr. Hanabi, I still want to have some fun in reality”

“How about I share a little fun with you, old man?” Sambo laughed and looked at Hua Huo and said

“Oh? What fun can there be on your cold and remote little planet?”

Hanabi jumped down from the table, walked to old Sambo and asked:

“The plot you wrote is not as good as my great director, Fireworks.”

“Oh, this is not my story.”

Sambo waved his hand and smiled:

“Did you know that the company has just detected a heat source above the G-class star, which has crossed most of the starry sky?”

“Guess where the target is? Yonghuo Mansion!”

“G-class star? Lord Hellfire was smashed by Lord Sun?” Hua Huo asked curiously, holding her face.

She rested her chin on her hand and said half-jokingly,”Why? Such a big move, could it be done by the Calamity Empire?”

“Wouldn’t Duke Hellfire be stupid enough to provoke the Scourge Empire?”

“Hehe, this is confidential information.”

Sangbo smiled:

“The company is now on high alert, no one is allowed to disclose……Old Sambo also learned about it through special channels”

“Flying towards the source of the heat of the Dark Lord is a…….Ether Dragon”

“Ether Dragon?!” Hanabi’s pupils shrank suddenly:”Old Sambo, you swear by the God of Fun….”

“If you lie, the god of fun will put a sack on you in the middle of the night, drag you into an alley, beat you up, and kick your ass.!”

“I swear, I swear.” Sambo waved his hand and said,”The Ether Dragon really went to the Yonghuo Mansion.”

“Why did she go to Yonghuo Mansion?” Hua Huo frowned and said,”She suddenly appeared and suddenly went to Yonghuo Mansion.”

“It couldn’t be that she heard what Duke Netherfire said and now she’s here to kick him in the ass, right?”

“Who knows?” Sambo shrugged and muttered,”When I saw her appear over Yalilo-VI, I thought it was the God of Fun who had provoked the Scourge Empire and wanted to start with me, Uncle Cold Legs…….”

“What are you whispering about?”

Hanabi shrugged and asked:

“By the way, remember to inform the God of Fun about this. He is looking for the Calamity Empire.”

“”What does he want to do with the Calamity Empire?” Sanbo asked, moving his eyebrows.

“Said to be…..I’m going to apply for the position of court jester for His Majesty the Emperor of the Scourge Empire.”

“…….It’s something that Aha can do.”

Hanabi shrugged and smiled, then looked at the scene being played on the screen.

“Ether Dragon…..I want to see what fun you can bring to this universe, hehe.”

In the galaxy above the light curtain, in the galaxy surrounded by red flames, a civilian ship engraved with a golden square wing symbol slowly sailed into the galaxy.

The blazing flames washed over the civilian ship.

An alien that looked like a raccoon swallowed his saliva, slowly walked to the bow, and looked at the Ether Dragon in the distance.

“Did the aliens discover the existence of the Ether Dragon first?”

“That’s not right. Shouldn’t the Scourge Empire have known about the existence of the Ether Dragon long ago? How could they allow the aliens to enter the galaxy where the Ether Dragon is located?”

“It feels a bit weird.”

Everyone couldn’t help but feel curious, why would the Scourge Empire allow the aliens to enter the galaxy where the Ether Dragon is located?

【”I……I am an employee and indentured slave of Human Universe Corporation, a subsidiary of the Empire.”】

【”We hereby inform Ether Dragon that according to the”Universal Free Trade Agreement” issued by the Star Ocean Community, the assets of the Universal Giant Enterprises in this galaxy are yours. Please handle it within the deadline and stop the illegal occupation of the assets of the Universal Giant Enterprises……”】

“Contract slaves? Universal Corporation? What is that?”

Shajin, who was leaning on the sofa, raised his eyes with interest.

Just by hearing the name, Universal Corporation seemed to be similar to Interstellar Peace Corporation, but it was affiliated with the Scourge Empire.

【Human Civilization. Cosmopolitan Corporation: One of the civilizations established by humans after the Great Scattering. The corporate government composed of huge business groups has completely taken over the administrative functions. The ruthless capitalists will use any means to gain wealth and resources for themselves and their empires, and can also squeeze everything that can be squeezed.】

【”The energy coins in our pockets ding-dong, our souls ascend to heaven”】

“It’s the company. 1.1” Gold Dust nodded confidently.

Not only Gold Dust, but all living things in the universe also showed a similar reaction.

“It’s the company.”

“Familiar, very familiar”

“This must be the Interstellar Peace Corporation.”

Just when the people in the universe thought that this giant enterprise was no different from the Interstellar Peace Corporation, another line of text appeared on the screen…….

【Indentured Slaves: Universal Enterprises specializes in operating large-scale indentured labor. In theory, it is possible for indentured slaves to redeem themselves free, but their contracts are carefully designed to make it impossible for them to repay their debts.】

【”Please don’t get me wrong, this labor force is not slavery”】

【”They are just a bunch of indentured laborers who can never pay off their debts by working for a lifetime.”】

Many people were silent for a moment, and some even broke down.

“This is exactly the same as the company! The company treats many planets like this! The residents on them are the company’s reserve employees, and they have to serve the company for their entire lives and repay the company’s debts.”

“Stop scolding the company. The company has given me a job, why should it give me a salary and personal freedom?”

“If you can’t pay off your debts, think more about yourself. Where did the debts come from? It’s been so much interest for so many years. It’s nonsense. The company is in a difficult situation…..Where is the excess debt?”

“Sometimes you should look for your own reasons. Has your salary increased over the years? Have you worked hard over the years?”

Topa, who was on the eco-ship, twitched her eyes.

In her hometown, people were like contract slaves in the light curtain.

They had no future and could only choose to become employees of the company and serve the company……

And this is also the plan she intends to bring to Yalilo-VI.

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