【”As the Zeluo tribe continues to transform the virtual world, the influence of the black hole singularity is also expanding.”】

【”A large amount of mass in the center of the galaxy was swallowed up and converted into energy and extracted into the virtual realm.”】

Listening to the sound in the light curtain, Fu Xuan frowned.

He saw a huge black hole in the center of the galaxy on the light curtain.

The star systems near the black hole were falling into the galaxy as the Zelo tribe continued to transform the galaxy.

Many of them fell into the black hole and were decomposed into pure energy to feed back to the virtual world. There were also many species that had not left their own planets.

They were swallowed up and destroyed by the virtual world before they had time to fly to the stars.

This scene gave Fu Xuan goose bumps all over his body.

“Is this the price of being endowed with godhood by the Void Realm?”

“The price of living like a god in the virtual world is the annihilation of real matter”

“The more you enjoy the gifts of the virtual world, the more the material world will be swallowed up by the virtual world.”


Fu Xuan couldn’t help but shook her head.

If she wanted to stand in the realm of God in the virtual world, she had to give up reality.

In this process, she faintly felt some malice revealed in the virtual world.

Thinking of this, Fu Xuan couldn’t help but wonder, between the destruction of reality and the enjoyment of the virtual world, what decision would the Zeluo tribe make?

At this moment, the sound of the scientific research array in the light curtain sounded,

【”This discovery shocked the entire Zelo tribe. Gradually, the discussion turned into a quarrel, and the quarrel turned into a split.”】

【”Eventually, the split turned into a civil war between two major factions.”】

The scientific research array slowly narrated the information in the crystal.

The crystal reflected the light curtain and the scene of the past.

The Zelo tribe split into two diametrically opposed factions.

One of them was called the”Upgrade Faction”.

They believed that the fate of the real universe was irrelevant to the Zelo tribe.

They could continue their omniscient and omnipotent life in the virtual world until the matter of the entire galaxy was swallowed up by the virtual world.

Even at that time, other galaxies could be consumed, and even other universes could become fuel for the Zelo tribe.

Constantly burning one reality after another, nourishing the virtual world with the destruction of countless universes, allowing the Zelo tribe to continue to maintain their omniscient and omnipotent life.

This possible future was reflected in the crystal.

All living beings in the universe saw countless worlds burning in flames, falling into black holes, and becoming nutrients for the virtual world.

Countless stars were extinguished, countless worlds disappeared, and countless creatures fell into the virtual world.


【”Paradise is within reach”】

In the light screen, the leader of the Ascension Faction projected by the crystal said:

【”Every moment a star dies brings us one step closer to success.”】

A chill lingers in the hearts of all living beings in the universe.

A group of ancient civilizations are planning to destroy countless galaxies and even universes in order to ascend to the gods.

The universe where all living beings in the universe live may be one of them.

“Do the Zelo tribe still exist? Are they still hunting different universes to nourish the Void Realm?!”

“It should be destroyed……..”

“I hope so, a bunch of lunatics…..They actually planned to destroy countless universes for the sake of their own race’s bliss.”

All beings in the universe were horrified to the point of having goose bumps.

If the Ascending Faction of the Zero Clan won, then in the darkness outside the universe, there was a group of beings that could be called gods, and they were planning to destroy all worlds, including their universe.

“More Universe…….”Looking at this scene, Sha Jin vaguely realized something.

“Are you thinking the same thing as me, Latio?”

He looked at Doctor Truth and asked.

Doctor Truth nodded slowly and looked out the window at the peaceful starry sky.

“Maybe we guessed wrong. The Scourge Empire did not come from an undiscovered universe outside the universe.”

“They come from a place beyond this universe, from another universe.”

“Why are they here?” Shajin licked his lips and asked,”Why did the Scourge Empire visit our universe?”

“They probably didn’t just visit our universe……..”

Doctor Zhenli propped up his face and looked at the stars outside the window. Shajin couldn’t see his expression, but he could feel the solemnity in Doctor Zhenli’s tone:

“There is a possibility…..A not-so-wonderful possibility”

“Do you need me to tell you?” Dr. Truth asked

“Well, I believe some smart people have already guessed this possibility…….Hahahaha.”

Shajin couldn’t help but laugh out loud, his eyes revealing mockery of the world.

“The Scourge Empire may have inherited the philosophy of the Zelo Clan’s Upgrading Faction.”

Doctor Truth said calmly:

“They will burn everything to ashes and use the countless fallen stars to build a paradise for themselves.”

“Or, they may have taken a step closer to the Zelo tribe…….”

“Do we still have hope?” Sha Jin laughed at himself:”A group of warriors who uphold love and peace come to save us?”

Just as Sha Jin was speaking, the voice on the light screen sounded again, introducing another faction of the Zelo tribe…

The crystal on the light screen reflected another scene.

Another faction of the Zelo tribe was the Evangelicals.

They vehemently opposed the view of the Ascensionists – the Zelo tribe should not destroy the entire galaxy, universe, or even the multiverse for their god-like life.

Even if they leave the virtual world, their psychic talents can allow them to live a utopian life.

【”We are not alone in the vast sea of stars”】

【”The stars are shining, and all races are together”】

【”Even if the universe continues to expand, we will eventually embrace each other”】

The leader of the evangelicals opened his arms, embraced countless stars and countless races, and said softly and tenderly:

【”Our species will benefit the entire universe and beyond….��Although He is far from that now”】

【”But one day, He will become a beacon of stability and prosperity in countless universes, attracting all intelligent life in the entire universe.”】

【”In the end, the light of peace will shine among the stars, and we will do it”】

“There are actually warriors of love and peace?”Golden Sand couldn’t help but exclaimed.

In order to protect the young creatures in countless universes, the Evangelicals chose to abandon their god-like lives and confront the Upgraders.

Pro-foreignism and xenophobia, (to read the violent novels, go to Faloo Novel Network!)

War and peace,

God and mortal, the contradictions between the two continued to intensify, almost to the moment before the war……..

“Don’t lose! Evangelical big brother!”

“Evangelicals! For the sake of the multiverse, use your psychic power on the Ascendants!”

0Request for flowers 0

“Evangelicals! Will they win?!”

All beings in the universe clenched their fists and looked at the scene on the light screen.

They knew that if the Evangelicals failed to win, the destruction of the universe would become a countdown…….

“Something is wrong…….”

Fu Xuan pinched his chin, looking at the scene on the light screen, his brows furrowed more and more tightly.

The dispute between the Ascension and Gospel factions continued to appear on the light screen, but what made Fu Xuan feel weird was that no matter whether it was the Ascension faction, which upheld divinity and was willing to burn the multiverse to nourish itself, or the Gospel faction, which upheld kindness and was willing to give up the opportunity of upgrading its race to become a god in order to save all living beings, both factions became more and more extreme, more and more crazy, and more and more tit-for-tat in their arguments and conflicts.

They seemed to have completely lost their rationality, and they did not look like a great race capable of becoming a god.

Instead, they looked like a young race that was bound to the earth and had not yet achieved unity. The brothers were fighting against each other, and it was all before their eyes.

It was as if there was a pair of hands behind the two factions, fanning the flames, trying to make the entire Zelo race fall into the abyss of war…….

“Can……”Fu Xuan couldn’t help but murmured in a low voice:”Who is it?”

“Who could have woven a web of conspiracy for the Zelo people, a race that had ascended to the throne of gods?”

“Who else could hide behind the Zelo tribe and quietly add fuel to the flames?”

Fu Xuan vaguely smelled the scent of conspiracy, but he still had some doubts and guesses in his heart, and he was not sure.

Just when Fu Xuan was doubting, the scene in the light curtain changed.

In the light curtain, the explorers of the Scourge Empire made a discovery in a small research room.

They found a very small crystal, which was not worth mentioning compared to the crystal obelisk standing in the center of the spire.

This laboratory was almost destroyed, and the archives room was burned to ashes.

This small crystal was also hidden in a secret corner. The Scourge Empire discovered it through its weak signal.

【”The Zelo people who shed this crystal were very depressed”】

【”Their colleagues laughed at their research and thought they were just shameless films.”】

【”Their research revealed a fact: the Zelo people are not fictitious.���The only entity in”】

【”The fears and desires of their entire species are gradually awakening some unique and intelligent entities.”】

【”These entities, hoping to wake up faster and become more powerful, began to exert subtle influence on the emotions and thoughts of suitable Zelo people.”】

【”This makes the behavior of the Zelo Group extreme and may eventually lead to a civil war in the Zelo Group.”】

At this point, the voice of the scientific research array paused:

【”The Zelo tribe does not accept this heresy and is unwilling to believe that there is an existence in the virtual world that is superior to them.”】

【”The Upgraders accused these researchers of being evangelical lackeys who were trying to belittle the glory of the Zelo people.”】

【”Evangelicals condemn these researchers for accepting 500,000 energy coins from the Upgraders in an attempt to deny the evangelicals’ just struggle”】

【”The accelerator of war has been stepped on, and those who try to step on the brakes have their feet chopped off.”】

【”Facts have proven that weakness and ignorance are not obstacles to survival, but arrogance is.” Four].

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