【”The accelerator of war has been stepped on, and those who try to step on the brakes have their feet chopped off.”】

【”Facts have proved that weakness and ignorance are not obstacles to survival, but arrogance is.”】

In the light curtain, the sound of the scientific research array sounded calmly.

In the light curtain, the small crystal reflected a video.

This video seemed to be recorded before the researchers in this laboratory were arrested. The image swayed and reflected the face of a Zelo researcher.

He grabbed the crystal and said hastily:

【”Long story short, latecomers”】

【”We tried to sound the alarm for our race, but they closed their ears.”】

【”Whether it is the Shengge sect or the Evangelical sect, they are all blinded by pride in the game of playing the role of God and are unwilling to accept our admonitions.”】

【”In this case, let us send this warning to those who come after us.”】

【”Beware of them! I repeat, beware of them!”】

【”Beware of those beings that are lingering in the sky, watching us.”】

【”No matter what choices your race makes, what expectations you have”】

【”Whether it is planning to sacrifice the multiverse to make their own civilization a true god””060″】

【”Or do you intend to protect the safety of countless lives in the multiverse and become a beacon that illuminates all living things?”】

【”Please abandon your pride and listen to our warnings.”】

【”I repeat again, beware of them! Beware of them!”】

The scene in the crystal swayed, and chaotic noises came from outside the laboratory.

【”……My time has come”】

【”May our group of corrupt giants serve as a warning to future newborns.”】

【”May you keep going forward and reach a higher level.”】

Afterwards, only noisy sounds remained.

Outside the light curtain, all living beings in the universe fell into a daze.

“I mean, there are still hands?!”

“Both evangelicals and upgraders were deceived by the conspiracy…….”

“Judging from the meaning of this warning, whether it is the Evangelicals or the Ascensionists, the destruction of the Zelo people is inevitable……..”

This sudden scene made most of their brains confused. They thought it was just a conflict between two factions of the Zero tribe.

The Ascending Faction intended to burn diversity to become gods, while the Evangelical Faction wanted to stop them with noble sentiments.

As a result, the content of this light curtain told them that there were some beings behind the Zero tribe who were fanning the flames and deliberately letting the Zero tribe go to extremes and fall into war in order to nourish themselves.

Some people in the Zero tribe realized the conspiracy of these beings and tried to make their race fall into the trap they had woven, but the warnings of these Zero researchers were ignored by both the Ascending Faction and the Evangelical Faction.

The Ascending Faction and the Evangelical Faction even persecuted the researchers who made the warnings.

The disheartened researchers gave up their race and turned to warn future races, warning them to beware of the terrifying existence entrenched in the virtual world.

“Could it be…….”

Fu Xuan pinched his chin, remembering the contents of the previous light screen:

“Gods of the Void……?”

“The activities of the Zelo tribe awakened them, and they then wove a conspiracy to destroy the Zelo tribe?!”

Fu Xuan’s pupils suddenly shrank.

At this moment, the scene on the light curtain quietly changed.

The light curtain returned the view to the spire.

The crystal was silently playing the war between the Evangelicals and the Upgrading Sect.

【”Most of the Zelo people sided with the evangelicals.”】

【”Yet even though evangelicals have a large following, their situation is still very unfavorable.”】

【”The Ascendants do not consider the impact on the galaxy at all, so they can unscrupulously exert their psychic powers.”】

The crystal reflected a scene.

The Zeluo tribe of the Ascended Sect stood among the stars, picking up stars at will and throwing them at the Evangelical army as fireballs. Sometimes they forged nebulae into giant hammers to crush the galaxies, and sometimes they forged neutron stars into arrows to pierce the void.

They also grabbed terrifying psychic power from the virtual realm, transformed into giant gods tens of thousands of light years away, and tore the entire galaxy apart.

Their eyes could reflect all the scenes of the future and the past. Every action of the Evangelicals was within their expectations.

Their hands could disrupt the structure of space and weave an infinite loop of stairs to keep the Evangelicals firmly in one place.

Their feet could use the virtual realm to jump, and they came to the Evangelicals in the blink of an eye and slaughtered these compatriots at will.

These unimaginable powers appeared in the light curtain, and all living beings in the universe couldn’t help but tremble.

Some people even suspected that even some star gods would find it difficult to fight against the Zeluo tribe who wantonly wielded the power of the virtual realm.

And the Evangelicals…

【”Evangelicals are limited by how much power they can draw from themselves.”】

【”At first, the battle was almost one-sided.”】

【”But a evangelical hero makes a horrific and crucial discovery that throws the situation into a tizzy……”】

“A terrible and crucial discovery? What is it?”

Heita raised his eyebrows:

“One discovery would allow the Evangelicals to fight against the Ascendants who were capable of challenging the wanton wielding of the power of the Void Realm?”

“How could there be such a coincidence in the world? Why didn’t they discover it earlier or later, but at this moment?”

“You doubt……”There was a gleam in ScrewGum’s eyes:”This is some kind of conspiracy.”

“Right.” Heita nodded:”What I am most sure of is…..”

“Even geniuses like us can sense the conspiracy.”

“The Zeluo tribe, a race that has ascended to the gods, actually didn’t suspect that there was something strange about this?”

Heita couldn’t help but laugh out loud:

“I wonder if their brains have been smashed to pieces by the gods in the virtual world?”

“Sometimes wisdom does not mean intelligence.”

Screw Gumm looked at the scene on the screen and shook his head slowly:

“Being advanced does not mean being rational, and being a genius does not mean being wise.”

“I once again understood this truth.” (To read the exciting novel, go to Faloo Novel Network!)

Just as Screw Gum was speaking, the scene on the light screen changed.

【”According to the records, we know what the Zelo tribe discovered”】

【”A crazy Zelo researcher, working on a chain reaction theory”】

【”Use psionic energy internally and burn up your body in a controlled psionic chain reaction”】

【”This near-suicidal theory was so unorthodox that his peers unanimously rejected it.”】

In the light curtain, a half-crazy Zelo in a white coat stood in the center of the laboratory.

His body gushed out hot psychic sparks, and his body collapsed and disintegrated in the blink of an eye, turning into a pile of light blue dust…

“This? Isn’t this just self-immolation? What’s the point?”

“What a psychopath! Who would study how to commit suicide by self-immolation?”

“No wonder people say he is a madman!”

All living beings in the universe were shocked by this scene.

What kind of person would study how to destroy his own body through a chain reaction?

【”But according to the last words of this crazy researcher……”】

【”…..The remaining ashes of his noble sacrifice were tested and confirmed to be an incredibly powerful spiritual energy.”】

【”The energy contained in it is equivalent to his lifetime psychic potential, but it can be directly used by another psychic.”】[]

【”As expected, the gel substance used by our psykers on a daily basis is the remains of the Zelo people.”】

The sound of the scientific research array rang out in the light curtain, and all living beings in the universe were suddenly stunned.

“The ashes produced after self-immolation can amplify the power of other psychics? ?”

“Even the Scourge Empire is using the ashes left over from the burning of the Zelo Clan?!”

“Is this the method used by the Evangelicals to fight against the Ascensionists?”

In the Black Tower Space Station,


Heita couldn’t help laughing out loud, holding his belly and pointing at the scene on the screen and said:

“Which genius with amazing wisdom could have come up with this conspiracy? It’s such a bad taste!”

“A researcher just went crazy and was researching how to set himself on fire”

“The substance produced after self-immolation can strongly amplify the power of other psychics, and the Zelo Evangelicals just happen to need this substance.”

“What a coincidence! What a wicked plan, ScrewGum!……The Zelo tribe was completely fooled.”

A mocking smile appeared on the corner of Heita’s mouth.

“Even if the evangelicals defeated the Upgraders, I am afraid that only one out of ten would survive, or even be completely wiped out.”

“The gods of the virtual world used this opportunity to completely devour the Ze Luo tribe. How insidious!”

“Not only 1.7, Ms. Black Tower.”

Screw Gum looked at the light screen and added:

“The dust produced by the burning of the Zelo tribe can also help other races awaken their psychic powers and increase the abilities of psychics.”

“In other words, it will continuously create psychics for other new races.”

“These species that have awakened their psychic powers will most likely become bait for the gods of the virtual world.”

A gleam of light flashed in Screw Gum’s mechanical eyes:

“They used the corpses of the Zelo people to weave a net, trapping all the creatures of the universe for countless future years.”

“All races born from this time on are destined to be devoured by the gods of the virtual world.”

Just as Screw Gum was speaking, the scene on the screen changed.

The ships of the Scourge Empire sailed into a galaxy shrouded by a strange storm.

Everything in this galaxy seemed to be half immersed in the virtual world, looming.

【”We successfully located the home planet of the Zelo tribe”】

【”This planet has been completely destroyed by the psychic storm, and can only be in the same plane as the rest of the universe at certain times.”】

【”We can only float up to the virtual world and log in to the Zelo planet from the virtual world in order to collapse the Zelo tribe.”】

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