The People Walking in Dungeons are surely not Normal

Chapter 1014: Emily's punishment

Understand the look in Emily's eyes, and I instantly feel like a ice cave.

After the bird, once the dance is over, it's time for me to burp.

Hey, life is too short. I didn't think that An Xiaoyi would die by touching a woman's hand. Forget it, anyway, it's all going to die. Why don't you feel it?

Thinking of this, I had no scruples, let go and boldly touched the hands of the girls on both sides.

The more Phoenix's hand touched, the softer she liked each other. Naturally, the more she touched, the better the relationship. However, Emily's hand seemed a little stiff. It is no wonder that although she seems to have some affection for me, she and me after all Not so close, nor as skilled and comfortable to touch.

But at this moment, I am a hooligan who plays with a mortal mentality. Naturally, I am different from ordinary wiping. Even my stiff little hands make her soft and comfortable under my kneading!

The lap dance usually dances until the end of the fun, and there is no deliberate time constraint.

We danced in a circle for nearly twenty minutes. In other words, Emily’s little hand has been kneaded by me for nearly twenty minutes.

After the dance, I was ready to meet Emily's killer blow with an unlovable posture.

However, Emily did not launch a severe pinch offensive against me. She stood in front of me and stared at me. After a few seconds, Zhu lips lightly opened: "Is my hand comfortable?"

I took a deep breath and exhaled gently: "Comfortable, it feels like kneading the meat ball on the cat's paw."

Emily nodded: "What else do you want to say?"

I took a deep breath again and said lightly: "I once had a small hand held in my hand. I didn't have the opportunity to knead and cherish it for a long time. When I let it go, I regret the most painful thing in the world. Nothing is better. If the God of Creation gives me another chance, I must knead this little hand again. If there is a time limit, I hope to knead it, 10,000 years!"

After that, I opened my arms and showed her both sides of the waist, closed my eyes, and said with an awe-inspiring face: "I have seen it just now, your eyes are full of murderous intent, come on, let me take you Punishment, and your monstrous anger!"

Emily said lightly: "Have I said to punish you?"

Opening my eyes, I was happy: "Don't you punish me?"

In an instant, two sharp pains spread all over my body from the waist, and Emily said lightly: "Have I said not to punish you?"

This woman is too cunning!

"Blood was pinched out on both sides of the waist" Taylor said with a harp, "Boy, you can't agree with the way you pick up girls."

"Old man, can we not bring such a sarcastic person?" I looked at the healing waists on both sides, and sighed: "I just took her little hand, and I didn't do anything too much."

"Do you think that the elf's hand can be held casually?" Taylor took a sip and said: "According to me, that girl didn't chop you with a knife. It has proved that she likes you. I didn't expect it, bastard. Yanfu is even better than mine."

Not far away, the fairy patriarch suddenly turned his head, and his old eyes were full of sharp rays, shooting at Taylor, who was healing me, was shocked by the eyes.

I chuckled: "Old man, you have to be careful when you speak here. The five senses of the goblin tribe are so sharp that they are out of character."

"You don't need to educate me, bastard" Taylor curled his lips and said, "Although that girl likes you, but it is still far from the level where you can commit yourself to you, you should think about how to turn that girl into Your own wife is serious, and ah, you have to prepare to marry your fiancées, but I am still waiting for my grandson!"

I bared my teeth, stopped talking, and lay on the ground and honestly asked Taylor to help me with treatment.

After a batch of roasted meat was thoroughly cooked, my treatment ended.

I took a handful of skewers, put them on the grill, and grilled them with Zac.

Zach turned his head and smiled: "Xiaoyi, your waist, are you okay?"

I twisted it twice and said hehe: "It's okay, I'm strong."

At this time, Billy on the side was holding the meat skewers and chuckled. He pointed at me and said: "Xiaoyi, your screams just now are like donkeys, hahahaha, I was so ridiculous, hahahaha cough cough Hmm, cough cough cough cough!"

Happy and sad, Billy laughed too much, and choked, Godot hurried to rescue.

I looked at Billy's misery and chuckled lightly: "Cut, tell you to laugh at me, get retribution."

Then continue to barbecue seriously.

Zach hesitated.

After the meat was cooked, I began to distribute the meat skewers in my hand to the fairies standing in a row.

When talking to the fairy patriarch before, the patriarch told me that in order not to attract the attention of the elves, the elves have not eaten meat for a long time. Fortunately, the elves' natural love for meat is far less than their love for vegetables. Complaints and confusion arise.

However, when I saw the look of nostalgia and joy that the goblin people showed when they were eating barbecue, I couldn't help but sigh. Originally, they and the elves should get along with each other, like brothers and sisters, just like Fort Vitch. The dwarves and goblins, but because of the changes in the thoughts of some elves and the unwillingness to kill the elves, the once glorious elves were forced to hide in the space opened by the elves.

What a sad thing this is.

As I thought, I distributed the cooked skewers to the fairies. After the distribution was finished, Zac and I continued to cook a new batch, while the fairies stood quietly in front of the grill and waited.

A little fairy was holding the skewers and sitting beside me eating, his pure eyes fixed on the flames under the grill, and his face was full of happiness and excitement.

Barbecuing is actually very leisurely, as long as you keep your eyes on the meat on the grill to prevent it from being burnt.

I think I’m idle anyway, so I might as well chat with the little fairy for a while, so I stared at the meat on the barbecue grill with my eyes, and asked the little fairy sitting next to me: "Is it delicious?"

The little fairy nodded and said, "It's delicious, this is the best thing I have ever eaten!"

"Really" I chuckled and said, "Is it really so delicious?"

"Well, it's very delicious." He bit the meat, chewed for a while, and added: "It's almost as delicious as our fruits and vegetables."

"It seems you like this kind of food."

He nodded: "Yes."

I continued: "You know, outside of the portal, there is a forest. When you leave the forest, there will be a town called Moonlight City."

"I know Moonlight City" he said: "Mum told me that before I was born, we were all living in Moonlight City, together with our elf friends."

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