The People Walking in Dungeons are surely not Normal

Chapter 1015: The importance of hair

Touching your hair is a big deal. This is the first time I have heard of it.

I asked the fairy patriarch, and said, "What a big deal can touching your hair be, at best it is a more intimate act."

The patriarch shook his head: "This is what only people like you who don't know anything about customs and culture would think so, but anyone with a little knowledge will not ask such naive words."

Look at what she said, as if I was so uneducated. Before I came here, I was a decent graduate from a prestigious university, although I didn't pass the postgraduate entrance exam.

The patriarch seemed to see that I was dissatisfied, and said: "Don't be dissatisfied in your heart. I ask you, what does hair mean to the elves?"

"It means...what?" I asked the fairy patriarch.

The patriarch shook his head and said, "Look, you don't even know such a simple question. I really doubt if you are an adventurer who grew up in Hefeng Continent since you were a child."

"I..." I was about to say, "Actually, I crossed over here." But when I said this, I would probably be used by the fairy patriarch as an excuse for me, so I swallowed this sentence into my stomach. As soon as I rolled my eyes, I said, "I am a child who walked out of the mountains. I have never seen so many routines in the city."

"The kid who came out of the mountain?" The fairy patriarch shook his head again: "Don't look at me and my people being forced to live in this space for many years, but we still have a certain understanding of the development of the outside world. Expansion of their territory and strength, all of them are trying their best to expand their territory and accept new villages and tribes. As long as it is a place with people, they will try their best to win over, teach knowledge, and impart common sense, unless it is difficult for humans to survive. They won’t be able to avoid these dangerous places, don’t tell me, you kid came out of those dangerous places, I don’t believe it, let’s say it’s me, even if you change anyone, you won’t Believe."

I know where the evil patriarch refers to, and I also know that such a place is indeed not suitable for human survival and reproduction. If you want to make sure that you are living from those places, then getting along will become extremely difficult. After all, you can't even talk frankly, so how about working together.

Ever since, I scratched my hair and said with an embarrassed expression: "Grandma patriarch, your old man loves to expose my lie. I just don’t pay much attention to those customs and customs. I need to argue with me so seriously. ~"

The tone of what I said was three-point shame and seven-point coquetry. After all, the fairy patriarch is a grandmother. When facing a guy of my grandchildren’s generation, he always loves the third in his heart. As long as it is not a matter of principle, she will probably forgive me in a few words-this is the reason why we are so close.

The elder patriarch is not a person who can't let go of death. Seeing that I am subdued, he chuckled and said, "I'll just say, your kid is not the type who is willing to settle down and study hard. You, it must be. The type of being mischievous when nothing is wrong, and being naughty when you stretch out your hands and raise your legs, is not only restless, but you can't rest your hands."

Hey, I really got her right!

When I was in school, I really belonged to the type of thief.

Of course, there are several types of thief tao, silly tao, silly tao, silly tao, "tiger" in our native dialect, that is, a type that is naughty and does not know the brain, others dare to do whatever they say; One is sluggishness, that is, sluggishness in the general population. This kind of naughty is generally quiet and waiting for the time. Once the time is right, it will complete the content of the prank without knowing it. Then continued to sit quietly and watch the show.

I belong to the latter.

Hearing this, I scratched my head and smiled at the patriarch without speaking.

The fairy patriarch smiled and shook his head, and said, "Okay, I won't expose your old bottoms anymore, let's get back to business."

"Okay" I answered, adjusted my clothes, and sat down, posing a serious look.

"Don't pretend to be so serious" said the patriarch: "It's fine to be casual with your expression, just like usual, otherwise I don't look like you."

Me: ╮(╯▽╰)╭I am also very helpless!

The fairy patriarch looked at me with deep eyes and slowly said: "Hair, for the elves, is one of the most important organs. Except for haircuts, at any time, elves will not let outsiders touch them casually. The hair of men and women, this is because for them, hair symbolizes two meanings: affection and love."

"Family and love?" I curled my lips.

"Yes, family and love" said the goblin patriarch: "This custom originally spread from our goblin clan. A long time ago, our ancestors laid down many rules and customs to regulate the behavior of the people. It includes many hair-related organs. At first, the hair is an organ that only the elders in the family are qualified to touch. Once an outsider touches it, and if the other party is of the opposite sex, you have to marry the other party... "

Hearing this, my heart moved: Oh yo, yes, it would be nice if I was born in that era. I saw a beautiful woman and went up and touched her hair. She was my person. This way, it won’t take long. I can even create a kingdom out!

Rightfully obscene, the fairy patriarch continued: "Or kill the other party."

I was surprised: "What? Kill the other party?"

"Yes," the patriarch said: "If you don't like the other party and are touched by the other party's hair, you can only choose to kill the other party."

I'm horrified: Forget it, it's better to be born in this era, you will never be killed if you touch your hair.

The goblin patriarch continued: "This custom was passed on to other races by our clan when it was established. However, thousands of years have passed, and now we and the elves are the only ones willing to abide by this custom... .."

Hearing this, I started to think randomly: Since Emily didn't hack me to death on the spot, was it because she fell in love with me, or because she had not considered a wonderful murder plan and had to let me go temporarily?

As I was thinking, two soft coughs pulled me back from my random thoughts, and the patriarch continued: "Although now only my two clans follow this custom, this custom has also changed a little over the years. The first love has become the current love and family relationship. In addition to recognized lovers, recognized elders can also touch their hair."

Love and affection?


I held my chin and slowly said, "Emily didn't hack me to death on the spot. Could it be because she regarded me as her elder and had a strong affection for me?"

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