I have encountered secret assassination squad’s secret attacks several times. I already have a certain understanding of their crossbow arrow shooting and assassination martial arts. Generally speaking, the first batch of crossbow arrows shot by the elven assassination team is a kind of encirclement. Existence, the purpose is only to block the action of the target, the second batch of crossbow arrows after that are the real lethal weapons; and the three crossbow arrows that have just been shot, whether it is angle, strength, or arrow The three groups of light weapons entrapped in the upper part are undoubtedly asking for a blow to completely destroy my mobility!

However, the people in the Elf Assassination Squad who have been in contact with me will definitely not make such rash temptations, so I can be sure that this group of people is not that group of people!

Feeling the approach of the three crossbow arrows, judging their positions, and at the same time, a thought came into my mind: Could it be that Akahavi felt that the Elf Assassination Team was not doing things badly, and changed people to deal with me?

Then I thought about it, and denied this possibility. If Akharve wants to replace me, he will only find someone who is better than those before. The three who attacked me right now are very professional. Obviously not as proficient as the members of the assassination squad-especially this point of making a killer move as soon as they fight.

The moment I held the sword, the voice of Odachi sounded in my mind, but it was mostly complaining; when the sword was drawn out of its sheath and ready to face the three crossbow arrows, Odachi’s complaining words stopped at this moment, turning It became silent, and then it became doubt: "Even temptation is free? A killer move? How confident are these three guys?"

"I'm also thinking about this issue," I said silently in my heart: "The performance of these three guys is not like the assassination squad, which is a royal background. On the contrary, they are more like undergraduates who studied under second-rate assassins."

"Why didn't you say it was a third-rate assassin?" Odachi asked.

"Their ability to hide their breath is still praiseworthy, at least not discovered by me. For this reason, I gave them a grade."

The first crossbow arrow with magic came straight to my left leg amidst the howling sound. I turned my wrist and put the Odachi sword face across my leg. There was a crisp sound with heavy impact, and the arrow bounced to pieces. Above the sword blade.

What followed was the second crossbow arrow inserted into my right leg.

Staring at the distance between the crossbow arrow and me, I turned my body, bent my legs slightly, and let it out of it lightly. Then I turned again, behind my right arm, and my left hand sticking out. Three crossbow arrows were held in his hands and threw them to the ground, throwing them one meter away.

At the moment when the arrow touched the ground, two explosions sounded one after another, which seemed to be a crossbow arrow endowed with explosive magic.

With her arms around her neck, Remy, who was in my arms, leaned on my back by inertia. She squeezed my neck with one hand, while her other hand clenched into a small fist and kept waving: "Little Yi, hit them, hit them!"

I reached out and patted her little fist: "Grasp it, don't fall."

Remy obediently retracted her small fist, wrapped her arms around my neck, still cheering me on.

I bowed down, opened my posture, narrowed my eyes, stared at the three of them, and said coldly, "Who are you?"

The three of them looked at each other quickly with cold eyes with surprise, and then moved around in a fan shape, holding a crossbow in one hand and a dagger in the other.

"Is this going to besiege me?" I kept my eyes alert, keeping the three of them, and muttering to myself: "Don't you even have a chance to speak?"

It was not words that answered me, but the rapid sound of strings.

Three crossbow arrows again!

This time, not only did the crossbow arrows stab at my vital point, but the three of them also pressed towards me from three sides.

The wind was rushing, and the light was cold. For a while, I felt a sense of oppression.

I think the last time I encountered this situation, it was the time I rescued Princess Aurora and Mi Lulu.

I missed it for a second, then turned the killing intent, condensed on the whole body, activated the combat skills, looked at the timing, and swung the knife horizontally.

As the so-called one inch long and one inch strong, the three of them weren’t close, two of them were cut off by me. The third ran slower, seeing the black air all over the blade, weird, and extremely sharp. A companion cut into four segments, immediately retreated, turned and ran away.

How can I allow him to come and leave whenever he wants?

The legs were slightly bent, full of strength, and then burst out suddenly, rose from the ground, and approached the fleeing person extremely quickly.

The former didn't feel right, turned his head and looked around, and when I was forced to come, my whole body trembled with fright.

The speed of this arrow is extremely fast, but there is no magic bonus. I raised my left hand with disdain, palms facing out, and easily blocked the crossbow arrow with my palm as a shield, and then continued to chase wildly.

After only a few breaths, I was so close to him that I could grasp him. I wanted to play with him like a cat and mouse, but there were more important things in my body, so I dispelled the idea, stretched out my hand and pinched his shoulder. .

The man was held by my shoulders, and in shock, he turned around with a dagger and went straight to Remy behind me.

I was startled, and subconsciously waved my arm, Odachi drew a circle out of thin air, and the man's hand with the dagger flew up and floated several meters behind me.

There was a terrible cry, and the man clutched his **** broken wrist and rolled all over the floor. The big drops of sweat burst down like rain, all in painful cold sweat.

I scratched my head and said solemnly: "Sorry, I didn't mean to chop off your hand. Let's go back with me. I will find someone to heal your arm. The reward is that you can cooperate with me. What should I ask, you What is the answer?"

The person was still rolling in pain, and he didn't listen to a word of my words.

So I repeated it again and picked up his severed hand.

When I grabbed the severed hand and approached him, the man finally stopped rolling. His whole body was wet with cold sweat. His eyes were tormented by pain, and he stared at me tightly. Wrists, gritted teeth and said nothing.

"How?" I raised and severed my hand: "I have a friend, he is a very powerful priest, who can regenerate with a severed arm."

The man still didn't say a word, his lips squirmed, a few soft noises in his cheeks, his apple moved up and down a few times, then his head tilted and died.

...How did it die?

I looked dumbfounded.

Odachi's voice sounded in my head at this time: "I committed suicide by taking poison. You should have stopped him from crushing his teeth just now."

"Crush your teeth?"

I suddenly understood his chewing and swallowing movement just now, and thought he was just swallowing.

"Really, I gave up my life so easily" I muttered, and threw my severed hand aside.

"No wonder the strength of these people is a lot worse than before," Taita said: "They are not assassins at all."

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