"Not an assassin, what is that?"

"It's a dead man."

Odachi explained: "Flee without results, and die when captured. They are not qualified assassins, but qualified dead men."

"Either escape or die?" I sighed: "No wonder it's useless to confuse it. It's a pity that I wanted to take one back for questioning..."

"Want to ask more?" Odachi said hehe: "What information can you tell from the dead man's mouth?"

"For example, the look and voice of the person who gave them the order, or the purpose of their assassination..."

Before I could finish, Otato interrupted: "Don't think about the good things. The dead man is like a dead body, and will not reveal a word. The only difference is that the dead man can eat and **** while breathing."

Glancing at the three corpses sideways, I was a little bit distressed: "It's not easy to clean up, it's really troublesome."

"You don't need to clean it up yourself," Data said.

I sighed again: "I can't just leave it alone. I'll be seen by someone tomorrow morning. It may cause much commotion!"

"I told you to let it dry," Datadao said, "Just ask your mascot to eat them."

"You said Xiaozhi?"

Yes, strictly speaking, Xiao Zhi is a good monster in the dungeon. Before he was conquered, he could not and had eaten a lot of human flesh. This time I asked him to clean the corpses on the ground. I shouldn't resist it.

Thinking of this, I slapped my forehead and said excitedly: "Just do it."

After the decision, I put away the knife and ran towards home quickly. At this moment, I felt that there was warm and rapid breathing behind my neck that could not help but spit out onto my neck. Little Lori Remy looked excited, her eyes flushed, her mouth and nose couldn't help breathing quickly, like a female actress who took medicine in an island movie!

I immediately turned from shock to worry, and hurriedly said: "What's wrong with you, Remy, is there anything uncomfortable?"

"Okay, it's so hot...and so comfortable." Little Lolita held my neck tightly, her small body constantly writhing, like a loach: "Xiaoyi, I, I want to kill... ..."

After the word ‘kill’, there was no sound anymore, and the two rows of little white teeth creaked incessantly, as if chewing something out of thin air.

"This, what's going on?"

She hugged little Lolita back to me in her arms, looking puzzled.

Odachi sensed the worry in my heart, it thought for a moment, and said, "Could it be the cause of your murder."

"Intent to kill?" Looking down, I can see that the arms, body and other parts are still in the black and red mist, as if wrapped in a veil.

That's it...I didn't pay attention just after the battle, and I forgot to suppress the killing intent.

While thinking, slowly retracted the killing intent under the skin.

As the killing intent faded, Remy's eyes gradually became clear, her expression was no longer excited, and her breathing gradually slowed down.

"Xiao Yi..." This was the first thing she said: "I, ha~~~ Ha, so sleepy."

She sighed, and she slumped on her shoulders like a little koala.

"Go to sleep when you are sleepy" reached out and touched her soft hair.

Little Lori Remy: Zzzzzzz

Oh, sleep so fast.

Feeling calmer, I walked quickly towards home while thinking about what I had just done.

I really didn't expect that something like killing intent could affect Remy's mind, making her feel as if she had changed her personality, weird and evil.

However, I remember that before, Phoenix had also bathed in murderous intent with me. Her change only changed her temperament, and her mind was not affected at all.

Comparing the two, I feel puzzled, and I can't figure out why.

Dadachi said: "Maybe it's a different relationship between the physique of Little Phoenix girl and that of Remy little girl."

"It's possible" I nodded and said, "Phoenix is ​​a human race, and Remy is a fairy. The difference between the two is natural, but this is just a guess, and it needs definite evidence to prove it."

"You can try other girls," Odachi suggested, "Anyway, you have many fiancees."

"Huh? Why did I smell the acetic acid of a single dog brand?"

"Go!" Odachi said angrily.

Going home and going upstairs, opened the door of Xiaozhi's room, Xiaozhi was sleeping soundly.

"Hey, wake up!" I whispered.

One of Xiao Zhi's tentacles trembled.

"Wake up, don't sleep!" I pushed its front paws several times, but there was no response.


Holding my chin thinking for a moment, I murmured to myself: "Really, I don't like to use violence to wake bugs up."

Then he flew a kick and kicked directly on its shell.


With a cry of anger, a pair of eyes lit up instantly, and it danced its forelimbs, flared its teeth and claws at me, full of ferocity.

"It's me, don't make trouble."

After seeing the incoming person clearly, Xiao Zhi's front paws scratched his tentacles, and he whispered "Squeak!" in dissatisfaction.

"Don't sleep, come out with me and ask you for help."

After finishing speaking, I should go out first, and then probe at the door to wait for it.

"Xian!" There was another low voice of dissatisfaction, and Xiao Zi followed out reluctantly.

When I came to the three corpses, I pointed to two of the corpses that had been cut off at the waist: "Eat it, as a supper."

Xiao Zhi baited me down: "Squeak!"

What do you mean?

"Do you think this meat is not delicious?" I asked Xiaozhi.

Xiao Zhi shook his tentacles, and then pointed to the butcher shop that had already closed: "Zhen!"

"You mean, human flesh is not as good as beef?"

"Squeak!" Xiaozhi shook its tentacles to express affirmation.

"I see." Nodded, I pointed to the two corpses on the ground: "You have eaten these two, and I will buy you an extra leg of beef tomorrow."

Xiao Zhi reluctantly agreed.

When I was watching Xiaoxian eating meat, a faint voice suddenly came from my shoulder: "Huh? What is Xiaoxian eating?"

Looking sideways, Remy didn't know when she woke up.

In order not to leave her psychological shadow, I hurriedly reached out and covered her eyes: "Xiao Xiang eats pork."

"Well, I want to see Xiao Xiang eating pork." Remy shook her head, but unfortunately she couldn't take off my hand.

"Children can't watch this" I tricked Remy: "I will wet the bed after watching."

"I don't believe it, I haven't seen it when I was a child, and I still wet the bed!" Remy is weak.

Oh, she believed it.

After eating the two corpses, I licked the blood on the ground again, and I nodded in satisfaction: "Good job, you have worked hard, I will buy you roast beef legs tomorrow."

Then, I took Xiao Zhi to the corpse who had taken the poison and asked Xiao Zhi, "Can I eat more?"

"Xian!" Xiao Zi made a retching motion, and raised a pair of front paws, crossing them into an X.

I took a look at the darker-skinned corpse on the ground, and then I looked at Xiao Zhi, and said, let’s forget it, Xiao Zhi is also my important partner. What accident, Phoenix doesn't blame me.

Besides, this corpse is still intact, and the appearance of the clothes is not damaged. The person who gave him to the Elf Queen may be able to investigate some clues.

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