After a lot of serious nonsense, Phoenix, Lily and Lizi were relieved.

Immediately afterwards, Yula began to explain and demonstrate how the magician should attack the earthworm.

I turned my head and asked Remy, who was floating behind me, "How do you feel about the way I kill the worms, cruel?"

Remy shook her head.

Interesting, it stands to reason that most children should feel cruel.

So I asked her again: "Since you don't feel cruel, do you have any other thoughts?"

Remy poked her chin with her little white finger, thought for a while, and said, "Uh, I think the ground worm will be delicious if it is roasted?"

Xiao Zhi: "Squeak!"

And quickly retreated three meters beyond Remy.

After Yura finished speaking the theory, he began to operate.

She raised her magic wand, pointed it at a wandering ground worm not far away, and chanted a spell.

The spell is very long, and it takes ten seconds for the magic wand head to appear a rotating sphere, red and hot. Is this fire magic?

I rarely see Yura using offensive magic other than magic missiles, such as this red sphere, this is the first time I have seen it.

After the chanting, Yula's eyes flashed, and the ball of light flashed, and went straight to the worm.

During the flight, the red ball of light expanded and stretched rapidly. In just a few seconds, it turned into the head of an unknown beast, opened its blood basin and opened its mouth, and bit down the ground insect.

The ground worms reacted very quickly. A pair of antennae flickered slightly, and a crackling electric ball condensed into a prototype in the blink of an eye. After less than half a breath, the prototype electric ball was completely formed, and the antennae waved. , The electric ball slammed into the oncoming flame beast skull.

However, how can the temporarily condensed electric ball be the opponent of the flame beast skull singing for ten seconds?

In the next second, the Flame Beast Skull swallowed the electric ball mercilessly and bit the earthworm's body severely.

There was a bang, the sand was flying, and the black smoke was thick.

After dozens of seconds, the smoke and dust dissipated, leaving only one silver coin and two copper coins on the ground, nothing else.

Apart from me, Godot, Phoenix, and Remy, everyone else was dumbfounded.

Lilea took the lead: "It's surprising, noble girl, your magical power is so strong!"

Kagali also praised: "You are the most powerful magician I have ever seen!"

Kunna and Maqi expressed their dissatisfaction with the ice and fire girl, but they couldn't refute it.

Billy, Jackson and several other men looked horrified. The expressions were obviously thinking: we must not provoke her in the future, it's terrible, terrible!

Lily and Lizi suddenly clapped and clapped. Their faces flushed with excitement. Lily shouted, "Sister Yula is amazing!"

Lizi nodded in praise.

The reason why I am not surprised is that I have seen a stronger magician.

Godot's strength is there. He must have had an intersection with a more powerful magician. Even if he loses his memory now, he still has some impressions.

Phoenix didn't respond, it seemed to be related to her sometimes cute traits. Sometimes, she would lose consciousness unconsciously, and everything around her would be ignored by her inadvertently.

As for Remy, I guess her thoughts are mostly on the recipe for charcoal-fired worms.

Demonstrating a powerful magic attack, Yura was basically satisfied with everyone's reaction. She smiled and said: "Okay, my class is here, and the rest, everyone can practice freely."

However, the one in the close combat did not move, all on standby, all looking at several magicians.

Yura puzzled: "Why don't you go to kill monsters?"

Kagali said: "I think it's safer for the monsters on this level to be done by the magician."

"Xiao Yi!" Yula asked me for help.

Helpless, I only got my head, stood in front of everyone, cleared my throat, and said: "As adventurers, what is the most important essence of us? It is adventure! It is the belief in advancing without fear of difficulties and dangers! Just to be able to enjoy safety It is shameful to hide behind and let others do it for you! We should overcome fear, overcome fear, and go forward bravely. Don't forget, we are members of the Fearless Guild!"

A generous statement is useless.

What should everyone do? No one is willing to stand up as an example.

I sighed helplessly: "Even the worms don't dare to face up. What are they talking about in the Hegemony Contest? I think everyone should wash up.

However, these last words instantly aroused Kagali’s strong fighting spirit, her eyes brightened, and she took a big step, saying: "Yes, we are the ones who are going to fight the Hefeng Contest, how can we lose here? Yeah!"

Kagali deserves to be the true president of the Fearless Guild. With just one sentence, other members have to show a passionate expression, pretending to be a hundred times more vigorous.

In other words, why I saw in Kagali’s eyes not the kind of strong warfare in order to become stronger, but more like the materialistic warfare spawned for prizes...

But...whatever his fighting spirit, it's better to have a fighting spirit than being passive.

Speaking of it, the power of the electric ball of the earthworm is as terrifying as Yula said, but that is the situation where the entire electric ball hits all.

Generally speaking, as long as the strength is up to the standard, the adventurer will probably not be hit by the electric ball, at most only a part, and the remaining electric **** will continue to fly along the adventurer's body until the next object is unknown.

There are only two physical conditions for adventurers who are only partly hit by the electric ball: pain and cramps.

These are only short-lived phenomena and will pass soon.

Therefore, as long as you are properly prepared, the danger of ground bugs is still not great.

Let's turn our eyes to Billy, he was the first one on the team to be recruited.

At this moment, he was convulsed all over, as if being electrocuted. No, he was electrocuted. He was electrocuted regularly, as if he was doing a mechanical dance. His body was swaying extremely regularly, and his mouth trembling from time to time. It's like a rubbing sound when a part is working.

As expected of Billy, his actions after being electrocuted are so artistic.

In fact, Billy's degree of electric shock was not serious. The electric ball just brushed past him, but unfortunately, the electric ball suddenly fell in the middle and hit Billy's knife.

You know, the knife is a conductor, so Billy lays the gun indirectly.

Zach, who looked at Billy's painful expression, had lingering fears and slowed down unconsciously. However, this slowdown happened to coincide with the trajectory of the electric ball flying, so Zach was also recruited.

Immediately afterwards, Kagali also touched the electric ball because of a carelessness, but fortunately, she just wiped an edge, so she did not show much gaffe, at most she trembled all over, and let out a short and painful moan.

In fact, I thought Jackson should be the next one. After all, his shield was made of metal. However, to my surprise, after hitting the shield, the electric ball did not release current, but exploded directly. !

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