There was a sharp explosion, followed by a light blue electric current spreading like a plant rhizome, extremely dazzling.

The electric current crawled across the entire shield surface, and then dissipated without a trace. Jackson behind the shield did not have any influence, got up with the shield, and continued to rush towards the groundworm.

After that, there were more than a dozen electric **** that looked like thrown baseballs, crackling and smashing on the shield, but they could not stop the pace of Jackson, who was holding the shield.

At this moment, he was like a special police armed with an explosion-proof shield, and the ground worms opposite him were like five scumbags throwing eggs at the special police.

In the past, I only knew that Jackson’s shield was extremely strong, but now I know another property: non-conductive.

This feature is simply for the Earthworm, I can't wait to call Jackson, who is slowly advancing, the Earthworm nemesis!

However, when Jackson was less than one meter away from the earthworm, I found a very serious problem-Jackson's defense power was against the sky, but his attack power was not satisfactory.

The knight sword made of stainless steel, without considerable stamina, cannot break through the tough carapace of the earthworm!

Seeing him with a shield in one hand and a knight's sword in the other, like a wooden fish, he kept slamming on the beetle's shell, but when the hair was not used up, I suddenly felt a faint sadness, and at the same time I understood it instantly. The reason why there are two occupations of meat shield and output in the game.

When Jackson and the ground worms faced each other hard, not far away, two more ground worms quickly approached Jackson, trying to attack him on three sides.

I can't stand this anymore. Heads-up is sacred and cannot be mixed with others. This is an unspoken rule set since ancient times. Who dares to break it and wait in groups!

So, I held the straight sword and walked quickly toward one of the ground worms, while Yura kept chanting spells and aimed at the other ground worm.

When I started sprinting, Odachi complained again: "I don't need to demonstrate this time, why not let me appear?"

"You just stayed on my back, why do you always let me use you?" I wondered: "You don't know if you always use it, will you wear out?"

"That's because the sword will become dull if you don't use it," Otato said angrily: "Don't change the proverb casually!"

"Huh? Isn't it worn? It seems that I remembered it wrong, sorry, hahahaha."

While haha, I chopped off the head of the earthworm with a straight knife.

"Ah, bastard, I told you to use me to kill monsters!" Odachi roared, "Smelly boy, did you mean it?"

In an instant, I felt the weight of the Odachi sword on my back heavier.

"If you have something to say, don't be so angry, OK, if you accidentally melt yourself, it won't be good~" I continued to fight haha.

Odachi smiled angrily: "Who have you seen who was lit by anger?"

"Um..." I held my chin and thought for a while: "I haven't seen it."

"It's still a matter of thinking, it's simply impossible, OK! You..."

When Odachi started to get angry again, I blew the whistle without caring.

Another landworm who wanted to besiege Jackson had been blown into a few copper coins by Yula, and a new situation appeared on Jackson's side—a good situation.

Kagali and others, who had completely recovered from the convulsions, had joined Jackson's battle.

The besieged earthworm instantly fell into a state of helpless chaos, the electric ball crackled and shot everywhere.

As soon as it fires an electric ball, Kagali and others will quickly slip behind Jackson, and when the ground worm's offensive becomes weaker, the three of them will quickly get out and launch a fierce attack on the ground worm.

This violent beating that only hit the ground bugs suspected that the bugs were born.

It seems that it has never seen such a disorderly and unpretentious way of fighting. In the past, most of the adventurers were like gentlemen. They competed head-to-head with it in a neat queue, gorgeous moves, and neat methods. At this moment, this is the moment. The four people, whether it was a move or a pass, was so chaotic that it couldn't fight it.

I looked at the four of Kagali and laughed, and Daidachi suddenly said, "Isn't this a heads-up? You were still whispering in your heart that heads-up is sacred and inviolable, so why don't you have a smirk now? I don't intend to stop them in the past. Shameless behavior?"

"Why stop it?" I raised my eyebrows: "Who said that it's heads-up now. Obviously, now this is a group fight, and group fights never pay attention to the rules."

Dadachi sighed: "Smelly boy, you have the final say in and out of the work!"

"You just understand it." I spread my hands: "It's really an afterthought."

"After knowing it, you will fart!" Taitadao said uncomfortably: "I have never seen a shameless guy like you! Even more shameless than my previous master!"

"Thanks for the compliment."

Odachi: "..."

As the saying goes: Punch the master to death.

No matter how tough the earthworm's carapace was, it couldn't be beaten by Kagali and others in turn. Finally, after Kagali's fierce hammer, the earthworm was completely free from the abyss of despair.

After a burst of black smoke, a copper coin and an earthworm tentacles were left on the ground. The copper coin was a reward for killing earthworms, and the tentacles were chopped down by Zac with a battle axe.

I walked over, picked up my tentacles, and sighed. The worms here were really frustrated.

Kagali sighed softly, wiped her sweat, and said to me: "How about it, Xiao Yi, this tactic is still very good."

What can I say, I can only smile bitterly: "The tactics are very good, not only exercised the body, but also killed the enemy."

In fact, this is what I think in my heart: If you use this tactic to kill dozens of landworms, I can guarantee that we will be in the same situation as on the sixteenth floor and be rejected by monsters.

But the only good news is that the crawling speed of ground worms is much lower than that of walking piranhas. It is difficult for them to avoid being humiliated and killed by us by speed.

With effective methods, we must carry forward!

This is Kagali's tactical summary.

Ever since, Jackson, Zach, Billy and Kagali stood in a row, like a snake, and killed the next insect.

Lilya's starry eyes flickered and she chuckled: "This way of fighting is really interesting. This is the first time I have seen it~"

I smiled bitterly and said, "Yes, not only now, the fighting style on the sixteenth floor is also very interesting, and quite weird."

"What happened when I was on the 16th floor?" Fenghuang asked suddenly.

As soon as I turned my head, I heard a bang not far away, and when I looked quickly, I saw a circle of familiar white light spreading and spreading in a circle. It was the scene after the explosion of the charged Qigong bomb.

The smoke dissipated, leaving a large pit in the sand. There was nothing in the pit, and there was no way to know if any coins had fallen.

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