
I gave a dry laugh: Phoenix’s charged Qigong bombs are still as bold as ever!

Following the phoenix, Lilea also took out a small crossbow, activated her combat skills, and fired continuously at one of the ground worms. However, the ground worms had a very strong defense, whether it was bursting, freezing, burning, or piercing. All can only cause superficial trauma, unable to carry out deep damage.

Lilea looked embarrassed when she saw this, she chuckled, "This bug is really strong!"

"No," Fenghuang said with an innocent look: "This little bug is very weak, and it will be gone with my qigong bomb."

Lilya gave her a blank look and ignored her.

I am ashamed.

Actually speaking, Lilea’s attack is already very sharp. You know, Kagali and the others barely wiped out an earthworm after a few rounds of fighting, but Lilea was only one person, and she was very powerful. Although it has a strong force, the initial area is really limited. Unless it hits the ground bug’s weakness in one shot, it will be difficult to kill it with one blow. On the contrary, the Phoenix is ​​different. The charged qigong bomb has a very large attack range and can easily cover the ground bug. The location of the worm's weakness, so it looks like it is directly bombarding the ground worm into dregs.

After Lilea's attack failed, Loki was also eager to try. The modified firecracker in his hand was attached with a magic of blasting attribute, and he aimed a shot at the landworm that Lilea had just attacked.

When the shot was fired, Loki yelled: "Go, Loki One, let the boss see our strength!"

Lead bullets whizzed past, and a harsh scream was drawn in the hot air. The fiery red burst magic was like a burning flame, setting off the fast-speeding lead bullet more majestic!

Since when did this tease begin to have such momentum?

I nodded secretly while looking forward to Rocky One's performance.

With a blast, Rocky One accurately hit the ground worm's head, and the exploded lead debris splashed all over the ground worm's head and back instantly.

Under the blessing of the blasting magic, each piece of lead crumbs was heated to redness, with extremely high temperature, burning the body of the earthworm.

What a gorgeous attack!

I can't help but admire.

Fortunately, because of the improvement of my strength, my eyes have become sharper, and I can appreciate the flight path of the lead bullet and the gorgeousness of the moment after it burst.

With the beauty and the momentum, it depends on the power of the lead bullet. Is it true that Rocky said it can make me admire?

Soon, the smoke and dust dissipated, the lead scraps scattered all over the ground, and the ground worm-it was still a complete one, full of energy, and on its head and back, it did not even leave any burn marks...

Sure enough, Loki was just a funny comparison, no, it was an imposing funny comparison.

Just as Loki looked embarrassed and smirked, Lily suddenly shot out from one side, holding a magic wand longer than her in both hands, waved her arms vigorously, swayed left and right, and couldn't help shouting: "Yeah. Yeah, look at my Lily Magic Missile, yeah!"

Following her scream, a series of magic missiles slammed into the ground bug like hail, the one that was smashed was happy, the one that smashed was enjoyable, the one that smashed was beautiful... but it was useless.

However, with Loki’s lessons learned, I had already expected this kind of ending, the funny duo, it is really a powerful funny!

The ground worm was annoyed by the attack of the three people, and finally roared, moved six thick legs, and ran towards our group.

In its eyes it may be a rush, but in my eyes it is at best a quick walk.

I wanted to go over and solve it myself, but after hearing the singing behind me, I decided to leave the opportunity to them.

The sisters of Ice and Fire both raised their magic wands, and melodious chants sounded. Several ice thorns and a raging flame appeared on the head of the magic wand.

After a few seconds, the heads of the rods were aligned a little, and the ice thorns wrapped in flames and shot the ground bug directly.

Unsurprisingly, the earthworm was killed by a single blow.

In fact, it is difficult for ice thorns and flames to penetrate the tough carapace of the worm, but it is better than the large attack range. One of the ice thorns is not crooked or slanted, and it is in the middle of the neck of the worm, plus a high temperature table. On, it is impossible not to hang up.

Compared to our direct attack players, Yang Kui's performance is very relaxed.

Two magical spider puppets, under the blessing of three little tree people, fought desperately against the ground worms, and there were six clay puppets to help.

The battle between monsters has always been very fierce, especially when the Earthworm still suppressed the enchanted spider on the level. If it weren’t for the small tree man to fix it in place, the enchanted spider would have been blown to pieces by the Earthworm’s electric ball. I don’t know how many times. .

But speaking of it, Yang Ku and the others are really leisurely. While the puppets are fighting, they can still talk and laugh!

I leaned over and asked Yang Kuo, "Are your summoners fighting so idle?"

Yang Ku:?

I pointed to the demonized spider who was fighting desperately, and pointed to Liu Yu who was eating snacks: "While fighting, you can eat snacks and chat. Isn't this way of fighting called idle?"

"Oh, you said this" Yang Xu smiled: "As you can see, this is the true fighting state of our summoner."

"Really?" I doubted: "The first time I met, I saw that your expressions were very solemn and your state was quite serious. What is now..."

"At that time, we didn't have strong teammates to back up. Naturally, we had to guard the surrounding environment and don't let some unscrupulous adventurers secretly attack." He hehe said, "But now the situation is different. We don't need to guard against those, just Just take care of the battle in front of you, and naturally it will be a lot easier."

"Don't you worry about inadvertently causing improper operation and making the magic spider out of control?"

"Don't worry about this" Yang Ku said, "After all, these puppets were summoned by me using soil as the basic element. If they really lose control, they will only change back into a puddle of mud in the first place."

"That's it." I scratched my head and said, "It seems that I have been worrying too much."

During the conversation, the groundworm was pierced by the sharp claws of the demonized spider's neck, and died with a scream.

Yang Ku took a sip of water and said, "Okay, ready for the next one!"

He folded his hands together, chanting a few words, and then slapped his palms on the sand, and the two demonized spiders with heavier damage in the distance turned into loose sand, shattered to the ground, and disappeared.

At three steps away from us, two new enchanted spiders gradually formed, swayed eight thick and sharp legs, shook off the loose sand on their bodies, and rushed to another ground insect.

I was puzzled: "Isn't it wasting magic to re-summon, why not repair the previous enchanted spider?"

Yang Kui retorted: "If you find that the foundation is not strong when you build the house, should you rebuild it or continue to build it?"

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