I really don't understand what the summoning of puppets has to do with building houses, but since Yang Kuo said yes, there must be his reason, and it is not convenient for me to bother.

After that, we cleaned the ground worms for a whole day. Everyone was tired enough, but the effect was not significant. The main reason was that the ground worms were level 8 monsters. In our team, only Godot and I reached 8 levels. Level, the rest are either Level 6 or Level 5.

Originally, such a combination could be considered a blessing to be able to spend a day on the seventeenth floor without incident. Not only did we survive, but we were also harmless. This can already be called a miracle.

On the way back, I kept looking at Jackson’s shield, and Jackson was embarrassed.

Jackson said: "Xiao Yi, do you have any thoughts on my shield?"

I shook my head: "I don't have any opinion at all. I just think it's really awesome. It's not only super defensive, but also non-conductive. I really doubt whether it is made of metal."

"Should... yes" Jackson glanced at the shield and said unsure: "Actually, when my father handed the shield to me, I also asked similar questions, but his old man said, this side The shield is made of real metal, without any other materials."

I nodded and said, "You didn't ask your father, who made this shield?"

"I asked, but he didn't know clearly, but told me that this shield was passed down from generation to generation, and when it was passed to me, I don't know how many generations it has passed."

I thought I could extract the source of the shield from Jackson. Unexpectedly, he only knew a little bit. His father, who might really know this history, was hit hard by monsters as early as when he was very young. , And hung up soon after coming back.

Regarding this, I express my regret, not only for Jackson’s tragic childhood, but also for the lost history of the shield.

After that, I went to the palace to compete again, and then went home with Emily.

As soon as I entered the house, I was pulled into the room by Barbara. I wondered: "What's wrong? Is something upsetting you?"

"Huh!" Barbara pouted, her cheeks bulging, and'I'm not happy' on her face, but she didn't say a word.

"Someone bullied you?" I asked tentatively.


"Oh, it doesn't seem to be the case. Is that because the noble behavior pattern makes you feel uncomfortable?" I asked again.


"Oh, it doesn't seem to be the case, what is it because of?"

Barbara embarrassed and said, "Because the upstairs is so noisy, it's noisy!"


I seem to understand something: "Is it the Queen's Temporary Office?"

"Well, that's it!" Barbara exclaimed, "I didn't even have a nap!"

"So it's like this..." I said to myself, but Barbara was dissatisfied.

"Looking at your nonchalant expression, don't you care about my feelings at all!" Barbara stared at me fiercely, "I am a cat clan. A nap is very important, no, very important!"

"Okay, okay, I understand what you mean." I said as I stretched out my hand and stroked the top of Barbara's head, "But, Barbara, do you know why there is noise upstairs?"


"Because the Queen and the others are discussing what office they want to give us~"

I don't intend to conceal this, anyway, she will know it sooner or later, it is better to know it early, at least you can be psychologically prepared.

"Really?" Barbara's eyes lit up.

This catwoman has two characteristics, one is she loves money, and the other is she likes to be a queen.

The first characteristic is that I have had it since I was a child, but the second characteristic was discovered by the day after tomorrow. The source is the local elite assisting team chief.

In Barbara’s words, it feels great to be held up, like a queen.

Since then, her characteristic has been out of control.

Therefore, when I mentioned the word ‘closing officials’, Barbara’s angry face instantly changed its appearance, turning into the happy expression of a child after getting a new toy.

"Shhh, you must not tell other people about this matter, if too many people know about it, the issue of official closure will be ruined!"

Barbara tilted her head and looked puzzled: "Why?"

"Don't ask why, just remember not to tell other people."

Barbara nodded solemnly.

So, no matter how arrogant a chick is, as long as she has the right temper, she can always make her happy.

During the meal, I saw that the elf queen looked slightly unnatural, presumably the progress of the banning of us was not satisfactory.

It is no wonder that, as she and Elder Sonoda said before, foreigners have become officials of the elves, which has never been the case since ancient times.

To break the custom, it requires not only courage, but also rationality, for example, what benefits can I bring to the elves.

There is a saying that there are no eternal friends or enemies, only eternal interests.

In the face of interests, many things can be compromised, including customs.

This is also the reason why I would ask the elf queen to ask for a knighthood-I can bring them benefits.

Of course, the benefits I bring will naturally not be money, because elves never lack money.

What the elves lack is the most advanced technology and a powerful force they have never mastered. I have both of these.

To be precise, it is not me who has it, but the group behind me.

Goblins have the most advanced technological power, and dwarves have the power to completely crush the elves. In addition, I also have a third trump card-the fairies.

The reason why I didn't show these directly is mainly because of the proud nature of the elves-the more proud people are, the less force they can suppress, otherwise they will only be met with fiercer resistance.

After eating, we chatted for a while, everyone went back to their room to rest, only me and Remy were left in the hall.

I wanted to sneak into the elder Soonda Dance's home to find out the situation tonight, but I forgot that Remy, this little girl, was sleeping in the hall with me.

I tried to coax Remy into the room to sleep, but this little girl had a terrible temper and refused.

In desperation, I had to give up.

As I was about to lie down on the sofa to rest, I heard Remy say in her ear: "Xiao Yi, do you have anything to do?"

I raised my eyebrows: "Why do you say that?"

Remy pointed to my brows: "Every time you have something on your mind, you always wrinkle here."

Hey, I didn't expect that the little girl was observing very carefully.

"It's okay, go to sleep" I rolled over and turned my back against Remy.

Little Lori was silent for a few seconds, and suddenly she put her arms around my neck, she murmured: "Xiaoyi, my mother told me that if you have something to say, you have to do it simply, or you will be suffocated. sickness."

I raised my eyebrows: "What disease can I suppress?"

"Uh..." Remy thought for a while: "It seems to be crazy."

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