Although little Lolita was a joke, I still sweated profusely.

If you don't say anything, you will become neurotic...This is the same as having a fart and not suffocating your heart.

But speaking of it, will it really become neurotic?

The more I thought about it, the more susceptible I became, the more I thought about it, the more I was frightened.

I thought I would go to bed early, but I didn't realize it, but because of Remy's words, I was tossed and turned and couldn't sleep.

After turning over one after another, Remy, who was getting sleepy, was also woke up by me. She slapped my forehead and said tenderly, "Sleep!"

I no longer turn over, but lie still in a position, only to wait for Remy to fall asleep before I sneak out again.

After waiting and waiting, Remy's gentle breathing sounded, and she turned her head secretly, trying to see if she was sleeping, but unexpectedly, she was startled by a pair of shiny objects. When she fixed her eyes, she stared at her. Remy with big eyes!

"You didn't sleep..."

"I was about to go to bed, but I woke up because of you" Remy pouted and continued to stare at me.

I looked at the wall clock on the wall: "Would you like to go outside with me?"

Remy's spirit came instantly: "Where to go?"

I smiled slightly: "Go to a friend's house as a guest."



"Why did you bring her!"

The roar of the elder Sonoda Mai echoed in the room.

Standing across from the elders, I was covered with a lot of dust and Remy, who was dirtier than me.

The two of us who sneaked into the villa of the elder Sonoda Mai relied on the route I usually walk. Originally, with my skills, I did not get dust from the chimney, but today is different. There is an extra remy...

A child’s instinct is to play. She, who seemed to have never drilled a chimney before, finally discovered another great hobby of her own. She was honestly riding on my neck, but since the moment she entered the chimney, she didn’t To be honest, he jumped up and down happily, and occasionally floated around, and then rubbed all over ashes.

I was even more miserable. I was always under her body, and the ash that was rubbed off by her fell on my head and body, and some even went into my nose and mouth.

The taste of dust is unspeakably unpalatable, so I spit out the dust in my mouth while trying my best to free up a hand to fan the dust, but unexpectedly, this behavior actually plunged me into an abyss of despair—— The support of two feet and one hand is never as great as the support of both hands and feet.

Then, I slipped down.

Fortunately, in the end, I forcibly supported my body again with my hands and feet, but both Remy and I have completely turned into grays.

After we came out, we slapped each other with dust on their bodies, and cleaned the dust on each other's faces and arms with water pipes. However, there were still many dust stains like gum sticking to shoes, which couldn't be cleaned.

In desperation, we both had to go to the office room of the elder Mai Sonoda in dismay.

Elder Sonoda Mai rubbed his temples in distress, staring at both of us, especially me, with an expression of wanting to smile and angrily.

I scratched my head embarrassedly: "Hey, there is a reason for it, you have to speak slowly, let's talk..."

"Summarize it to me within the second cross!"

"Okay" I sighed and said, "She wants to follow, so I let her come with her."

"Do you know what period it is now?" Elder Mai Sonoda said solemnly: "The remnants of the big prince have risen again, and some of the elders have broken free from my shackles, and are starting to be tempted by things about fairies. In this situation, you have brought the fairies out. , It is tantamount to plunge her into a crisis!"

"You are right, but if we change our positions, do you really have the heart to make the little girl sad alone?"

"I..." A trace of firmness flashed across the face of Elder Mai Sonoda, but she was instantly melted by Remy's innocent eyes. She hesitated to speak and stopped. After several times, she sighed deeply: "Fine, your strength Not bad, at least it can protect her."

I rubbed Remy's head, knelt down, and whispered: "Go to grandma and act like a baby, grandma will give you sweets."

"Grandma?" Remy tilted her head: "But this grandma is so fierce."

"She just looks fierce, but she is actually a good person."

Elder Sonoda Mai had a very good hearing. After hearing my comment on her, he glared at me, and then put his hand on a box on the tabletop.

At a glance, I felt that there must be something good in the box, and it was specially used to coax the child, so I continued to persuade Remy to act like a baby.

Sure enough, when Remy was reluctant to walk to the elder Sonoda Mai, the elder magically conjured an exquisitely crafted candy from the box. This candy is different from the candy sold in the store. Not only is it exquisitely crafted, but also The aroma is tangy, it is hard to get rid of it.

Remy was not polite, took the candy, and threw it into her mouth, showing satisfaction on her face.

"This candy is specially prepared for my granddaughter. I think you will love it too."

At this moment, Elder Sonoda's expression was completely a kind old grandmother, unlike the resolute, hot-tempered old demon woman in officialdom.

Within a few seconds, Remy swallowed the candy and looked at the elder with hope.

Elder Sonoda's expression seemed to melt. She directly picked up the box and put it into Remy's hand: "Take it, take it all."

Seeing that the scene was a little uncontrollable, I hurriedly said: "My elder, you still don't pet Remy like this..."

Before I could finish my words, I was stared at by the elder Sonoda Mai: "Such a lovely child, is it only for you to spoil me and not me to spoil him?"

I'm speechless.

After that, Elder Sonoda Mai took Remi to her granddaughter’s room again, introduced Remi to her granddaughter, then exited the room, locked the door, and before locking the door, she repeatedly told her granddaughter, unless it was She opened the door herself, otherwise no one would knock on the door.

On the way back to the office room, I asked Elder Sonoda Mai: "Why do you ask to open the door specially?"

The elder sighed deeply and said, "I'll tell you, half of my waiters and servants are eyeliners inserted in."

"Since you already know their identities, why not get rid of them?" I wondered.

"It's easy to get rid of them," the elder said, "but keeping them is more useful."

"What do you mean?" I asked.

"Open guns are easy to hide, but hidden arrows are hard to guard."

I thought about it for a moment, then suddenly smiled: "It's your old man who thinks deeply, hehe."

"So young people, don't be too arrogant, your previous attitude was very bad," Mai Sonoda taught the lesson.

"The elder taught me," I pretended to be busy.

Entering the office room, closing the door, the elder said: "Let's talk about it, what are you doing this time?"

"I mainly want to find out about the title of the title" I said: "I don't know how this matter is in the noble circle?"

People who like to walk in dungeons are not normal, please collect: ( People who walk in dungeons are not normal. The literature is updated the fastest.

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