After leaving the room, everyone was still chatting in the hall. I sorted out the clothes, only to find that the collar had been torn by Barbara's nails.

When Princess Aurora's gaze fell on my collar, her tender and pretty face blushed, then she forced her gaze away, not looking at me, and instead chatting with Princess Analita who was sitting next to her.

Obviously, she must have misunderstood something.

Although I have nothing to do with her, it is not a good thing to be misunderstood for no reason.

Clearing my throat awkwardly, I turned around and went back to the room, and came out with a new set of clothes.

Sitting across from Princess Aurora, I asked: "My princess, your visit to my house is truly brilliant."

"Mr. An Xiaoyi, you are being polite" Princess Aurora's cheeks were slightly red, and said: "I'm just passing by, come in by the way and chat."

"So it's just passing by" I said, staring at her seriously, and said: "You really have nothing to do?"

The dwarf princess's face was red, and her tone was low and weak: "True, true...nothing."

I was about to ask again. I felt a pain in my leg. I looked down. Kagali was twisting my thigh hard, looking up at her suspiciously, but she kept blinking at me and shaking her head, which might tell me to stop being aggressive. Got it.

Now, since Kagali has signaled me, then I won't ask any more, anyway, asking too many will only cause trouble.

Thinking of this, I shut up and leaned back on the sofa, squinting and dozing off.

After I don’t know how long, I suddenly received a violent slap on my cheeks. Amid a loud bang and slight pain, I woke up, looked around for a few times, and said in a daze: "What's the matter? Who is hitting? I?"

Just listen to Barbara's voice ringing behind me: "Well, he is awake, princess, what do you want to ask, please tell me."

I looked at the princess blankly.

Princess Aurora looked apologetic and said: "Sorry, I didn't plan to wake you up, and it's not an important thing..."

Rubbing my cheeks, I looked distressed: "Forget it, I'm already awake anyway, just tell me what you want."

"That..." Princess Aurora touched her index fingers a few times, bit her lip, and whispered, "Excuse me, how is Mi Lulu doing now?"

"Mi Lulu?" I scratched my hair: "I haven't contacted her for a long time. Isn't she your personal guard, Princess Princess?"

"Well, she is my personal guard, yes, but..."

"Just what?" I asked.

"Just recently, I sent her to Dasai City to support the work of the Dwarf Guild in Dasai City."

"Huh?" I wondered: "Since you know where she has gone, why don't you just ask the guild, just a call is all you need."

"The guild said that Mi Lulu temporarily went to the border city to maintain law and order, so I came to ask you if this is true..."

Princess Aurora’s voice was getting smaller and smaller. At the end of it, it was hard for me to hear what she was talking about. Moreover, her eyes avoided me when she spoke, which made me feel very wrong.

I frowned and said, "Princess Lord!"

"Huh?" Princess Aurora raised her head to look at me in a panic.

"Please increase the volume, okay, otherwise I can't hear anything, how can I answer your question?"

"Oh" the princess answered again and again, and then raised the volume to tell the story bit by bit. When it was said that Mi Lulu was sent to maintain law and order, her volume was a little lowered, and she spoke well. Hesitating, seemingly embarrassed.

I sighed and said, "Princess, if you don't want to say anything, please change the topic, otherwise you will be tired when you talk, and I will be even more tired!"

"Xiaoyi!" Kagali pulled off my arm and smiled at Princess Aurora: "Sorry, your Royal Highness, my Xiaoyi, he is not malicious, but a little tired today, if you really have something to say , Please explain clearly, everyone here is very strict and will never reveal even a word."

Princess Aurora hesitated, and she was silent for a moment, before she explained everything after Mi Lulu was sent to the border city to maintain law and order.

It turned out that Dasai City’s border villages were repeatedly attacked, but Dasai City was unable to deploy troops there to block the enemy because of the upcoming Peace Tournament. Therefore, it recruited mercenaries from various adventurer guilds in Dasai City. Among them, the Dwarf Guild The leader was short of staff, so she applied to Princess Aurora, requesting that Mi Lulu, who had experienced many battles, be sent to the post of dwarven mercenary commander.

This was originally a good thing. It could grow the team and gain prestige. But who could have expected that in the night of the last few days, the village was suddenly attacked by enemies. The sudden incident and the large number of enemies resulted in Mi Lulu was seriously injured, although she was not life-threatening, but she was unconscious.

Mi Lulu was in a coma. The dwarf guild did not inform Princess Aurora. It was reported by the intelligence personnel of Princess Aurora secretly. In order not to affect the mood of the guild, Princess Aurora resisted not going. Asked about Mi Lulu, but suddenly visited my home today, wanting to ask me about Mi Lulu's injuries, but she didn't know how to say this, so she hesitated.

Cursing my lips, I sighed, "What's wrong with this? I really don't understand your thoughts, Lord Princess. How do you and Mi Lulu have fought side by side with me? They are good friends, friends. If you are in trouble, you can ask me for help at any time, as long as I am not in distress, you can help you!"

"But...I always trouble you..."

Princess Aurora said with a look of embarrassment.

"Oh, your Royal Highness, trouble proves that my Xiaoyi is capable. If my Xiaoyi is not capable, would you still find my Xiaoyi~" Kagali euphemistically excused Princess Aurora.

But what she said was really bad, and she felt like she had agreed to this matter for me.

I frowned and wanted to say something to her, but seeing her winking at me, presumably she had her own thoughts, so I endured it.

Princess Aurora said, "Thank you, An Xiaoyi."

As she said, she got up and saluted me.

I hurriedly helped her up and said, "Helping friends, thank you not to be, hey, tell me, what do you want me to do?"

"I would like to invite you to visit Darcy City to help me inquire about Mi Lulu."

I pondered for a moment and exhaled, "Well, I promise you."

Princess Aurora's breath finally eased.

I stood up, stretched my waist, and said, "Some are busy again."

That night, I asked Kagali why she was so comforting the princess.

Kagali said: "Princess Aurora is the youngest daughter of the Dwarf King, his most doting daughter, and one of his most capable children, and it is very likely that she will become the next Dwarf King in the future. , We should try our best to make a good relationship so that we can talk later."

"Queen of the Dwarves?" I muttered twice: "Why do you always feel a little offensive?"

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