The People Walking in Dungeons are surely not Normal

Chapter 1085: The problem of President Aoli

Early the next morning, I set off and sat on the airship. While breathing, I looked at my villa through the window.

"Hey" I sighed: "Really, as soon as the **** warms up, I have to set off again. Why do you think people are so busy?"

"Tsk, I still want to complain." Jackson put the big shield on the wall with a gloomy look: "Your Royal Highness asked me, but you pulled me too, hey, I really want to accompany the lady boss more. !"

While talking, he took out the picture of the boss's wife from his arms and looked at it in a daze.

"It's muddy!" I said helplessly: "Just your move, if you let the boss know about it, wouldn't you take your skin?"

"Skinning is also a kind of tenderness." Jackson stared at the photo affectionately. "As long as she doesn't hate me, everything is fine."

Is this the beauty in the eyes of the lover?

My eyes twitched and I don't know how to express my feelings at the moment.

Turning my eyes, I asked him: "Hey, let me ask you, do you think the Elf Queen looks good?"

Jackson said without looking up: "Ask me what this is for?"

"Take it as a flavoring agent for the journey, just say, do you look good?"

"Hmm..." He thought for a while and said: "It looks good, it should be considered a top beauty."

"Huh? Your aesthetic point of view is so right!" I exclaimed: "I thought you had a different aesthetic point of view from others!"

"How is it possible!" Jackson said uncomfortably: "My aesthetic point of view is very positive, no different from the world!"

"Then I don't understand. Since your aesthetic point of view is so positive, why are you still infatuated with a woman like the boss's... sturdy woman?"

"Sturdy is just the appearance" Jackson tweeted: "It's different from how you look at people. I pay more attention to the inside."

"Yeah, I was taught." I quickly sat across from Jackson and said with a pious face: "Then, Master Jackson, can you tell me what is the inner part of the lady boss that you are obsessed with?"

Jackson cleared his throat with an arrogant look, and said, "First of all, the lady boss is a gentle person. Secondly, she has a strong heart. Thirdly, she is hardworking and capable and knows how to keep a house. Finally, she is very kind, um. At present, it can be summarized as these points. Perhaps there are still many advantages I have not discovered yet."

tender? strong? industrious? Kindness?

I absolutely agree with the last three points, but the first point...Remember that back then, when I helped the proprietress, every time I backed the pot for Barbara, the proprietress hit her head severely, and almost every time she hit it, it would swell up. A big bag will take several days to reduce the swelling!

This is also called gentleness?

It seems that I can't understand Jackson's definition of gentleness.

The magic airship quickly arrived at Dasai City. After getting off the airship, I took Jackson and walked quickly to the Dwarf Guild.

After entering the guild, I saw President Aoli with a sad face, sitting in the hall and sighing.

"It's been a long time, President Aoli!" I pretended not to know anything, and enthusiastically stepped forward to greet him.

President Aoli looked up and saw that it was me. He immediately covered the melancholy with a hearty smile: "Isn't this An Xiaoyi, why are you here today?"

I chuckled, "Isn't this missing an old friend?"

President Aoli hugged me, then looked at Jackson, who was holding a shield next to him, and said, "This is..."

"Introduce," I said: "This is my capable man and the strongest shield of my guild, Jackson."

"The strongest meat shield" President Aoli muttered, while looking at me with profound eyes.

I nodded imperceptibly.

President Aoli laughed and said, "Go, let's go to the room inside to reminisce about the past."

After all, dragged me into the most hidden room in the guild.

Jackson did not come in together, but guarded the door with a shield.

After seated, President Aoli raised his eyebrows and asked me: "Xiaoyi, why are you here today?"

I sighed softly, and said: "It's true that I am here for Mi Lulu's business."

"What!" President Aoli was surprised: "Mi much do you know?"

"All" I said, "Princess Aurora told me in person."

"She already knows the princess!" President Aoli immediately panicked: "How can this be good, how good is this..."

"Don't underestimate the princess's intelligence ability" I said: "Also, why are you hiding the princess?"

"Is this also the princess sent you to ask?" President Aoli asked, raising his head.

"No, this is just a question raised by me personally. Princess Princess didn't say anything, but just got rid of me and paid attention to Mi Lulu's injury."

The president sighed: "Actually, I didn't intend to hide the princess, but everyone knows that the princess is delicate in mind, and she is a sister to Mi Lulu. Once Mi Lulu is seriously injured, she will definitely get confused again. Her mind is upset, and that is the guilt of my subjects!"

Reaching out and patted him on the shoulder, I said: "I can understand your mood, but there are some things that can't be kept, besides, the other party is still a princess, the king's favorite child."

"Then, what should I do now?" President Aoli said with a sad face.

"The most urgent task now is to inform the princess of Mi Lulu's true situation, and let the princess know her heart. As for other things, haven't I already brought someone here."

"Forgive me, Xiaoyi, the person you brought, his strength..."

"He is a sixth-level adventurer" I said truthfully.

"Level six..." President Aoli was a little bit awkward: "Although level six adventurers can already become the mainstay of many guilds on the Hefeng Continent, in our Dwarf Guild..."

"I know how you think about it" I smiled: "Yes, most level six adventurers can only play the role of soy sauce in the dwarf guild, but my friend, he is different from the average level six adventurer, he has An ancestral shield, this shield can even withstand the attacks of adventurers above level ten, I mean a full blow, and this shield will not suffer any damage."

"Really so awesome?" President Aoli exclaimed.

"When did I lie to you?"

"That's all right" President Aoli said: "Actually, it is not difficult to put your people in the team, but the difficulty is that I am afraid that his strength will not be good and he will not be able to convince the crowd. You know, even the king Children who want to enter the guild have to start from the lowest level of work."

"Understand" I smiled.

This is the secret of the powerful dwarven guild.

Before he became king, the dwarf king also served in the dwarf guild. He participated in several wars between the five major guilds. He was seriously injured once and slightly injured hundreds of times. Now he takes off his clothes every time he takes a bath. , The hideous scars all over the body will show up, making people feel awe-inspiring.

The king is like this, not to mention his people.

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