The People Walking in Dungeons are surely not Normal

Chapter 1092: Sharp battle axe and blunt battle axe

Some people say that hatred is a poison, the more it becomes more deadly, while revenge is an antidote and can make people feel at ease.

Before, I didn't believe it, but when I saw Mi Lulu's hateful eyes, I was finally convinced.

In the past two days, a staff member from the adventurer base came to me and said that I was on the phone.

When the call was connected, it was Kagali's voice: "Xiaoyi, when are you coming back? How many days have you been since?"

I thought about it and said, "I'll go back in a few days."

"A few days later?" Kagali increased her tone and said, "What the **** are you doing, it takes so long?"

"I'm in Yana City, assisting the dwarves in the garrison, preparing to clean up the guy who made a surprise attack last time."

"Yana City?" Kagali paused and said, "Well, you'll come back soon after you're done. Don't do anything meaningless, you know?"

"Huh?" I pretended to be stupid: "What do you mean by meaningless things?"

Kagali did not say a word, but Barbara's voice suddenly sounded: "That is to say, don't mess with flowers, get it!"

"Okay—" I stretched back.

Hanging up the call, I went straight to the dwarf garrison camp with Odachi on my back.

It was a tall tent, made of ordinary fabrics, and the foundation of the frame was just ordinary steel bars, but it was unexpectedly strong. Even if there was a strong wind, it still remained motionless, which surprised me.

President Aoli listened to my question and explained: "Don’t forget, we are dwarves. Dwarves are born geniuses in architecture. They are just a tent, not enough to mention. If you are interested in Xiaoyi, you can go and study. Find any dwarf master to learn about architecture."

I hurriedly declined, "No, no, no, I took your suggestion, but I am not interested in architecture or invention at all."

Entering the tent, Mi Lulu was polishing the giant axe.

The giant axe is as tall as hers, and the wide axe face is even wider than her shoulders. Under the illumination of the magic light, the axe face is shining with cold light-this is her most handy weapon.

The giant axe is very heavy, and the average adult male adventurer of the human race cannot lift it off the ground with one hand, but Mi Lulu can lift it with one hand, but it will also feel difficult to swing it.

Hard work is hard work, but this is how the giant axe fights. It will be lifted high above her head by Mi Lulu, and then she will see the right time and chop down at the enemy.

With the weight of the giant axe, coupled with the power of Mi Lulu's chopping, combined into one, even a marble brick can be split in half in an instant, let alone a human body composed of flesh and blood.

Therefore, even if an opponent whose strength is one or two levels higher than Mi Lulu, when facing Mi Lulu, he will definitely use all his attention to guard against Mi Lulu's attacks.

In terms of fighting spirit, Mi Lulu was a complete victory, but in terms of defense, Mi Lulu was at a weaker level-this was only compared to other members of the same clan.

The tightness of the skin of dwarves is different from that of other races. Their skin can ignore low-level magic and low-damage slashing, which is unmatched by other races.

But when encountering high-level magic and high damage, the dwarf will still be injured or even killed, such as Mi Lulu's previous penetration injury.



After watching Mi Lulu grinding the axe for a while, I felt a little bored. I found a chair and sat down and prepared to close my eyes to rest. At this time, the voice of Daidachi sounded in my mind: "Seeing the little girl grinding the axe, What do you think about it?"

"Feelings?" I looked puzzled: "What can you feel about that?"

"Don't you feel lucky, don't you even have any idea of ​​gratitude?" Dadachi asked back.

"What are you grateful for, what are you grateful for, what are you talking about?" I was already confused.

Otato said angrily: "Have you sharpened the knife?"

"No," I answered truthfully.

"That's not it." Ota said: "Because of me, you can avoid the boring process of sharpening your weapons, so that you can doze lazily on a chair like you are now. All this is because With my existence, hurry up, praise me, worship me!"

Odachi speaks like a smug **** stick.

In order to satisfy its vanity, I had to say perfunctorily: "Okay, thank you, praise you, Lord Leopold Blade..."

While praising Odachi, Mi Lulu's voice came from the side: "Xiaoyi, what are you doing?"

"Oh, I'm praising Leopold's Blade" I answered casually.

"Xiaoyi, what are you talking about?" Mi Lulu asked in confusion: "What is Leo? What is that?"

I was stunned, and I came back to my senses and said hurriedly: "Oh, nothing, that's the name of this knife, hehe."

"Oh, you named your knife" Mi Lulu smiled: "To tell you, I also named my tomahawk, but the name is not very good, so I won't tell you."

As she said, she stuck out her tongue.

I lowered my head and stared at the sharpening stone for a while, and suddenly said: "Actually, Mi Lulu, you don't have to sharpen your battle axe specially."

"Why?" she wondered.

"With its size, you can completely use it as a warhammer" I explained: "In this way, the enemy is smashed into meatloaf all at once, simple and crude, and has a unique visual effect."

"But wouldn't it be cruel?" Mi Lulu said with a light in her eyes, pretending to be scared.

"One is split into two pieces in an instant, and the other is instant fleshy" I thought for a while and said, "It seems that the miserable degree of the two is not much different."

"No," Mi Lulu retorted: "What you said is wrong. The enemy was cut in half, at least he still looks like a person. If necessary, he can distinguish the identity of the opponent, but it is different if it is smashed into flesh. , It will become a pool of things that no one can tell."

"Huh?" I thought about it again, nodded and said, "What you said makes sense."

As he was talking, the door of the tent opened, and President Aoli and President Steel Hammer walked in side by side.

As soon as President Steel Hammer came in, he shouted, "Xiaoyi, Mi Lulu, what are you two talking about?"

"Oh" I said: "We are talking about whether it is more humane to use a sharp battle axe, or to hit people with a blunt battle axe is more humane."

"Then what's the result?" the President of Steel Hammer asked.

"The results haven't been discussed yet" I said.

"Then, do you want me to help you analyze which is more humane?" President Steel Hammer said with interest.

Before we could speak, President Aoli slapped President Steel Hammer on the back of his head: "You have enough, is it time to talk about this kind of thing?"

President Steel Hammer staggered. He covered the back of his head and said with dissatisfaction: "If you don't let me talk, I won't say anything. Don't think I can't beat you. I'm giving you face in front of the juniors!"

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